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The Last Dynasty


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"So much for peace." Ja' Mahia scoffed and blocked Natiss' lightsaber. "Honestly, there has to be a reason! It can't be because we kill our enemies when we have the cahnce to spare them. Reyshik killed Blise. It can't be because we give in too easily to our emotions. You did it yourself. Face it! There are two major differences between the light and the dark side. Those who serve the dark side express their evil while the light side hides it. There is evil on both sides! You just think that just because we show our evil that we are worse. The jedi have many evil secrets unkown to most of the galaxy. And second of all, the dark side is much more powerful and strong! Let me give you an example. The jedi stick with their code all the time... When people are around. I used to be on the Jedi Council once and after learning their dark secrets, I couldn't stand them anymore! They were just as bad as the Dark Dwellers, but not this time.. This time the Dark Dwellers are fighting against the jedis' evil plans... If only you knew. That is why we must concquer the galaxy and destroy all the jedi enclaves, so they will not once again rule the galaxy and continue to cause war. Think about it. If there is only one kind of force user in teh galaxy, we wouldn't have war anymore. This war and many others would end if you two decide to join the dark dwellers!"

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"There is evil in everything, lightside and darkside,"Natiss grunted as he deflected Ja'Mahia's blade"THere is even a place for emotion, but the killing of someone who asks for mercy, that is truly evil, and evil only seems better and eaiser, it leads to utter destruction. I'll never join you, however, bringing the dark dwellers down will most likely get me bannished from the order."Natiss force pused Miklos out of the battle and continued to try and kill Ja'Mahia."Without a leader the Dark Dwellers wwill fall!"

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"Both sides have their code," Miklos said and he withdrew his lightsaber. He held it in his right hand and in the left, he held a small object. It was a small black box. There was no apparent opening but Miklos knew every inch of it. He had hidden it there on his return journey home for a reason and he had hoped that he wouldn't have to seek it out again. He continued, but not in a normal tone. In fact it seemed amplied with many voices of those who had passed before, "The Force exists in all life and commands it. We are the guardians of the Force as we have been for over twenty thousand years. We have fought your kind. You will not last."

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He sensed the fight between the three. "Drake, stay here," Reyshik said, walking towards the three, making his way about 10 feet from the fight. Drake was at the entrance, guarding it.


He glanced at Ja' Mahia and Natiss, throwing a massive force whirlwind towards Natiss, temporarily holding him into the air as his saber slid along the ground. He glanced at Miklos. "You kept him here too long. His army is starting to retreat and formulate another plan, you fell into his grasp."


Reyshik unsheathed his lightsaber, flicking it out to the side violently with his right hand, a loud piercing fizz was heard as it slid out of the hilt, he held it out to his right side, somewhat towards the ground.


"Ja'Mahia. Today is the day you, and all Dark Dwellers are defeated."

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"You are mistaken again." Ja' Mahia said. "The Dark Dwellers, unlike the pathetic sith, do not kill prisoners either. We are not as evil as the sith I must tell you, but way more powerful. Tell me. Why kill prisoners when their lives are valuable to all. One life can make a difference on all the galaxy, and killing that prisoner might endanger your chances of victory. So no, we do not kill when they ask for mercy, we keep them prisoner. and as for you Miklos, you believe you are so wise, and you are... We can end this war right now! Many innocent lives will be spared. I can end this war if you can get Reyshik into surrenduring all his men to the Dark Dwellers! We will help the Republic to become a better place!"

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"If we surrender, then I would be forced to open this box. What is in it, you would not like. If we don't surrender, your troops will die. At this moment, they are surrounded and being bombarded with heavy fire. Many are dying or will succumb to the forces of Utapu. I would say that the choice is your," Miklos replied. He made a rather effective barrier between him and Natiss as he had enabled a Force shielding. He galnced once at Reyshik and then at Ja'Mahia. In that brief moment, he had sent to Reyshik, Get the Jedi out. This box will not allow for their survival.

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At this moment Ja' Mahia looked down apon the three jedi. He then turned and glared at Reyshik. HE read his thoughts. "I believe you have a paper for me?" Ja' Mahia asked and then turned to the confident Miklos. "Do what you wish, it will probably harm the inocent and will be a bad choice." Finally, Ja' Mahia looked at the angry Natiss. "You fool." He said. "This whole battle is controlled! You cannot win!" Ja' Mahia turned back to Miklos. "Right now another Dark Dweller warfleet is coming in and your jedi army is brutally collapsing under the might of the ships, so don't be so confident in an hollow threat!"

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As Natiss was removed from the battle, and as he listened to Ja'Mahia, Reyshik and Miklos, his anger began to subside. He began to meditate and try and control his anger.But he still had a strong desire to kill the dark dwellers. "No future is fixed, good always prevails, darkness never wins."Natiss said.

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"You are wrong, Ja'Mahia. Your army is nearly defeated and the docking bays are sealed. All escape ships are grounded and air defenses from the planet have stopped any ship from entering the atmosphere." He glanced at Miklos. "That box.. it will kill innocents. I can't allow you to open it, Miklos. The people in this city have yet to evacuate."


He looked to Ja'Mahia, tossing the paper at him. "Natiss, leave." He said, stopping the whirlwind he was caught up in.

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Ja' Mahia laughed. "If darkness never wins, what about this?" Suddenly JA' Mahia raised his hand and pointed two fingers at Natiss. He was using an Ancient Mind Trick used by the sith. Natiss' eyes looked blank for a second. "Follow me, and your anger can be released without being tortured for it.." The mind trick took what was most leading to the thing the user wanted from the victim, strengthens that desire, and usually makes them follow you. Ja' Mahia walked up to Reyshik. "You jedi are too nancholant!" He said. "So unaware of your surroundings..." At once Ja' Mahia pointed at the barred windows. The jedi were astonished, for when tehy looked out they saw the black sky covered in stars. "Trust me. We are much more powerful than you think."

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Natiss could feel Ja'Mahia's trick probing him, turning him to the darkside, yet at the same time he could feel the light tugging at him, refusing to let go. He had to chose, he decided to join Ja'Mahia, he ignited his saber and cut lightly into Miklos' leg,"I won't kill you Miklos, nor you Reyshik."

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(No auto-hits Maverick.. thought you'd learn by now.. and Arvik. You can't have over a hundred ships.. that's f*cking stupid.. i'll go with a few hundred ships)


"You underestimate the will of the Jedi, for it is you who will fall," he said, igniting his lightsaber and swiping diagonally upwards at Ja'Mahia, his saber being bounced back. He let go of his saber and let it flip upside down as he grabbed it, the blade under his wrist as the blade struck Natis's blade, sending Reyshik skidding a few feet back, still standing.


He ran in, slicing back and forth, his style and stance was easily knocking them both off balance, yet Ja'Mahia still stood his ground yet Natiss started to back off, barely able to block the flurry of strikes made by Reyshik.


He lept into the air and let go of his saber, flipping twice in the air and grabbing it behind his back with both hands, swinging downward, he clashed with Ja'Mahia's in mid-air, staying there as sparks scattered every which way.


He quickly ignited the other end of his saber and spun it vertically, knocking Ja'Mahia's saber out of his hand and into the air. Reyshik twirled his doublesaber and spun at Ja'Mahia just as he grabbed his saber, each slice being blocked in desperation.

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Miklos, still holding the box and ignoring the pain, he suspended Natiss with his mind by lifting him up and holding him there. He placed the box in his belt and did a side jump next to Reyshik Open your mind to mine. Feel the current flow through youMiklos began to time his precision with an accuracy. He was waiting for Reyshik to fall into form.

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"Send the ship down." Ja' Mahia said as he was blocking attacks from Reyshik. Suddenly the whole prison seemed to move started falling down. Ja' Mahia's lightsaber pressed hard into Reyshik's but neither moved. Ja' Mahia quickly stepped to the side sending Reyshik falling to the ground. Ja' Mahia took his lightsaber and swung it at Reyshik but he rolled away, grabbed his lightsaber and jumped back up. Soon the prison seemed to have an orange glow. The prison was on fire and was heading towards the surface of Utapau. "I wonder if there is any way you two can escape alive?" Ja' Mahia said and raised his hand. Suddenly he and Natiss disapeered from sight and watched from the surface of Utapau that the ship the prison was in was still falling towards the surface, just as Ja' Mahia had commanded the captain.

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He glanced a Miklos. "Damnit.." He said, looking around then Force sprinting towards the exit. His mind was linked with Miklos as they both followed in suit of each other, side by side, same movements. The town has been evacuated. I can only hope that the military can keep the damage to a minimum.. He projected his thoughts to Miklos, heading towards the docking bay.

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(I thought that too, but Natiss and Ja'Mahia disappeared.)


"Okay. Just don't open that thing around too many innocents, I don't know what that does.." He skidded into the docking bay and into the bay itself, several Jedi Starfighters taking off and bodies littered the floor.


He carefully stepped over the bodies to his own ship, opening it and stepping inside. Hurry, i'll wait here until you come.

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"Hello, my new apprentice." Ja' Mahia said to Natiss. "This battle isn't over yet. And the jedi are about to realize why." Ja' Mahia and Natiss were in a labratory in Utapau, where Ja' Mahia walked over to a door. Ja' Mahia typed in a code and the door opened. Inside was a huge garage, with one covered object in the center. Ja' Mahia walked over to the object and pulled off the cover. It was a small black, ship. Ja' Mahia pressed a button that opened the cockpit. A one seater. Ja' Mahia stepped in and started the engines. The outer garage door opened. "Watch this." Ja' Mahia said. At once Natiss saw a huge dark dweller warship coming towards the building. Ja' Mahia's plane lifted off the ground and quickly darted out of the garage. The warship was about 100 times the size of Ja' Mahia's small ship but much, much, much slower. Ja' Mahia turned a switch on the controls and then pressed a button. Suddenly a massive, enormous, gigantic beam shout out of Ja' Mahia's ship that impacted the warship and soon, the giant ship was turned to dust. Ja' Mahia then flipped another switch and pressed another button. It completely disolved the debree. Ja' Mahia flew back to the garage and landed. "This ship could take on a whole army." Ja' Mahia said, and Natiss looked in surprise. "And that's not all it can do but I'll show you the rest on the battlefield. Ja' Mahia got in his ship and told Natiss to get in another. Natiss left the garage and soon came around in his own ship in front of the garage. Ja' Mahia started off his ship, the Black Dart and got ready to defeat the jedi as he led the way back to the battlefield.

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Miklos began to sing a chant, "What's been done, now undo. Return to the form that is true," and he pressed a button. Ignoring the pain in his leg, he jumped on the beast that he took and headed towards the battle. Trystan was ordering for the Jedi to retreat while the Bushida were continuing to fight back the darkdwellers with high success. Miklos focused on Natiss and headed straight for them. He had less than a minute and a half and he was aiming to make the most of it. With a huge thump, he landed near Ja'Mahia's ship. He called over the noise, "To afraid to face us without a ship, coward!"

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Ja' Mahia laughed. "I thought you'd be afraid of such cruel and unusual punishment." He said and flipped a switch. The cannon at the bottom of the ship opened up. "If you can't destroy this ship, you can't destroy me." JA' Mahia pressed a button and a beam shot out and disinigrated Miklos' box. "Too scared to face me without a box?"

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((That's right. Besides if you destroy the box, you release it anyway. You of course spoiled my introduction of it...just a bit))


Miklos smiled at Ja'Mahia, "You fool, you just released your worse nightmare."

With that a bright, blinding light flashed. The Bushida were ready and had shielded their eyes while the dark dwellers were stumbling about in pain. All of a sudden, a song was being sung, so full of purity and innocence that it brought pain to all who chose evil, especially the dark dwellers. The Bushida had plugged their ears for no one could stand to hear the song and live. Avalonians tended to suffer madness and it killed any other sentient. Miklos didn't have his ears plugged and he was getting the full blast. His ears were ringing and had begun to bleed. Out of the blinding light came a shape of fire, a vast bird that sang its purifying melody. Miklos sheathed his lightsaber and called, beeseeching for aid and it swooped down upon Ja'Mahia's ships, blaring its sweet song.

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ok, sorry.. I just thought that he still had the box in his hands. And anyways I thought that it would be cheap in some sort and automatically win the battle.. Well whatever)


So Ja' Mahia looked down at Miklos. "I'm no coward, this is war.. And this is a weopon!" Ja' Mahia shot at the bird but it dodged it. "I have more important people to fry." Ja' Mahia said and started his ship towards the jedi enclave.

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The bird got larger and larger and with a subtle prompting from Miklos, allowed Miklos to jump on his back and they flew towards the ship. Miklos's ears were still bleeding and he looked like he had been left in the Dune Sea for too long. As the bird got louder, the song intensified that it began to strip some of the outer hullaway causing breaches. The bird got closer and closer and louder and louder that the sweet music was deafening to the helpless dark dwellers below.

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