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AT-AT enhancements...


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I've mentionned this in a different thread already but the topic didn't fit at all. That's why I started a new thread... so don't kill me ;)

I managed to reactivate the headmounted lasers of the AT-ATs... that's one step further towards consistency ;)


See attached screenie


Test screenie



The way I have it now is that only one of the weapons (main cannon or secondary "ear"-lasers) can be active... I "ripped" the rocket_shot of the rebels which means you can switch between the standard heavy lasers and the sidemounted medium lasers. Those are - right now at least - designed to be anti-aircraft and anti-infantry weapons.


But I also had two other scenarios in mind:


1. All Weapons are available at all times with target filters... meaning that (hopefully) you simply cannot shoot fighters with the main cannons. Having both weapons always active would be quite deadly for everything though.


2. You can link both weapons (with a special ability button similar to the rocket shot) but at a cost of reduced firepower and/or reload time for the main cannon due to the energy redirection necessary.


What do you think?

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I have a question for you. How youy did that.


I tryed to add it but I had no success.


My method was to add the ability to AT-AT. In other words copy paste the ability from T4 directly to the AT-AT.


Thank you fr your awnser.

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Well the ability I added wasn't really new so I can't comment on how to add new ones.


First thing I did was the same Orao did, copy the one-liner from the T4B to the AT-AT in groundvehicles.xml.


Then I made two new hardpoints and added them to the AT-AT (there are two existing ones that I copied and modified, although the existing ones are not used by the AT-AT). To make sure that both weapons don't fire at the same time you have to add those "Fire_When_In_Rocket_Attack_Mode" lines in both files, hardpoints.xml and groundvehicles.xml.

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While you're at it enhancing the AT-AT, again, I've been looking into changing the Blizzard 1's (Veers' AT-AT) special "Maximum Firepower" ability to fire 2 very thick laser bolts, rather than a chaingun effect when activating it, but still doing the same damage. I still haven't gotten it to work, and kinda given it up abit.


Any ideas?


(You seem to understand this alittle better than me. :p )

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Yea, sure... to achieve what they did they removed the salvo delay with the line:


<Mod_Multiplier>WEAPON_DELAY_MULTIPLIER, 0.0f</Mod_Multiplier>


He's still firing with the same amount of bolts defined further up but without any delay. The first step would be to remove this line from the ability list. He then fires as usual (as defined further above the abilities) but with a different projectile. To compensate for the fewer bolts you have to adjust the "Proj_Veers_AT_AT_Max_Power_Laser_Red" projectile. Just do the math (8 bolts times 60 splash damage I think) and replace the numbers to fit the two bolts.


Hope that wasn't too confusing ;)


PS: I made exactly the same change myself ;)

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1. All Weapons are available at all times with target filters... meaning that (hopefully) you simply cannot shoot fighters with the main cannons. Having both weapons always active would be quite deadly for everything though.

What do you think?

The best option in my humble opinion. No hassle to activate an ability in order to hit an air target (that normally is too quick).

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The best option in my humble opinion. No hassle to activate an ability in order to hit an air target (that normally is too quick).



I'm gonna try that tomorrow... (23:00 over here)


@vanen22: Well, should be no problem... but I don't have this as a separate mod... I have quite a few changes (optical shot enhancements and damage/balance changes) in about 10 of the .xml files now. I can either release all of it or you can - if you want to add things like this yourself - ask me for specific files or code pieces as a background for your own changes. But right now I'm gonna go to bed ;))

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okay, for those who may be interested... this are all the changes I've made so far in one .zip.


Here's a short list:

- changed laser shot textures

- changed all laser visuals (speed and size)

- removed Tie Mauler (Crawler) and Empire Artillerie

- changed some armor values (AT-STs do more damage to infantry i.e. AT-AT more durable but also more vulnerable to Sticky Bombs, just to name two)

- added and modified the Venator to the Rebel fleet (together with a hangar bay and V-Wing Squadrons and with Turbo Lasers instead of Concussion Missiles)

- added the Moldy Crow piloted by Kyle Katarn (powerful fighter-like craft. I have no deeper knowledge of the Crow so my values are my personal preference)

- improved the AT-ST (more effective against infantry - "all energy to weapons" power instead of barrage)

- improved the AT-AT (added sidemounted lasers against infantry and speeders)

- moved the AT-AT to tech level 4 and doubled it's build cost

- increased the reload time of the AT-ATs "Deploy Stromtroopers" ability (from 20 seconds to 120)

- drastically reduced the spawn of the advanced facility garrison (only 1 spare AT-AT 3 minutes after the first one is destroyed)

- doubled the size of Home One and enhanced its shields and durability

- enhanced the durability of all ISDs

- tweaked alot of weapons (turrets, starships and vehicles)

- changed the rebel version of "Galactic Conflict" to have both sides start with only one planet (Hoth and Coruscant) - empire version still pending.


Okay... I think that's about the major changes. You caught me somewhere in the middle of some of the changes but it's playable and fun (I guess). I do not claim to have improved the balance or whatsoever... I just made the changes in a way that I thought would be fun atmospheric. Taking down an AT-AT is now much more of a challnge and you feel like you have accomplished something. Playing the rebels should overall be more difficult now.




Download v.001


PS.: I changed the AT-AT fire mode to the one Athanasios suggested, but I haven't tested it yet... feedback is always welcome ;)

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