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The Last Dynasty


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"We have been waiting too long, we'll be back at our base on Tattoine." Ja' Mahia said unto his comlink. Ja' Mahia motioned for Blise and Natiss to follow him and the three walked to the elevator, where they went down to the B1 floor. When they got there, there was a ship waiting for them, The Saber . They got in and set the course back to their base. And they lifted off.

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Miklos could hear Reyshik through the Force and started to come back. He was still trapped by a memory that was the worst: The cell was darkened, no light coming in. A voice, high and cruel through the dark was tormenting. A flash and a wave of pain, screaming... Mikos sat up really quick with a scared sound, forgetting his side injury. He quickly exhaled a sharp hiss of pain and was staring wildly as the room was coming into focus.

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Up in space over Tattoine, they decided to rest. Ja' Mahia, Blise and Natiss sat down. "Master." Blise said. "I have yet another plan to attack the Jedi Base on Coroscaunt. It's brilliant! All you need to do is..." He was cut off by an explosion and the ship shook. Ja' Mahia looked outside the window. It was a fleet of sith warships. "What!?" Ja' Mahia shouted. "How did the sith know where we were!?" Ja' Mahia ran to the escape hatchet. "Blise, steer us to Tattoine! Natiss, get in the turrets! KILL THOSE SITHS!" The two got to work and Ja' Mahia opened the hatch and jumped out and on top of the ship, using his special force powers to breathe and stay on the ship. HE looked out at the vast army ahead of him. HE force jumped from his ship to another ship and slammed his lightsaber into the window. It shattered and the oxegyn was let out of it and the people in there died. HE continued this while Blise and Natiss were destroying some other ships.

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He put his hands on Miklos' shoulders, taking careful heed of his left hand, which could easily knock him out on accident. "It's alright.. within moments your injuries will heal," he said, backing up a bit. "We drove them back and they left Coruscant, they're on route to Tatooine. There are no Jedi Enclaves there, so we should be safe for awhile," he said looking around and stepping backwards holding his head.


"An echo in the Force.." He looked to Trystan, "The Sith have discovered the Dark Dwellers.." He said, smiling a little. "That'll keep them at bay.."

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The battle was over, and Mave began to feel. His perceptions widened, and he felt something. Vesa was back. He spoke to Orocame. Is it possible to be reanimated through the force?

It is, but it has rarely been known to happen, especially to one so evil. It matters not though. I have had enough of this charade. I must duel you for control over this... nexus. To the dreamring!

Mave's body disappeared, and reappeared in an arena, a-la gladiators. He charged towards the glimmering mass before him, and was deflected. The mass materialized into a reflection of himself, but less... pious. Something about it made it seem more willing to do harm to others, with less reason. As he hurled force attacks at the reflection, they were dissipated, turned to nought. And then Orocame retaliated. He felt nothing, not a hint, before he was picked up and slammed into the wall of the arena, repeatedly, and then something snaked through the force, a hunting thread, that grabbed his throat and wrapped tight around. He was gasping, struggling, lashing out with the force, but all in vain. Orocame stopped the assault, and Mave was suddenly bound. "You will remain," his voice said, "In an advisory capacity, only." And then he was back in the facility. Danr and Mati, all the Ta'Sedai, were there. "So the Orocame returns to us, and so he will lead us away." On instinct, the Orocame siezed the soulforce, and wrapped the entire facility in it. And then he disappeared. All that remained of the Ta'Sedai were memories. Oh, but he had left Reyshik a small batallion of 10 of the Sedai, in thanks for all he had done for the nexus. At that same exact moment, Krath keeled over. He was dead.

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"No...not...that," Miklos was panting, "I saw...I saw pain and suffering. The Dark Dwellers are like the plagues that ravaged the plains of Argon. They will not stop. The screaming were...were civilians, all dead."

Trystan understood about the plagues that had ravaged Argon the year that Miklos had been captured. They had ceased when they had freed Miklos and brought him to the plains to recover from the torture. In healing himself, he had healed the plains. The tribes thought him to be a benevolent spirit healer of plains. Trystan thought that the Dark Dwellers were behind the Rashikians but they tended to operate on their own and were far more devious having once been Avalonians. Trystan thought that the Rashikians would once again come into play. Little did he know how right he was. He said nothing but instead tended to applying a special salve to some of the cuts on Miklos face, near his brow.

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Miklos stared out the window of the medbay and then cradled his head in an attempt to clear it. Trystan had left him alone to follow Reyshik, knowing that Miklos needed time to collect himself. Miklos got off the pallet wincing slightly but then using the Force to begin healing, recognizing his pain and accepting it so he could heal. Within moments his pain dulled and became bearable. The med droid said that he could leave. Miklos went to join Reyshik and Trystan not noticing a plant from Alderaan that had become healthy. It had already been healthy but it grew better. Miklos caught up with Reyshik and Trystan and waited.

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"You two know what happened on Coruscant..." He said, lifting up his arm, clenching his mechanical fingers underneath his black leather glove. "The Dark Dwellers have left Coruscant to the Jedi there, they are slowly rebuilding."


"They seem to try and destroy every Jedi Enclave they can get to, and we'll be there to stop them. I fear that with your weaknesses, Miklos, that you might not be able to fight. You use too much energy.. and that is your downfall. You have to pace yourself," he said, glancing at Trystan.


"You fought wonderfully, and you survived, yet you too lean on others for support. I know you're not a Jedi, but you have to learn how to be independant," he said looking at the two.


"You both fought bravely, and if it wasn't for you, the Jedi Enclave, and I would have been destroyed. I got lucky with just a severed limb. This is far from over. I will need you and your men's continued efforts if we are to defeat the Dark Dwellers."


He tensed up. "We also have another problem to deal with... The Sith have returned, and they are prone to causing chaos and problems with the Jedi, and that's more than we can handle, at any rate."

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"That is our way. No individual stands alone," Trystan responded. Full blooded Avalonian and dedicated to the way of Bushida, he could not understand why this Jedi was telling him not to work together. Miklos didn't say anything about it but rather picked up where Reyshik left off, "The Sith...no someone else is pulling their strings. There is an unseen enemy, one that could strike when least expected." Miklos was not one to divulge details unless asked so he didn't say anything further but decided to reply softly, "Not too much energy. Grace has gifted our people with special ability."

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"Whenever you use that ability, you tired yourself out and you have to be looked at, medically. You should only use that when you can, and seeing as it helped us, i'm grateful." He looked at Trystan, "If it is your way, then what will you do when Miklos is away? Do you just wait? Or do you run away to him?"

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"If you remember, I had been injured before meeting up with you and Ja'Mahia. That would take a lot out of a person, just being injured. Having heart is what keeps a person going past physical exhaustion," Miklos contradicted rather softly.


Trystan looked at Reyshik, "No one stands alone. We are not bound to one individual. When one is in trouble, the rest follow. It is our way."


"It is the Jedi way as well Trystan," Miklos said, "It is the bond between master and padawan but often the master will not help in order to teach a lesson. I know it is different but the need is felt and the other helps."


"I still don't understand Tulre but I will accept your answer. You know of our way and the Jedi," and Trystan remained silent.


((Tulre is what they called Miklos when he hooked up with them))

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Ja' Mahia was standing across the table from a sith in high rank. "I have a propositition for you." Ja' Mahia said. "You know the Jedi?" HE asked. The sith nodded. "Well, we both have a common enemy. If you join us. We can both conquer the Jedi together! We could be one again!"


"No.." The sith shook his head and force jumped out of his seat he was tied to. The second he left his chair, Ja' Mahia's lightsaber went right through his chest.

(Remember, the Dark Dwellers are much more powerful than the sith because they were once the strongest of sith who rebelled)


The fleet was destroyed. Ja' Mahia went back to his ship. "The sith know where we are." He said. "We need to have a meeting with Vessa. She should be at Tattoine by now." Blise took the controls and piloted them down to Tattoine where they entered the second largest Dark Dweller base in the Galaxy. VEssa was surely there. He could sense it.

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Miklos explained from the obvious confusion, "They are not Ta'Desai. They are the Bushida warriors from the Avalonian system within the Unknown Regions. They have a longstanding tradition and duty to guard the Jedi. They have been around long before the Jedi first split. They come from various tribes all united by this code of honor known as Bushida. They also fullfill the same duties of the Jedi, the guardians of peace and justice. How many there are, well you saw at Coruscant an idea. There are more however waiting until they are called. They watch us but we never see them nor sense them. They fight because they must and the Dark Dwellers once joined league with one simply called the Rakata, the leader of the Rashikians. They are the group that has fought the Avalonians for millenia through the Force and physical combat."

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(Darn you and your ancient history of Martial Arts >_<)


He sighed a little. "You can't seem to understand.. we can't keep fighting them like this. Two different factions uniting against one enemy cannot go on for very long. There's no way. The two are so different, My Jedi.. and the Bushida," he said, looking around the room.


"If anything, we need to rest tonight and be ready to move out tomorow, I fear the Dark Dwellers will come to another Enclave and attack."

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((What? Okay I like Chinese and Japanese culture and I read of samurai philosophy. You going to hold that against me?))


Miklos replied, "What do you mean it can't go on? They have been fighting together for the last 15,000 years or so, often without the Jedi knowing of the other. What do you mean?"

With a sigh he continued, "You are right in that we should rest," and he walked out to go to some sleeping quarters. Trystan had remained behind and he looked at Reyshik and said, "We fight together always," and he too walked out.

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"Send forth the army!" Ja' Mahia shouted. 2,000, warships took off from the base on Tattoine. Headed by Blise. Behind the 2 thousand, another 45 thousand ships holding Dark Dweller foot soldiers took off. It seemed unstoppable. Ja' Mahia got in a ship of his own and took off. "To Utapau!" Ja' Mahia shouted.

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((Um.. no. Star Forge didn't even produce that many. That's just stupid, there aren't even a billion ships in the whole galaxy.. and another 45 million? 5 warships took out a single planet. 2 billion regular ships can easily wipe out the galaxy with barely breaking a sweat. Lower that number in the thousands.. )

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Miklos went to quarters assigned to him and sat on the floor. Trystan sat beside him and said, "You must practice your sleep. You will gain much in strength and will heal faster," and he closed his eyes. It looked like a Jedi meditation practice so Miklos followed suit. The same dream that he dreamt in the medbay came back but it was on a different place, The levels were swarming with Dark Dwellers. They were everywhere and the Jedi were outnumbered. The Te'Dai were being pushed back. Then a shadow engulfed them and red eyes were coming through... Miklos was trembling and struggling in his sleep trying to run but he couldn't move because he was sitting.

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The fleet went towards Utapau, and Blise looked out in the distance. "Reyshik won't be able to stop us now!" He said. I sense Reyshik is not here Blise sent a mental message to Ja' Mahia. good Ja' Mahia thought and the fleet advanced through the stars on their way to Utapau.

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((Hopefully that number is lowered, Arvik))


Waking up from his slumber, he mediatated for a few seconds, his grogginess dissapearing as he stood up perfectly, walking out of the room and towards Miklos and Trystan. "Something is wrong. I feel a great sorrow washing over me. It is a preminition to come. The Dark Dwellers are mobilizing to attack another planet," he said, watching the two.

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Miklos jumped with a start and inadvertently landed feet first on the ceiling and stayed there. Looking down he saw that Trystan was smiling but could see the worry. Miklos said while still on the ceiling, "You are right Reyshik. They will, well are attacking Utapu." He stopped not wanting to tell what he saw and started walking to the wall to walk down.

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