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What's wrong with us according to Wally

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Wally the space dolphin says that he is fed up with trying to reason with hairless monkeys when it comes to relating the religious and secular worldviews, and has this theory as to why it is so difficult to do so: the human brain has two lobes--one half of which is primarily for logical, objective thinking, and the other for more emotional, subjective thoughts--the preference for either of which will lead to a bias in that brain's conceptualization of the world around it, either toward a subjective (religious) interpretation or an objective (secular) one...neither of which is necessarily completely reflective of the world around it to begin with.


Uhm... confused.gif Great, Wally. So do we eat the crackers and pass the wine, or what?


<font color=red>Free Tibet!</font> 'Vive la resistance!'



'What's up is clearly defined as the opposite of what is down, in this case being the strongest source of local gravity...failing that, in space, what's up is opposite the direction of accelerative G-force--or what I'm targeting with these laser cannon. Die, b*tch!'


--Official forum space terrorist

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Originally posted by Gold leader:

<font color="red">Free Porn!</font> `Vive l'erotique!'


*Nitro's head expoldes with laughter*



The crazy f*cker was jerking off 10 times a day...


10 times a day, at LEAST...


They sent him to the Navy head shrinkers and the crazy bastard starts jerking off in the waiting room...


-Full Metal Jacket

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

no the comment that dophins are supposed to make is - "So long and thanks for all the fish"



Official Forum Newbian


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Wally the space dolphin says that Admiral has just revealed himself to command, in fact (as has always been suspected) a tuna fishing fleet--and on a side matter--is probably conceptualizing the world around him with his butt.


Hee. tongue.gifbiggrin.gifeek3.gif

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Guest Rogue 9

This is Piracy, That Fleet belongs to ME I WILL NOT STAND BY AND ALLOW IT TO BE STOLEN, prepare to die pirate fiends.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Oooo! I have a question for the Almighty Pikachu!


'Why are Japanese cartoon characters mostly ango-saxon instead of Asiatic?'



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I'd also like to ask how gravity works, but let's deal with the important question first...

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Come to think of it, the only asiatic animé character I've seen is Wufei. Even the cartoon Jackie Chan is drawn like a caucasian. confused.gif


Funny Pikachu story:


Did'ja ever notice that those doll/bookbag things are pretty darned close to life-size?


I was in Ottawa once, with my mom, sitting in traffic during the pm rush-hour (on a school day; grade school had just let out).


In the car in front of us, I could see a lady driving, and nothing else. Thing is, there must have been a kid (or several) who were too small for me to see over the headrests. Suddenly <FONT COLOR = "yellow">Pikachu</FONT> pops his head over the backseat headrest, twitches his ears at me, and ducks back down again.



eek.gif --my (startled) reaction


I happened to be taking a drink of coke at the time, and sprayed most of it onto the dashboard in front of me.


Guess you had to be there.



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Originally posted by Rogue 9:

This is Piracy, That Fleet belongs to ME I WILL NOT STAND BY AND ALLOW IT TO BE STOLEN, prepare to die pirate fiends.


"Lock your doors, or your fleet may be GONE IN 60 SECONDS"



The crazy f*cker was jerking off 10 times a day...


10 times a day, at LEAST...


They sent him to the Navy head shrinkers and the crazy bastard starts jerking off in the waiting room...


-Full Metal Jacket

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The Pikachu told me that the reason they don't appear to be Asian is the eyes. When the almond shaped eyes are stretched out to that size, they gain a more ovoid shape and make the characters appear more Western. He also cited "marketability" and claimed the animators know the show will end up in the US one day and decided to make the people look American so less people think it's some strange Japanese show, and just a really bad American show.

He demanded nude photos of Morgan Freeman and eleven pounds of cabbage. He became beligerent when I refused to do these things and threatened to "pika-pi me up." I assume this is a bad thing, so I threw him in teh closet and closed the door.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Well, it's always been a theory of mine that we were tethered to the ground by invisible rubber bands, studiously re-tied each time we took a step by tiny elves. Every time I try to see the elves, of course, they duck back behind where I can't see 'em...


So now I'm getting bug spary and trying that. If I find dead elves and start floating around like an astronaut, I'll report back with my findings. biggrin.gif


Offer the Pikachu fingernail polish remover. He'll 'get off' on it and tart making all sorts of crazy stuff happen. freak2.gif

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I think I saw one of those little elves. I've been told they're everywhere and exist in all forms of machinery. For example, specially trained elves live in the radio and accurately reproduce all music. And there are dozens of elves that operate cars.

Anyhow, once I heard this noise and I turned around REALLY FAST and I briefly saw a little green man with a pointy blue hat disappear behind a box.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Nute, have you considered introducing your possessed Pikachu to Evil Mr. Potatohead?


Mr. Potatohead, as everyone knows, is the most powerful of occult toys--even more so than a Ouija board! wink.gif

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