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Massive Legacy of War Update - Final Day


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Don't the XML files call image/model/config files for all types of unit/structure/hero/etc.? I was looking through them and it looked like a lot of this stuff was there. I'll have to look again...maybe I'm wrong.


(Even if it is, I'm not saying it would be easy - just possible.)

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Re: the SSD model...


OK, I just watched RotJ again tonight, and the the Super Star Destroyer is HUGE. Larger than what I remembered before. It dwarfs an ISD the way an ISD dwarfs a Lambda transport shuttle. So on a current space map the SSD would stretch almost all the way across it - edge to edge - with no decent room to turn and maneuver.


But I know people are wanting bigger space maps too (and I'm one). Introducing an accurate-scale SSD model in this (or any other) mod would make that mandatory.

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True, but the former would make it nothing but a backdrop in a space battle - like the Death Star - and the latter would make other ships so small I'd have trouble clicking on them.


At 1920x1200, I already have trouble selecting corvettes. To see the smaller ships I'd have to start playing the game on my 11-foot home theater screen (which I have a PC connected to, so that is a possibility).

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