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EAW: Knifedge


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I hereby announce a union of many talents: Zorromorph, Orao, ath12, and Athanasios have formed a team to bring you the best, most epic, most realistic Star Wars experience we can. To begin with we'd like to thank Slocket, Adonnay, and MistenTH for allowing us to use some of their excellent work in this mod.


Knifedge will impact every aspect of Empires At War. Space combat, Ground Combat, Galactic-level strategy, etc., it will all be included in this comprehensive mod. It is our intention to have a preliminary version ready within a week and a half, with updates coming afterward.


Why Knifedge? Because that is the situation of the galaxy prior to A New Hope, standing on a knifedge, capable of tipping either way with history in the balance. The future of countless millions depends on whether Emperor Palpatine can bring the Old Republic systems back into line following his ascenscion and eliminate the fledgling Rebel Alliance.


Stay tuned for updates as they become available.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Zorromorph and ath12 are out from the team from the first days, it's me and Orao now.


ALL the ground modding is done, the ONLY thing left is to add some hangars to reb ships (pretty easy) and fix the Autoresolve function (which will take more time). With "modding" we mean enhancing gameplay, adding realism and balancing the whole game.


Tomorow ill post some of the major enhancements.


Expect the mod by Thursday :)

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Well at the beginng ppl started complaining about unofficial 1.3 patch. Then we contacted Zorro and ath12 to team up with us. MistenTh was with us too but he decided to follow other ways of the force and authorised us to use its space mod as long as we give him credits.


After our first meeting Ath12 didn't show and shortly after him zorro told us that he is working on some new mod together with other team. A mod which is supposed to recreate Rebelion with EAW engine.


And just for note Zorro was to make new GC map before he left. A map wichi isn't so much cluttered and on which the travel from inner systems to the outer rimm will take more than a galactic day.


I hope this help you understand why mod changed twice its name.

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