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Massive Legacy of War Update - Final Day


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Legacy of War has posted Day 1 of its 5 day Update today. Concluding on Saturday the Update will show off more than 20 renders of new models and some skinned version of models shown in the past. I'll post the other 4 updates here as the week goes on.


Today is the day.There are so many things to talk about. From models to skins to coding work this week long update will explore all. The forum has grown quite a bit since the last Update. Thanks to all you guys for your support and your continuing support as this mod gets fully underway.


I will talk a bit about coding before I get to some renders. The Galactic Map for the First Release is nearly completed. All that is left is to put in a few more planets and to connect planets via trade routes as it is in official Star Wars maps. This is to emphasize that there are only a certain number of planets in the Star Wars universe that are important enough to have these routes. Control of such routes is important becuase they all lead to the seat of government and arguably most important planet in the galaxy: Coruscant.


DarkTroopersthumba.jpg Dreadnaughtthumba.jpg


I think everyone knows what is different about the first picture here, besides the new rendering scheme, Dark Trooper Phase 3. The next model is one that many people know: the Dreadnaught, except its now textured in its Version 1 skin. Once we get our hands on Empire at War's model files we'll be in a much better position to know how far we can go as far as detail is concerned. Its been stated the models use normal maps so we will incorporate them into our models as well to achieve the same quality as the models in Empire at War.


I'd like to welcome two new skinners to the Legacy of War team: SkinMan and Neodrath. SkinMan has skinned a few models so far in his time with us including the TIE Defender and TIE Raptor. Neodrath is also working on some skins but is busy becuase of real life but will deliver a skinned K-Wing soon.


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I apologize for the darkness of the Defender it is a Version 1 skin, but if you look hard enough you can see alot of detail compared with Empire at War's TIE fighters. The TIE Defender will be hyperspace capable but expensive to produce.


There is talk currently on what changes we will be making to the gameplay. I won't go into specifics but they should make the game a bit more enjoyable while keeping in line with one of this mod's main goals: realism. But not the realism that goes so far as to ruin fun. One of this mod's early goals and still is a goal, has been to inject more realism into Empire at War so the game is more consistant with what we know from the movies and books.


Tomorrow I will show the Hapan Battle Dragon, TIE Raptor, the skinned Lancer Frigate, and the Flurry, the Quasar Fire Class Fighter Carrier. Enjoy these renders for now.I'll leave Yoda until Saturday to show =). This is only Day 1 of 5.

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Day 2.


Today is day 2 of the 5 day Update. And there is alot in store. First I'll intorduce you guys to two more new staff members: Popcorn2008, and Arkles. Popcorn is our newest mapper. He just needs the Map Editor Petroglyph should be releasing soon and we'll be starting on maps.Arkles is a new coder. He loves the Mandalorians....even a bit too much, but he's an excellent coder who has already managed to do several things for the mod.


The Mod is progressing nicely. Today tasks for new Shipyards and Space Stations were assigned so in next month's Update we should have something pretty fun to show, along with a textured version of Yoda. Alright I promised more renders so lets get to them.


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The above is the Quasar Fire Class Fighter Carrier and the Version 1 textured Lancer Frigate. In the Mod the Lancer will replace the Tartan Patrol Cruiser completely. The Lancer also doesn't come until after Ep IV which means that until that time Imperial Players will need to depend on their TIE Fighters to combat Rebel Starfighters, but this is not the end of the story, more will be revealed later. The Quasar fills the role of a mainstay Fighter Carrier. Although Mon Calamari Cruisers carry many squadrons of fighters, they can not be everywhere all the time so this gives the Rebels some fighter carrier abilty once they get far enough. The ability to transport many fighters fast is vital to the Rebellion.


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I'm sure many of you know who the Hapes are. The Hapan Battle Dragon was seen durning the courtship of Princess Leia and is the mainstay of the Hapan Fleet. They are powerful ships and can even block escape into hyperspace.They will be featured in the mod in Campaign while you are fighting Warlord Zsinj. The Next model, the TIE Raptor is a specific TIE Fighter used by Warlord Zsinj, while offering very little over the TIE Fighter, it does have 4 lasers to do battle with, making it more powerful and deadly.


There is more in store for tomorrow. The Mon Remonda, MC90, Hapes Nova Battle Cruiser and textured TIE Phantom will be shown tomorrow. Enjoy =).

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Juggernaut, all I can say is this is gonna be the mod of all mods. I am seriously looking forward to this.


Great work, I will be following the team's progress intently.


I am looking forward to all of the updates this week. This for me will be the way I wanted EAW. Dont misunderstand me though, I think EAW is a great game and the modding possibilies will take this game from strength to strength.

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Looks great so far guys.

Not only the renders, but more importantly you seem to have a very clear concept behind your work.


Don't let the lack of answers discourage yourself, I guess it has something to do with 1) the eta being far away 2) everyone still busy with the original content and 3) a lot of ppl rather being concerned about the unpatched issues with the game at this time.


Well however I'm SO looking forward to this one :)

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Looks excellent, but I have three concerns with any mods for EaW in general:


1) Balancing issues. I think that for each Imperial unit you create, a Rebel one should be made as its counter/target, and vice versa. If a mod comes out that gives me an incredible powerful Imperial unti like the Super Star Destroyer and its strong against EVERYTHING.. well, that kinda ruins the game for me, as there is no challenge.


2) Model quality. While the models in EaW are nothing exceptional, the damage effects on the bigger ships looks pretty complex coding-wise I'd think. Its not a huge issue if that dreadnaught didn't lose parts piece by piece, but it does look really nice and is a big part (along with effects)of what makes the game visually appealing despite the average looking models.


3) Technical gameplay issues: Lets say I need to quickly use bombers in a battle, I either double click on the first TIE Bomber I see and get all the ships onscreen, or I hit ALT-A and then select all the bombers from the menu. What if after modding we have TIE Bombers, TIE Scimitars, Assault Gunboats, Missile Boats, Skipray Blastboats, etc that all more or less fit the role of the space bomber, if I want to select ALL my bombers in a second to take out a target, do I have to do what I did with the TIE bombers for EACH of the bomber ships? It would be nice if they're all grouped together as a task-specific unit so that if I double click on any bomber, then ALL bombers on screen will be selected, etc. This is just an example, but it applies to other unit types as well (fighters, cruisers, destroyers, etc...).


Well, thanks for reading, the mod looks awesome and extremely high quality, can't wait to see it in action!

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Day 3


I'm going to start today's Update a bit differently. In our Media section we have several avatars and signatures available for anyone to use. The most prominate one being this one. Hope you enjoy it. It was made by Bryant.




Head to the Media section to get more. On to business, I believe I promised. The textured TIE Phantom and Hapes Nova Battle Cruiser. The TIE Phantom was skinned by SkinMan. It is one of the best skins I've seen to date. SkinMan has begun teaching Admiral_Mackay some new techniques and the new Super Star Destroyer skin is more awesome than ever. I'll show a teaser of that soon.


Phantomathumb.jpg Hapesthumb.jpg


The Hapes Nova Battle Cruiser was done by Eldor. Superb model as always. Eldor is currently working on the Viscount Cruiser. In the last Updates we consistantly showed Imperial designs while recently we've had a few more Rebel designs, but we've scarely shown any New Republic models. But here are two. The Mon Remonda, and MC90 Mon Calamari Cruiser.


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Most, if not all of the detail on these models will come from the texture applied to it becuase Mon Calamari ships simply do not have much detail on them. On the texture we can show the hull plates and other things, so while they look bare now, they won't be for long. Now I promised in the above that I would show a teaser of the re-textured SSD so here it is:



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Damn great stuff!!


Just have a question on scale, would the SSD and the Eclipse have realistic scale or will it be somewhat more compressed, and how would either fare weapon-wise in-game when compared to the ISD with it's 2 ion batteries and 4 turbos?

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