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Darth SINner

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I have a problem with the Undercity on Teris. Everytime i get close to the gate the game freezes. A message appears saying that it has experianced a problem. I get the option to debug it (which i have done about 25 times or so) send the error report or don't send the report. Could someone please enlighten me as to what is wrong. is it my computer or a glitch in the game.

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It's your computer. I've never had that problem in that section. I have had crashes since installing various mods (no biggie for me since it's random) but if you have a clean install with no mods then most likely it's your video card and/or ram.

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I have a problem with the Undercity on Teris. Everytime i get close to the gate the game freezes.

If it's where I think it is, there is a cut scene that happens there. Are there any mods installed? Especially ones in that deal with that area in which your problem happens?

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