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EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 (Space Combat)


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Edwynn > Yep, the changes will be in, except for the Skirmish-specific changes e.g. skirmish build costs.


I don't think I'll introduce the Venator, since it fulfils no role that is already taken. Maybe I'll enable it as a pirate-buildable ship.


I don't know how to get the .tga files replaced, so until someone else figures it out, it'll stay that way.


The interdictor's abilities are too useful gameplay since to limit to only the Imps. However, I will be implementing a suggestion from someone on the Petro forums to make it more plausible as a rebel ship.

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I see your point about balance and the Interdictor, as well as the possibility for it to be captured by the rebels.


I'm not a greatly-skilled at modding myself (can only do the rather straightforward), but a question. Would it be difficult to merge the Interdictor's abilities with a rebel cruiser hull?

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I like hte mod as far as the balance changes you made and making the space fights feel more epic. I dont like your new additions. The units make your mod and the game feel cheap. Regardless if the rebels could have stolen or even had Intredictors, it doesnt matter the game is not the same and does not feal like SW when I have a Star Destroyer on the Rebellion Side.


What if they released this game with just Star Destroyers vs Star Destroyers. It wouldnt be a SW game no matter how they justified it.


Take out the new units. Focus on what the space fights already have to offer

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Necroe > The carrack is only available at level 3. If it's available on level 2 it means that you downloaded an early version of 2.0. The one available now is only available at level 3.


Ath > The Interdictor is too important gameplay wise for those who wish to play against each other with this mod. If you don't want it, just don't build it. If someone comes up with a model for the Corellian CC-7700 Interdictor Frigate I'll replace it with that, but for now, no.


And the new ships will be staying in. There isn't any fast support ship that can help out in Capital Ship battles except the Corellian Gunship, and they will address the issue. Same thing, if you don't like them, don't build them or remove them.


Jan > Ok! Thanks for the merge.

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Really excellent mod the battles feel alot more balanced and last a good duration. I do find the hyperspace travel a touch slow now even though I agree it should have been reduced from the original value.


Could you let me know in which file the value is located (probably gameconstants?) and what it's called so I can adjust it?



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i love the new ships just the carrack's anti-shields seems TOO STRONG i mean one salvo does a hellava lot of shield dmg to ships!


maybe its just me being scared due to using the tartan model i try to flee as soon as i see it :p


can't wait till we can get proper models in and all!


about the sd vs sd comment, no its not the same its an interdictor its not a major fighting force! and i believe it's probably temporary till we can get the CC7700 model in!

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Kim you need to change ALL the hyperspace speeds for each space unit in their respective SPACEUNIT files. However, in the next update i've upped the hyperspace speed from 0.15 to 0.30.


I lowered the Carrack's RoF as well, still figuring out the best way to increase the corvettes' longevity as well.

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i don't think longativity is the problem its the damage, sure it does nice damage but compared to the tartan its pathetic, if i have a squad of 5 ywings, the SECOND i see a tartan i pause, make em fly away...by the time theyre away theres 2 left. at half health.


that's ONE tartan.

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It would be nice when the Rebel Capitalships would have a fighter loadout aswell. Is it possible to do that without letting the Fighters respawn?


In XvT:Balance of Power there is a modified Stike Cruiser doing a similar job of an Interdictor. Maybe you can build that in.

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i think the carrack and torpedo boat both contribute as well as the interceptor as a counter to the awing!


carrack is great for taking down shields of the moncal although maybe too good (just like the tartan), the torpedo boat works as an early, weak assault frigate.

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hey love the mod but 2 quick questions..


1) how did you mod the speed at which the cap. ships turn it seems way to fast too me and I would like to set it back to the normal setting


2) also why not add fighter squadrons too Mon Cals, and Nebulon-B frigates I know that this would seem to make the Mon Cals overpowered but if you added more fighters to SD it should balance and plus those two ships do carry fighters in the star wars universe lastly it would make the Nebulon-B frigates worth building


if some one could tell me how to change these things in the XML files I could do it thanks!

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Hey, I started on a TIE interceptor model, I'm not the best at making the textures though...so...can anyone else do it?




I used XSI to do this, around 900 triangles now, and also I can easily get it into another program for .ALO and .ALA file exporters when they come out.

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That's very nice Wildcat! Once it can be converted to .alo it'd be great to use it :)


And one thing about targeting in this game, especially with fightercraft since they are so fast. If you want to run them away from a tartan, DON'T DO IT IN A STRAIGHT LINE. This is the same reason why when you get those same Y-wings to ATTACK the Tartan, they don't die, and they _Will_ kill the Tartan, especially if you use Ion Shot first.


Here are the changes I've made so far.




Capital Ships' rate of speed reduced from first adjustment. Was too fast. It is still faster than

default turning.


All advanced fighter squadrons costs down from 500 to 450 to help Rebels against TIE swarms.


Corvettes now take less damage from frigates and capital ships. They still die fast if you leave

them stationary.


Carrack Cruiser RoF reduced slightly.


Slave 1's Harmonic bomb reduced from 600 range / 300 damage to 390 range / 85 damage. For comparison,

X-wing has 90 health, A-wing 70 health and Y-wing 110 health.


All gunnery crews have been given basic training. They should now be able to hit the broad side

of a barn. (Default EAW had frigates and corvettes with 70 inaccuracy against capital ships)


All space structures now prevent hyperspace jumps too close to them. They do have a mass shadow

after all, and hyping into one is not a smart idea. If you own the structure, your navigators will

be able to plot a more accurate jump and the mass shadow does not apply.


All heavy turbolasers no longer target fightercraft. This made winning the AI too easy

when they stupidly aimed their big guns at fighters and ignored capital ships.


Skirmish starting credits can be set at 20000 now to address the issue of the AI being

boring early game as it spent most of its credits upgrading in the first 10-15 minutes.

Simply set this higher to see the AI throw bigger ships your way faster.


Rebel Interdictor now has a unique description. Req. by Many People.


Venator can now be purchased from Pirate/Merchant spacedock in Skirmish.


Skirmish Space Station Upgrade shifted to research queue so that AI will build more units

to fight with.

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hey love the mod but 2 quick questions..


1) how did you mod the speed at which the cap. ships turn it seems way to fast too me and I would like to set it back to the normal setting


2) also why not add fighter squadrons too Mon Cals, and Nebulon-B frigates I know that this would seem to make the Mon Cals overpowered but if you added more fighters to SD it should balance and plus those two ships do carry fighters in the star wars universe lastly it would make the Nebulon-B frigates worth building


if some one could tell me how to change these things in the XML files I could do it thanks!



sorry if I may have been unclear... my question wasn't what you have done but I was wondering how you did it so I can set it back to regular on my setup... also if somone could let me know how you add X-wing and Y-wings to mon cals and Nebulan B's besides that this mod is the best!

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Don't worry Falcon, I personally felt the ships turned too fast for their size.


And about space pop caps and fighters, I always thought that the cost of the fighter squadron would be more important than whether they took up any population cap.


Also, all the power to weapons is at 0.5. It used to be 0.2 for the tartan, meaning it fired 5x as fast. Anyway, just remember that cost wise, you can get 3 X-wing squadrons or 4 Y-wing squadrons. And these will take out the Tartan.


Or, just use a capital ship to do it. Fighters still last long enough to help out in battles anyways.

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