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You're all morons.

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Honestly Nute, that's like going to Munchkin City and saying, "Hey, You're all short." Or going to a nudist colony and saying, "You're all naked." Or going to a big field of corn and saying, "You're all corn." See where I'm going with this?



Official Forum Lord of Salmon

and Emmisary of Goats

For the love of Goat!


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I understand. I do that alot with little kids by telling them I know where they live and I look through their windows at night (See, the thing is, I don't really.). I can't really tell through their tears, but I think they understand what I'm saying.



Official Forum Lord of Salmon

and Emmisary of Goats

For the love of Goat!


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From a dictionary:


mo·ron (môrn, mr-) n.


<OL>[*]A person regarded as very stupid.

[*] <u>Psychology.</u> A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

[*]A member of the online discussion forums located at www.xwingalliance.net.[/list=a]



[From Greek mron, neuter of mros, stupid, foolish.]


mo·ronic (m-rnk, mô-) adj.


mo·roni·cal·ly adv.



moronism or mo·roni·ty (m-rn-t, mô-) n.



And what of the Director's Lenses?


The logs show they fled the scene in a shuttle. That is all the information we have sir, there is a high probability that the shuttle was destroyed in the battle.


A shame.....but we'll buy George Lucas another pair of glasses.<font size="-2" color="#414141">


[This message has been edited by Admiral Zaarin (edited May 19, 2001).]

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Why do i get the feeling everyone is going to blame me for this? smile.gif



Official Forum Newbian


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

*(Cuts off Nute's head.)*


Did someone just infer that Rosie was a moron...'Stumpy?' biggrin.gif


I'm okay with being a moron, myself. It would explain why I wear butcher paper and communicate with people by rubbing dirt in the palm of their hands.

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There is just one thing I need to know:

Are you including yourself in this statement? (IE: WE are all morons!)Or are you using this as a statement of your intellectual superiority? (IE: YOU are all morons! I, however, am not!)

Just curious...

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Guest rosencrantz

alterior? i say with confidence, nutiferous, that you are dim-witted biggrin.gif


<font size=0>thanksthatsallnowbyebye</font size=0>

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ack hey i've returned tongue.gif been a busy couple of weeks for me lately...had finals, then went to MD for a week, then started work this week, so i haven't really been home too much wink.gif sorry sorry, many apologies biggrin.gif



If you live to be a hundred, i hope i live to be a hundred minus one so i never have to live without you!



Official Forum Chick

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Guest Rogue 9

hmmm? you call them morons and they show up within a day, somehow I think they have ceased posting except to defend themselves...

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Kinda like when you yell "Hey stupid!" and everybody looks. wink.gif


At my old High School, I actually got a chance to holler this gem:


Hey dumb@ss!

*sigh* rolleyes.gif

Not you, the other one!



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Morons! We don't serve yer kind here!


(Note: if you are assimilated whilst wearing borg underwear -Deacutus 'n' Co. Borg supplies cannot be held responsible for the safety of your individuality or of any relation thereof. Pants may not repel insects or computer viruses. Borg queen's head is a rareity. For every infinite ammount of pants, there is one Borg queen head.Batterires not included!)


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Morons! We don't serve yer kind here!


(Note: if you are assimilated whilst wearing borg underwear -Deacutus 'n' Co. Borg supplies cannot be held responsible for the safety of your individuality or of any relation thereof. Pants may not repel insects or computer viruses. Borg queen's head is a rareity. For every infinite ammount of pants, there is one Borg queen head.Batterires not included!)


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