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*Breaks through the wall with his new body design which resembles a 6ft indestructable(Try all you want and you make a scratch) Wing Zero complete with armamments*




Bring it on!


*Points Twin Buster Rifle at Zoom*





Official Forum Nuclear Terrorist & God of Insanity

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Assimilates every idiot into the Deac collective. SW is perfection.



Hehehehe! Stupid borg. You won't assimilate me! You couldn't assimilate a-what the?




I am Deacutus of Borg. Resistance is futile.


[Assimilation: May not have happened.]


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Guest Rogue 9

I disagree deac, Resistance is not Futile, nor is it ever.



[This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited May 09, 2001).]

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Which IDIOT gave away his position by firing on the decoy rabbit? wink.gif


*(Strike wing of rebel starfighters fly out of clouds and dislodge the 'Wing Zero' droid from its delusions of indestructibility with heavy rockets and laserfire.)*


*(Robot goes foomp! and evaporates into plasma.)*


All brokey, gone. Bye. biggrin.gif

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Guest Rogue 9

An Army of Mobile Dolls (Must lose something in translation) appears and begins attacking Mobile suits biggrin.gif

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Creeps up behind the crappy WZs and assimilates them into the Deac collective. They start assimilating everything. In 0.47892 nanoseconds the wrold is Mine.




Hehehehe! Stupid borg. You won't assimilate me! You couldn't assimilate a-what the?




I am Deacutus of Borg. Resistance is futile.


[Assimilation: May not have happened.]


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

*(Draws Commander 598 out of his giant gundam with an alluring FEMALE battle droid)*


*(Droid trurns out to be--you guessed it--a decoy.)*


*(Zoom takes out lone robot with a gian speeder. <font color=green>Zap-Zap!</font><font color=red>FZAM!</font>)*


I study video combat tactics by watching Bugs Bunny cartoons... biggrin.gif

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Guest rosencrantz

*escapes outside the city in her ghostboggan, and pauses to watch the northern lights with guill*

you guys missed a fantastic show tonight biggrin.gif

yellow and blue, dancing and shifting, painting the sky this incredible display...



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Originally posted by rosencrantz:

you guys missed a fantastic show tonight biggrin.gif

yellow and blue, dancing and shifting, painting the sky this incredible display...


You may have had great seats, but we're in the show!


*dodges beam cannon blasts and energy attacks*





"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest rosencrantz

rogue 9? guill has lived in my city for many moons now. this is not new news.

alas, long before the xwa galaxy existed, guill and i went to flight training together smile.gif

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Deacutus' borg WZ's wack Commander 589's one up real bad.



Hehehehe! Stupid borg. You won't assimilate me! You couldn't assimilate a-what the?




I am Deacutus of Borg. Resistance is futile.


[Assimilation: May not have happened.]


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Guest Rogue 9

Originally posted by rosencrantz:

rogue 9? guill has lived in my city for many moons now. this is not new news.

alas, long before the xwa galaxy existed, guill and i went to flight training together smile.gif


obviosly I missed alot by joining late, my loss frown.gif

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