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The Last Dynasty


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Ja' Mahia did the same too as he steered his ship to the target, the jedi enclave. He flipped a switch and pressed a button. BOOM! A lazer shot out of the cannon and blew off a part of the roof of the main chamber. Ja' Mahia landed inside and saw the jedi master Mantey. "Give up your life!" Reyshik said, holding the red lightsaber to his throat. "And I won't destroy this enclave!" The jedi master was very gullible.

"Yes!" He shouted. "Anything for the enclave."

Ja' Mahia smiled. "Good enough." He said and sent the saber into MAntey's throat. Ja' Mahia turned away and picked up his comlink. "Natiss, move in. Destroy the Enclave!" Ja' Mahia got back in his ship, hovered back in the sky and saw the bird of fire coming towards him. "Good by little boidey" Ja' Mahia said and flipped three switches, turned a lever all the way, and cranked to knobs all the way to full. "You're going down!" He shouted and pressed a button.

A small, slow moving orb slowly made it's way to the entrance of the Enclave. "See ya!" Ja' Mahia said and he and all his dark dwellers teleported away. At least far away that the explosion wouldn't kill them.


(The following part I may delete if I need to)


Ja' Mahia turned away from the site and heard a loud BOOM! "One jedi enclave down.." He whispered.


(This does not necessarily mean that everyone died but it meant that the jedi enclave was destroyed, though the battle would still be going on because on of the people Ja' Mahia thought was dead would still happen to be alive...cough..Reyshik..cough)

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((Hey Arvik, I would think you lost some of your dark dwellers because this power is that extreme and because the song is painful to their ears))

All of a sudden a huge lurch sounded throughout the ships as they were teleporting away. The firebird had persued them and was huge. Miklos was there pulling the strings or at least asking for aid. The bird brought him close enough for him to land on the hull. Using his lightsaber, he cut a hole for him to fit in one of the breaches in the hull. The firebird was continuing its persuit, stripping slag from the hull of both ships causing severe breaches. The firebird did something to him and he made his way to the bridge of the ship to face Ja'Mahia. The bird continued, almost as if it were covering Miklos.


Trystan had watched the firebird clear with the ships. The dead dark dwellers were still twitching as he and other warriors stood around the ruins of the enclave. He contacted Reyshik, "If you follow, you need to stay clear of the fire bird. You saw what happened to the dark dwellers."

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{Yes, many dark dwellers did die but not all of them for alot of them followed what Natiss was doing. Oh yeah, at this time Ja' Mahia wasn't in his ship but I don't care now. And also, I wonder what's happening to Mave, because sort of an important role.}


Ja' Mahia turned around to notice Miklos. He flipped a switch to put in on autopilot. "Tell me." Ja' Mahia said. "Why did you come after me? What will you gain out of it? Revenge?" Ja' Mahia looked at Miklos right in the eye. "That pose, is it Avolonian? Thee way of the bushida?"

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Reyshik turned off his fighter. There goes plan A. He quickly lifted himself out of his fighter and onto the ground, the screech had already passed by since he was in an air-tight shell within his modified Jedi Starfighter. Damn you Ja'Mahia.. you die now.. He said to himself, Force sprinting towards the ruins of the enclave, igniting his lightsaber and holding it behind him as he sped towards the ruins.

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Magnified somehow and Miklos was too focused to care he responded, "You flee like a coward, you disgrace yourself. You claim you are powerful yet all we have heard is words."

A crash sounded as the bird again hit the ship. Miklos continued to stare, "You are not powerful, you are weak. If you were poweful you would not flee."


((Kind of giving you a cue to get angry. Ja'Mahia strikes me as someone as vain and too full of pride))

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Reyshik reached the enclave and leapt from pillar to pillar until he reached the highest point. "Now.." He told himself, running then leaping into the air, gaining incredible height. As he reached his maximum height, he threw a force push down and used that momentum to push himself further up into the air, nearing Miklos's bird. He repeated that process until he managed to land ontop of the bird, kicking off of it and onto Ja'Mahia's ship, and into the crevice Miklos had cut, this whole time using the force to breathe through the heavy atmosphere.


"This ends now, Ja'Mahia," he said, stepping up alongside Miklos. Even a Sith lord would be impressed at his mastery of the force..

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"Impressive act." Ja' Mahia said. "If you like that you'll love this!" Ja' Mahia pressed a button and the ship stopped. Ja' Mahia force pushed the ship towards the ground, propelling himself out of the ship and into the air. Before the ship reached the ground, Ja' Mahia darted back down, used force grab, and threw the ship at the firey bird. "If you come out alive you might be powerful enought to face me.."

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With a shove of the Force, Miklos pushed him and Reyshik out.Reyshik landed but Miklos was caught by the bird. Miklos was looking worse than ever as he was held in the middle of a firey furnace. Trystan was watching and realized what Miklos was going to do. Miklos landed in front of Ja'Mahia looking scorched but his tunic was not damaged. His leg was killing him but he forced the pain back and stood tall while saying, "Always the coward you are."

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As he was pushed out of the ship, Reyshik flipped a few times and landed with his left fist down on a punch infront of Ja'Mahia, a shockwave flowing through the ground, knocking the Sith lord a few feet away as cracks started to form. He stood up and shook off loose dirt from his mechanical fist and twirled his blue lightsaber with his right hand several times.


"Miklos. This isn't your fight. No matter what you might think, this danger is far from the paramount of your.. abilities. This lies within personal loathing."

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(First of all, I'm not a sith.. And second of all... Wait.. I never really thought of a second of all.. :) )


"You jedi always think in prejudice. Just because I run dosen't mean I'm a coward. Cowards run from battle. I run to test you.. I am a power much greater than you think, Reyshik." Ja' Mahia said and turned to Miklos. "Follow my orders and there will be no restrictions, new Miklos. YOU ARE NEVER FORCED TO HOLD BACK!" Ja' Mahia had to resort to the most powerful of mind tricks. The Ariatian (Air-ee-ae-she-an) Haze. Even some of the most strongest wills couldn't resist it. "Go hold back the jedi and bushida. Make sure not a single one lives."" Ja' Mahia turned back to Reyshik.

"It ends here, master Reyshik." Ja' Mahia said and ignited his crimson lightsaber.

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((Sorry about the confusion. It was what was in the box that made Miklos speak that. Because of it's nature, it cannot be controlled by evil; the whole pure innocence:D))


Miklos looked at Ja'Mahia and said in his normal voice, "I wouldn't obey you ever," and with tremendous power behind him he shot out a Force Wave. He felt slightly renewed by whatever happened to him but he still looked like a mess. He withdrew his lightsaber and ignited it.

"Maybe we can end this fairly," and he jumped into a stance. The firebird was still hovering as if waiting for attack.

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Ja' Mahia picked up his comlink. He knew what Natiss was doing. "Good job." He said. "Continue helping the injured." Ja' Mahia turned back to Reyshik, Miklos, and the firebird.

"In life, you'll find allies." Ja' Mahia said and started to circle the three. "In life, you'll find enemies." By now Ja' Mahia was halfway around them. "One of us uses the dark side." Ja' Mahia continued walking. "The other uses the light." Ja' Mahia stopped after making a full circle. "We are not that different. We both wan't peace in the galaxy. We both have our little dark secrets." Ja' Mahia winked at Reyshik. "We both wan't to be the only force users in the galaxy, for without an enemy, there is no war." Ja' Mahia walked up to Reyshik. "You can be my ally, and we could attempt to find galacxial peace, or you can be my enemy and many more innocent lives would've been claimed then there already have."

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He put his blade to Ja'Mahia's neck, halting his progress walking towards him. "There is only peace without war. I cannot allow you to kill any more innocents. You use the Force for your own bidding, for power. And that will be your downfall," he said, twirling his saber and striking at Ja'Mahia's, clashing in a bed of blue and red sparks. He pushed forward and began rapidly striking at his blade, all the while twirling and slamming his saber against Ja'Mahia's in an effort to dodge his opponent's swipes.

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Ja' Mahia's saber clashed with Reyshik's and the two fought on. "How do you know my intentions?" Ja' Mahia asked. "Would you like me to reveal some of yours?" Ja' Mahia knew all about the jedi's dark secrets, and the little parts of the jedi that used the dark side, and he could use it against the jedi.

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"I have no idea what you're talking about. The Jedi keep no secrets!" He yelled, spinning around Ja'Mahia to face his back. He swiped at him, only to be blocked vertically from behind. He twirled his saber backwards and thrusted forward, only to be knocked away. He bent backwards as a crimson light barely passed over his face, an inch from his nose.


He used that momentum to pull into a backflip and land in a crouch, swiping at Ja'Mahia's feet from an angle.

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