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Ryan is sad.


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My grandfather died on Thursday at the age of 97. The funeral was on Saturday. He was a great man, and he will be missed. May we please have a moment of silence for George Isner Cole of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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Guest Dark Sad Shadow

im sorry, im with you...

May the Force be with him...





When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...

I lost my humanity...

I´m a Shadow in this world of darkness...

I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...

I´m the persegutor.


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Guest Fondas

My deepest condolences to Nitro and Keyan.

Loosing someone close to you is never easy, no matter how old he/she is. Death is inevitable but we will never be able to ease the blow...


Be strong guys.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I'm very sorry to hear that, Nitro and Keyan. I will, of course, pray for them...and you guys, too, to heal properly from your grief.


Stand brave, pilots!

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Thanks, guys. It wasn't really too big a deal to me, since I've really only seen him about a doezen times in my whole life, because he lives so far away. My dad was pretty upset, though. I imagine it must be hard to lose a parent - somebody who has been there for you your whole life.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

yes it must be hard to lose someone close to you ive never really had it happen but i think i can guess what it feels like



Official Forum Newbian


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When my grandfather passed away in January, I flew down to Huston for his funeral. The day I flew down is the same day my uncle passed away of brain cancer.Unfortunatly, I coulnd make it to his funeral because of school.

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