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Star Wars day!


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

But I am your father!


Just ask your mo--wait. This is degenerating fast. biggrin.gif Nevermind.

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*starts breathing heavily and puts on mechanical voice*


Luke, I am your great-grandmothers half-brothers second cousin twice removed. biggrin.gif



And what of the Director's Lenses?


The logs show they fled the scene in a shuttle. That is all the information we have sir, there is a high probability that the shuttle was destroyed in the battle.


A shame.....but we'll buy George Lucas another pair of glasses.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

very bad joke my sister tried that one on me frown.gif



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Rune Haako

"No, Luke, I am you MOTHER!"



Bomb Squad leads the way! HUA!

Bow down before the Overlord of Large Fonts!

Proud member of the TZG--Forum Time.

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*giggles like a lil school girl* scary rhymes with hairy


*clears throat* Luke.......i am your achoholic father's mother's mother cousin who was the friend of ur 5th cousin who had a girlfriend who attended Betty Ford.



"Est Sularas oth Mithas" My Honor is my Life

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Darth Helmet: I am yer brother's father's uncle's nephew's son's former roommate!


Lonestar: So what does that make us?


Darth Helmet: Absolutely nothing.


[This message has been edited by JR2000Z (edited May 04, 2001).]

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Guest Coffeebean_uk




No friend have I like thee to trust,

For mortal helps are brittle dust.

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