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The Last Dynasty


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"You jedi are pathetic." Ja' Mahia said and jumped to avoid Reyshik's attack. "Why don't you join us and together we can destroy the ultimate evil, the sith." Ja' Mahia looked at Reyshik. "You jedi are nice, the sith are evil, but the dark dwellers share some sides with both. But togeether, we could wipe out the sith and have peace throughout the galaxy, at no cost! What do you say?"

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"There is always a cost. Every action taken there is a cost," Miklos replied. He had taken some swipes that were carefully controlled. He backed into a form stance he had learned from the Bushida and paused. He sensed Natiss was coming but could not discern from where.

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He slowly backed up, parrying a few attacks with a limp hand, getting the upper hand due to the carelessness of Ja'Mahia. As Ja'Mahia struck, he parried and spun towards him and struck downward vertically and clashed with Ja'Mahia's, bringing the two clashed sabers infront of their faces.


"You Dark Dwellers killed many innocents. You're trying to kill Jedi, you're trying to destroy and take over any planet you go to, you're worse than the Sith.. at least the Sith had backbones," he said, pulling from the clash and backing up a little, he twirled his saber once with a dull humm.

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Miklos then swung his blade to add to a general confusion to the clashing of blades. He timed them carefully in order to create frustration. He was weary and no longer caring where the bird was. With the purity of the song, his ears were shot for the time being and his body looked like it had been dumped in the ice wastes of the Orpin Mountains on Andorra.

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(I don't know if it's you who doesn't understand, or if it's your character, but Ja' Mahia is explaining that the Dark Dwellers do not like to kill innocents or prisoners, even though they might if it's neccesary. Also he dosen't run away and put obstacles in front of him because he's cowarding. It's because he's testing you. He is a lot more powerful than the jedi think though.)


Ja' Mahia spun his saber around and struck Miklos' and saw the dark dwellers arriving again just as the jedi began to awake from the ruins of the enclave. The battle restarted as a foolish jedi shot his blaster at a incoming Dark Dweller.

Ja' Mahia sweeped his lightsaner towards Reyshik who ducked and sliced his saber towards Ja' Mahia's leg but he dodged it. Reyshik rolled back up and clashed sabers with Ja' Mahia, and Reyshik's lightsaber slid down and cut off Ja' Mahia's hand.

Ja' Mahia jumped back and grabbed his saber with his left hand and strangely laughed. The jedi were curious why he was laughing at the loss of a hand but stepped back, just in case. "NOW YOU CAN SENSE A DARK DWELLER'S TRUE POWER!" He shouted and a black, smoky hand came out of the wound. The hand was composed from the dark side of the force and was much stronger. Ja' Mahia tossed the saber to his new hand, which suddenly made the blade have a black shade added to it.

"Give up, jedi." Ja' Mahia said. "Or I will destroy this entire planet and turn it into one huge dark dweller base!"

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(Through your posts, you made the Dark Dwellers out to be conquerers, no peace-keeping ex-Sith. They randomly attacked planets, trying to kill off Jedi and Sith. Anyone who does that, deserves to die.)


He smirked. "You're still as stupid as ever..." He said, backing up a little, distancing himself. "Your strength is just an illusion.. you have no real idea of how powerful I am, and that will be your weakness.."

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"Answer my question Jedi. Will you join me or will I have to resort to destroying this planet?" Ja' Mahia asked sternly. His eyes pierced Reyshik's, and suddenly Reyshik discovered that Ja' Mahia was telling the truth. If he had to resort to destroying a planet, he would.


(Oh yeah, actually the Dark Dwellers aren't supposed to be as peace loving as the jedi but their not as bad as the sith, for they are smarter not to kill innocents when they can be useful)

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Ja' Mahia looked sad for a moment and then got over it. "I have no choice but to kill you then...." Ja' Mahia screamed and the dark side of the force from all over Utapau was coming to help him out. Ja' Mahia's eyes glew red, similarly to Arik Diskin, who foolishly challengend Krath to a duel at the arena and let teh dark side of the force take over him. But Ja' Mahia was able to skillfully control this ability. Ja' Mahia took his lightsaber and rammed it into Miklos, but he dodged it and Ja' Mahia turned around and looked furiously at Reyshik who stood there so confident. "Why are you so sure about yourself?" Reyshik asked. "What makes you so confident that you are good enough?"

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"Aye for your faith is misplaced. At a time when you need it the most, it will leave you," Miklos added after dodging the blow. Thefirebird had shrunk itself to a smaller size and was sitting on his shoulder. It looked ready to belt out another song as it extended its wings as if in preparation for another flight.

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"I am not your average sith." He said. "You think that my powers are just of an average sith, but no.." Ja' Mahia walked back ten steps. "I've had enough here.." His ship repaired and began to float back to him. "Good bye. I'll see you at the next enclave." Ja' Mahia said and he got in his ship and pressed the button to lift it off.

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(Why do you always leave? This rp is going no where if you keep leaving.. )


"Coward.. can't stand to fight.." He force sprinted and leapt into the air, twirling his lightsaber and making a long gash in the side, rupturing the engines and creating a long slice in the hull. If it were to be in space, the strength of the pull from the gash would surely rip anyone to pieces.


He landed back on the ground as the ship shook violently.

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The firebird had disappeared for Miklos had produced another box and asked for it to return. He stood looking at Reyshik, looking worse than ever with his cracked and bleeding lips, windblown face and bleeding ears. He looked like he had spent a month in the heart of the Dune Sea. Placing the box in his tunic he walked slowly to Reyshik and said, "He will meet his end when he realizes that he can't run forever."

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(I was sort of hoping you would try to bust into the ship like you always do but, I have a secondary plan)


Ja' Mahia steered his ship down back at the two and started firing at them fiercely. The vision from the radar was foggy though so he couldn't tell if he was hitting them. He jumped out of his ship and saw the two, standing thee. He took out his lightsaber again and charged right back into the fight.

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Weary. Miklos snapped his lightsaber to life in his right and in the left drew out a blade of emmense beauty. He twirled them both and waited for Ja'Mahia to bring the fight to him. With a sudden movement, he threw something which emmited a thick smoke that Ja'Mahia ran into. All was clouded and the only noise that could be heard was the constant singing of his blade as he swung it in a pattern, hidden by the smoke.

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Reyshik backed up calmly, using his lightsaber to parry back the attacks Ja'Mahia threw at him expertly. He clashed with Ja'Mahia and slid his blade down and grabbed it with both hands, the blades still fiercly combined with a flash of blue and crimson. He dropped his saber and grabbed it as it fell underneath Ja'Mahia's arms, the blade outstretched horizontally towards Ja'Mahia's abdomen.


(You can either block this or make a post where it hits. The blade is across his stomach right now, if you don't know. It's possible to dodge.)

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(I want to keep this one going, I don't want it to end so quickly.)


Reyshik's blade went straight through Ja' Mahia's stomach, and Ja' Mahia fell in half.. or at least, that's what Reyshik and Miklos thought as the real Ja' Mahia, watching from a peak in the distance, was using an old dark dweller illusion trick to make it seem like Ja' Mahia was dead. But all of the Dark Dweller's were able to see through it.

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Reyshik kicked the corpse as it fell into ashes."Coward! He can't fight for real.. he has to play dead in order for me to not attack him.. he is weak.. and he knows it.." Reyshik twirled his saber and sheathed it. "Someone who runs away from a fight is not worthy to face me in combat.."

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(I only ran because it was getting boring just fighting back and forth. The thread was going nowhere)


Ja' Mahia sat back at the Utapau base. "Soldiers." He said. "I am sorry to inform you all that your great commander, General Blise... Has been killed in the battle..." Ja' Mahia sighed. "I must now choose one of you to be my new second in command. And I choose a powerful Dark Dweller, just commissioned into the army.. I choose.."


Suddenly the door of the base flung open. It was a opwerful sith soldier named Krellis. He had known General Blise for a long time and was always his enemy. He vowed to kill Blise one day but he found out that Blise was killed by another. "Hello, ol' friend." Krellis said and walked down the aisle to where Ja' Mahia was speaking from. "Remember me?"


Ja' Mahia looked disgusted. "Of course I remember you, you're the reason's why I quit the sith in the first place." Ja' Mahia sternly walked up to Krellis and looked him in the eye. "What do you want?"


Krellis smiled and walked back. "I want you to surrender your base, or I will crush you."


Ja' Mahia laughed. "You can't 'crush' us alone!" He said and ignited his lightsaber. Every Dark Dweller in the building ignited their sabers too and everyone pointed them at Krellis.


"I guess I'm pretty hated here." Krellis said and walked towards the entrance. "Ja' Mahia. Take a look outside." He turned back to Ja' Mahia, who nodded to signal to the ret of the group that if Krellis tried any tricks, to attack.


Ja' Mahia walked down the aisle to the entrance, sheathed his lightsaber and Krellis opened the door. There were thousands of giant new sith ships in the sky and the whole base was surrounded by foot soldiers who each were holding a pack of 30 grenades. Krellis smirked and Ja' Mahia frowned.


"We will never let you take our base.." Ja' Mahia said and ignited his saber. Krellis did the same. "Charge!" Ja' Mahia shouted and the whole building of Dark Dwellers erupted as the soldiers charged out and started attacking the sith soldiers."


"Now!" Krellis shouted and every sith foot soldier threw their grenades. There was a humungous explosion as Ja' Mahia quickly hid himself and about half the Dark Dwellers that were with him inside a shield that was protecting the base. Half of the Dark Dwellers outside the shield were blown to pieces as the tens of thousands of grenades exploded at once. The sand shook and Ja' Mahia ran back inside the base and sent a mental message to Reyshik. We must set aside our differences for now, the sith are back and more powerful than ever! They will destroy the entire galaxy if not stopped!

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Natiss had watched the fight between Reyshik and Ja'Mahia, Ja'Mahia's deception was very annoying. He had heard the explosions coming from the dark dweller base and knew the sith were here. He was surprised by Reyshiks response, Jedi helping the Sith fight a lesser threat? This wsa too strange, he had to find help, the dark side was consuming him but the light wouldn't die, he needed help, would the jedi still help him?

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