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  RedHawke said:
The first time I completed TSL I was like WTF??? That's It? But I just whacked Kreia and didn't talk to her at all, I restarted the save wen't back dueled her and talked to her about everything I could before she died that made the game make much more sense, to me anyway. :)
Yeah, I don't think the ending is nearly as incomplete as some people say it is...
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Perhaps it's just that I really hated the main plot (the "cutting from the force" thingy) and that is why I found the end to be incredibly anti-climatic. When I got in the final room, Kreia attaked and I bested her. Then, for some reason, she's willing to answer any kind of questions I can possibly have. Then she just dies, and we see the Ebon Hawk leaving the planet.


Yeah, she talks about party members. But it leaves too many loose ends. It's like if Luke had spent 15 minutes chatting with Vader at Bespin, asking him about everything that crossed his mind, and then you would just see the Falcon leaving Bespin and *bam* credits.


Perhaps you're right, and the ending is more complete than what people think. But if that's complete, I really don't want to see what an incomplete ending would look like. Perhaps the game would end before the boss battle?

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Well I think that the "cut content" was cut for other reasons than just a lack of time. Frankly, when I read the dialogues I can't say that I find it exiting. Not only it closes many doors for a possible future continuation of the story but it's also very dark and quite weird IMHO.


I had fun playing KotoR 2 but to me, its whole story was about an old woman manipulating you was anti-climatic per se. Apart the lightsabers, I didn't feel like I was playing a Star Wars game contrary to KotOR 1 which had a very "O.T." atmosphere. I just hope they come with something less esoteric than this "wound in the force" and "echo" thing for Kotor 3.

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I happen to agree with everyone. The ending is complete, but it was all done in an 'Anti-Climatic' way.


What I desired to see in KotOR II was the old feeling I got from KotOR I. Even though KotOR I's robes were primitive, they gave that moment in the Star wars universe a sense of 'Medievil' nostelgia. BioWare and the writters did a great job in designing a world that was true to Star Wars, yet bring us an anccient world that was primitive and epic. When I played through KotOR II, I didn't have that epic and nostelgia feeling. I was hoping to enter a rebuilt Jedi OnClave and see some students sparing, and some Jedi Masters rebuilding.


If Obsidian Ent creates a KotOR III, I don't think I will be intrested in the game right away. I would love to see a Yavin IV, which you can travel through some abandoned tombs and such. I love the Yavin IV station, which is in the middle of no where. I missed visiting vast worlds, which expand beyhond the eye. Truthfully, I don't think I could handle a KotOR III that is not nostelgic, epic, and primitive at the same time.


When I got to the end of KotOR II, I wanted that 'Bang' that I received from KotOR I's ending. I can only hope that KotOR III has this Star Wars epic ending that drives me home. I hope they create a revelation that strikes at the heart, and breaths life back into the KotOR series.


I can hear the Star Wars theme 'echoing' in KotOR I, but it doesn't even start up in KotOR II. I don't feel excited about KotOR III like I did many months ago.


I hope that KotOR III has alien planets like Mannan. Mannan had a primitive, but advanced species that defined what innocents is.


As for modding and the cut content, they are only side hobbys that add to the game. However, they are not what should drive people into purchasing any game. I bought KotOR II 100% complete with flaws and all. It didn't have an 'epic' ending, and it has holes in places of importance. I felt let down by its designers and writters, but hey that is only my own opinion. The only good in the game at the moment is modding it, and trying to fill in the emptyness that it has left in my KotOR expereience. Yes, that is hollow, but that is how I felt when KotOR II was over. I felt that the word 'echo' took away all meaning to my character, and my existance was for absolutly nothing.


KotOR III will be welcomed in my gaming experience, but the excitement is long gone with KotOR I. I can only hope they drive at making the third installment more exciting, epic, and nastelgic.


(Sorry for the rambling.)

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  Darth333 said:
Apart the lightsabers, I didn't felt like I was playing a Star Wars game contrary to KotOR 1 which had a very "O.T." atmosphere.


I completely agree. I think that the (what I consider to be) weak ending is a consequence of the crazy storyline TSL had. It was so full of nonsense that it siphoned the Star Wars feel of the game. The only thing I liked was the fact that you character was "on the run", which did give the game a bit of an O.T. feel.


The other thing that bugged me was the lack of movie/famous planets. KotOR 2 has 0 movie planet, which was kind of wierd. Nar Shaddaa (and Onderon, to a lesser extend) was a neat addition, but apart from that they only gave us sad reskin of Korriban and Dantooine from the first game (that stinks laziness). When are we finally going to see Coruscant?

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