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xml assistance please


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I have looked on this forum, and being a beginner, is there a tutorial on how to exactly edit a xml file? Using the extractor tool, I have extracted the files to a directory, now is it as simple as editting the appropiate xml file, then placing that xml file e.g. Uniqueunits.xml into a new directory in the GameData folder called Xml


Is this correct?


Thank you.



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Hmmm im confused, please explain, I have editted this file Groundcompaniesempire.xml and replaced all the pop caps as : <Population_Value>10</Population_Value>


Have I done this correctly?


Load game and cant place any units at all, can you explain this please, or how I can place more than 8 units or however many 8 is referred too please? Thank you.



Is there a list if what each file does? e.g. does this file Groundcompaniesempire.xml let me increase the population limit for the empire?

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AH! I see. I never played with the file, but I think I was basically correct.


Sinse you can only have a max of 10 ground units at a time, this number tells the game how the unit counts against the pop cap for the battle. When you made it 10, you filled the cap with one unit. ( I believe, I haven't tried it out.)

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It's either zero or it can't be done. Since it has to do with what command post you have on ground battles for how many units we can have in at once, and we can't edit maps. And if you set unlimited on Space, won't the game just slow down from too many units?

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Yes, it is possible to do. I'm playing a game with one tenth of the infantry health, and infinite units on the ground. I'm thinking of making a balance mod that will have the 1/10 infantry health, 0 population cap for infantry and perhaps increased prices of tanks (et cetera). Personally, I like it this way. I can drop down several batallians of stormtroopers, with a bit of support by armorded vehicles. If I'm being plagued by, say, airspeeders, I drop down AT-AA.

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