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mikman conspiracy help please :)

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There are two "islands" that you can reach by the telephone lines.

Don't go to the island that you get to by jumping over the electric bolts (at the top of the poles where the line meets the pole) unless you have everything you need. This is where the Boss match takes place and once you enter the house, you can't exit the house and go back to find missing figments, etc.

First , make sure you go to the other island that you can reach by telephone wire. On that island you'll find some goodies you need.


In order to enter the Boss house, you need to knock on the door. Turn Invisible. A little girl will open the door just a little. When she doesn't see anyone she will eventually open the door all the way. Jump over her and into the house to start the cut scene that will lead to the Boss level.

Sorry, don't know how to make the background white to hide the spoiler info better.

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Just a quick note, if you don't get all figments and stuff first time round, before the boss battle, you can always go back again later in the game via the collective unconcious.

Yes, that is correct. I meant if you wanted to try and find everything in one visit (which I've only been able to do with Lungfishopolis).


As for the first "island" reached by telephone pole...the telephone pole to reach it is back near the beginning of the level, next to the house where you need clipping shears to enter.

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