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Loading Problem


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So I'm done with tatooine. Now im on korriban trying to get into the Sith Academy. I tell Yuthura "yeah take me there" and she's like "what of your companions" and i tell her they are slaves then we go. The loading screen for the academy comes on, and the loading bar goes about halfway and stops. It completely stops moving and I end up having to restart the xbox. This must be a glitch because my CD looks fine. I'm even trying again, and its loading right now as a write this. But it just doesn't load.


Has there been anybody who has come across this and knows how to get around it?

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hi there canderous here

sounds to me like your beam reading lens could be a bit dirty .if you ever shone your torch on to a wall then coved it with paper this beam is reduced by more then half same thing is happing with your console there are air born dust on your beam.

therefore blocking the lens from reading it i havent lost you

there are a few mesures that you can do to fix it you could try buying a lens cleaning disk i perfer wet ones they tend to clean better then dry then after running the disk wait for as long as its mentiond in the instuctions on the disk

this same problem happend to me earlier today i just did what i said above and it fixed it not even needing to reload.but anthor thing is your system near any magnetic sorces like amp or sub or anything like that those can make it go funny .

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