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Yay, Canada!

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Guest rosencrantz

...<font size=1> >>snicker<< </font size=1>

and btw, it's RCMP you numbskull biggrin.gif

rcm is the royal conservatory of music. i know this because i take their evil examinations smile.gif

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Guest rosencrantz

<font color="green">aw, thanks admiral mango biggrin.gif

nice thread ya started here, rabbit. no wonder i married you :B</font color="green">

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Guest rosencrantz

good grief was that a bad colour to try to read.

am can't sleep cuz i now have BOUGHT my tickets and have a confirmed place to stay in Ireland! HELP MEH AH DON'T KNOW WHAT AH'M DOIN.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ummm what was i going to post here?



Official Forum Newbian


For every wierdness there is an equal and opposite wierdness


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Originally posted by garyah99:

we are considered by many to be the world's melting pot.


Actually, the US is a melting pot. Canada is a mosaic (or if you prefer, "fruitcake" wink.gif ).


In the melting pot, everything that enters becomes united based on what it has in common with everybody else. Everyone starts acting like everybody else: the latinos, the europeans, the african-americans, the native-americans, the vulcans, the klingons. . .


In the mosaic, we celebrate our differences, and form bonds not based on our similarities, but despite our differences.


The one thing I HATE, is our spineless, wishy-washy, boneheaded, idiotic, two faced, backstabbing, lying, cheating, stealing, (insert your favourite adjective here) politicians. They make a great country into a laughing stock.


Agreed. Politicians are evil.


Just thought of something:


Dubya Bush (current Pres. of the US) = Borsk Fey'lya (NJO Pres. of the New Republic)





"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."


[This message has been edited by Flying Beastie (edited May 28, 2001).]

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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by rosencrantz:

good grief was that a bad colour to try to read.

am can't sleep cuz i now have BOUGHT my tickets and have a confirmed place to stay in Ireland! HELP MEH AH DON'T KNOW WHAT AH'M DOIN.


You're going to Ireland and you don't like <font color=green>GREEN???</font> Boy are YOU in trouble!!! wink.gif



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Originally posted by milkshake:

correction, Britain has the worst Polititions, EVER!


You've never seen ****ty politicians until you've been to Brazil. The country has a huge power supply problem(much like the one in California, only it's not in a single state, it's like everywhere) and the president blames the 2 former presidents of not investing enough in energy sources. Even though the last 2 presidents were in charge for 2 years each, and he's been there for over 6 years. Plus everybody wants to investigate all the corruption in the government and he's trying to stop the investigation. He's like "Don't do it" and people are like "why" and he's like "umm... because it's gonna cost lots of money."


BTW, he's gonna go for re-election in 2002.

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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by garyah99:

Boy, am I getting ticked at these stupid pop up ads!!!!!!! mad.gif


I've read through a grand total of 4 threads since entering the forum, and I have 11 of the bloody things open on my task bar. This is ridiculous!!! mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif



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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by Rogue 9:

our previous president made the canadian politicians look good rolleyes.gif


Maybe so, BUT, we pay your equivalent of about $4.50 a gallon for gas, ans it's going up, our government refuses to put any sort of price cap in place, they keep claiming that they are going to pursue conspiracy charges against the gas companies because they ALL put their prices up at the same time, with no prior notice. The average savings account earns .2% while banks are allowed tp charge service charges for depositing and withdrawing your own money, and the government refuses to do anything about protecting Canadian citizens from this type of out right thievery, on top of everything else, Canadians are being told every day to tighten our belts and make do with less because of the economy, but yesterday our cabinet ministers applied to give themselves, what amounts to about a 25% pay raise, with additions to their pention plans, which they only have to work 4 years to collect. I'd rather have ONE crooked Clinton, than 301 crooked cabinet ministers.



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Guest Lord Emperor Zoom Rabbit

I want Saskatchewan!


Rosie shall be my queen, and Guildenstrange her lovely handmaiden...



"It's great to be the king...but Lord Emperor just sounds better."

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I'm declaring Lord Emperor Zoom Rabbit King of the Canadian Empire!


I'm his loyal head Knight of the Round Table, Sir Nitro, Duke of New Brunswick, who seeks the hand of the queen's fair handmaiden to be his Dutchess.


Long Live King Zoom Rabbit!

Long Live Queen Rosencrantz!

Long Live The Canadian Empire!

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Guest Rogue 9

Originally posted by garyah99:

Maybe so, BUT, we pay your equivalent of about $4.50 a gallon for gas, ans it's going up, our government refuses to put any sort of price cap in place, they keep claiming that they are going to pursue conspiracy charges against the gas companies because they ALL put their prices up at the same time, with no prior notice. The average savings account earns .2% while banks are allowed tp charge service charges for depositing and withdrawing your own money, and the government refuses to do anything about protecting Canadian citizens from this type of out right thievery, on top of everything else, Canadians are being told every day to tighten our belts and make do with less because of the economy, but yesterday our cabinet ministers applied to give themselves, what amounts to about a 25% pay raise, with additions to their pention plans, which they only have to work 4 years to collect. I'd rather have ONE crooked Clinton, than 301 crooked cabinet ministers.



Price Caps are the start of Socialism and shouold be avoided at all cost, I pay 2 buxks a gallon right now at 12 miles per gallon and I don't care, I don't want my government screwing with private business, they do it in England and look at there Gas prices. smile.gif



Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

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Guest garyah99

Private businesses are one and essential services are another. Price caps are NOT socialistic, they merely ensure that people don't ripped off by greedy Billion dollar empires, especially when those empires have become a necessary part of everyday life. Oil companies have proven themselves to be untrustworthy as an unregulated commodity. You're probably too young to remeber the "gas shortage" of the early 70's. We were ALL in dire straits, according to the Oil companies back then. As soon as the price tripled, and the government succeeded in lowering the speed limit to 60 mph (from 70), the gas shortage miraculously disappeared. Now, for the past 5 years or so, there is some sort of price hike, which the oil companies blame on taxes, OPEC production reductions, price per barrel increases, and the latest excuse, is that there are too many people driving SUV's and causing a gas shortage. COME ON!!! Just how stupid are people supossed to be!!! SUV's causing a gas shortage??? Any fool that would buy into that garbage should be a politician! for the last 5 decades people have been driving gas guzzling Caddys, Lincolns, Muscle Cars etc, but SUV's are causing a gas shortage???? BULL%*&^%!! These guys are crooks plain and simple and don't deserve the trust of the public. If these excuses were valid, then why are they posting billion dollar profits every year?? If what they claim is the truth, they would be breaking even, or posting minimal gains. In cases like this, the welfare of the general populace is at stake and price caps are very warranted.

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