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Rebels - Campaign

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Well, you don't have to defeat the enemy units at all. The acclamators/TIEs will just keep going past your position.


I don't think the transport shuttles will be destroyed, do you meen Captain antille's ship? You can just keep that out of the way, as your X-Wings destroy the TIE fighters, and your Y wings disable the shuttles

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Well, I think the patch is fixing up that level.


No, sorry there is no bug or anything wrong with tha mission. No need for a patch just for that mission. I thought that mission was really ereally easy, but i can tell what you mean. I'm having a lot of trouble with "Needle in a Haystack" getting frustrating everyone is telling me the same thing, and its not working....

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Obi, make sure to move in the Y-Wings and quickly follow up with Antilles ship. Use his engine special ability to quickly get the shuttles safe. Otherwise try your best ;) Use one Y-Wing per shuttle as well, dont waste them all on one shuttle.


lol..thanx. I wasn't playing much attention to the objectives. :lol: But, know I have a slight problem. After am I suppose to move 3PO & R2 to Mon Calamari? B/c they keep repling that only droids can steal technology. I maybe mis-interpretting again. XP

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