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Mustafar Cinematic


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Hey all, I know this may not..or should not be here in this part of the forum. But I just wanted to ask if someone could film the intro to Mustafar in Galaxies. As to I dont have SWG on my comp. It's on my moms. And it will take forever to get the updates. I need this for a Jedi Academy movie. I am making a movie based on my SWG in JA. I think I can do stuff more freely over there, cause I think it's too complicated to do it in Galaxies. Takes alot of skill, and timing to get stuff right in Galaxies its self.


By the way, my character on the Naritus server is Karag Drakas- DOF member. Dof use to be the biggest guild possibly on the server. They all left to go to a new game. They were just too pissed with the NGE. Im fine with the NGE though, but only not with it that my friends left because of the damned thing. Well, anyway, I need the cinematic in WMV form. Media quality should be good. Please. Lol. Avi is also acceptable, I dont mind. I just prefer WMV. Smaller, and ya. it's just smaller. Lol.


Thanks for anyone who does this.

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Thanks man! :D I still play galaxies, and I still think it's fun. Lot's of people are just being over dramatic. Lol. But the only sad thing is, it drove away my very good friends of Duel of Fates, and now I dont have anyone to look to. My Jedi is now solo against the Rebellion. Who knows, I may change sides or, I don't know. I could also just remain solo as a master sergeant jedi apprentice. (LOL) Then again, I just don't believe the dark/light. As long as I get good money. LOL Jedi Bounty Hunter... Hmmmm.

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