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Guest rosencrantz

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Guest rosencrantz

hey guys. i am very interested to know everyone's opinions and beliefs about premonition. (or intuition, or whatever other word you might call it).

do you believe in intuition? what do you think the source of this kind of stuff is? how do some people "know" things that they have no way of knowing?

this is NO PLACE FOR SPAM PEOPLE. you will incur my wrath if you spoil this thread by foolishness.

and ike, gary, guildenstern, admiral, and fondas, i most definitely want to see your replies here.

thanks people.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Yeah that ship was in Star Trek:Armada biggrin.gif



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Do you mean how some people know when something is going to happen?


I just think it is a weird penomenon , or maybe just some gift that some people may have been blessed/cursed with.


In the Bible it says GOD has blessed people with different gifts, maybe this was one he didn't mention.


But then again I also think most of the time it's just luck. GOD also says "no man knows the future" so I take him at his word. wink.gif So if someone says they know something is going to happen I would just put it down as blind luck that they may have guessed it right.


think about it, if you knew the future or had some instinct on what was going to happen wouldn't you be heading down to the horse track every weekend or getting in on the lottery.

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Originally posted by rosencrantz:

this is NO PLACE FOR SPAM PEOPLE. you will incur my wrath if you spoil this thread by foolishness.


I'll clear off then. smile.gif


Seriously though, I'm not the greatest believer in premonitions/whatever. But it's well known that humans only utilise a tiny fraction of their true brain power, so it's very possible that what we don't use contains some amazing and incomprehensible things, that a few people have managed to harness, whether they know it or not. So, to be honest, I have no idea. Maybe I'll clear off after all. biggrin.gif

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Guest Conor

I certainly don't believe in it as a human manifestation.


I do believe God can prompt people (through feelings and images, both asleep and awake) to see what will/may happen or to react to someone else's situation they weren't aware of.


I don't know how often true glimpses come, and I would bet that most happen in dreams.

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The probelm with Precongnition, having "feelings", or intuition is that it is actaully a human fallicy


If i said "Somethign bad is going to happen to this person" at the beginnign of the day. And nothing happens, i forgot that i said it the enxt day.


But if something DOES happen, i would say "I knew somethign bad was going to happen"


Thus you have a false sense of perfection in your intuition.


Now there are other types of pre-cognition, "gut feelings" and hunches. These are very suttle, and you could think of attributing them to the Holy Spirit, guardian angels, Concesne (little guys on your shoulders) or any other mysterious force.


For myself i have had 3 vivid dreams come true. When it occured i had a strong sense of Deja-vu. Yet, it is in falliable to say all my dreams will come true becasue of those 3 instances, when i probly have had millions of other dreams that have not come true.


I think it just makes life more interesting

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hmm, interesting question and one that i haven't put much thought into.


now, in my experience, i have had, at many times, dreams which have come true, or deja vu, to coin a phrase. I remember meeting some second cousins of mine and remembering that I had had a dream about all of the happenings a while back. deja vu. That's the most memorable for me, but there have been other occassions that were less memorable.


why does it happen? no idea. DOES it in fact happen? Do you really have those dreams of the future before it happens? I can't answer that. It seems like it, but then again, it never really gets into your consciousness until you are in the situation itself.


now, talking about conscious premonitions, that is a broad category. According to church tradition, public revelation ended with the death of the last apostle. does that eliminate private revelations of the future? not necessarily.


Basically, my opinion is that conscious premonitions are possible, through a gift of God. I don't think that people have the brain power which, if utilized, will enable them to see the future. It is definitely something that comes from Higher Up.


unless of course you are dealing with the occult and all that. then your power is from Down There.

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this subject is actually very interesting to me...now i'm not calling myself a prophet or anything by far, just silly things have happened to me...such as dreams coming true (this actually happens quite frequently, but it's just silly stuff, nothing serious. but like K_K and Ike have said, it feels like a very strong sense of deja vu; i can most of the time even mouth what a person i'm talking to is saying while they're saying it.)

also, if something bad is going to happen in any given day, to me or someone very close to me, i can tell. every time someone i've been riding with has gotten a speeding ticket i knew. of course, when i tell them this they don't believe me, but sure enough, they always get a ticket tongue.gif also, i've been in two accidents (with other ppl driving), and in both cases, i had kind of a vision of someone getting into a car wreck right before it happened. kinda freaky, huh? biggrin.gif


darnit ike, you beat me to the post wink.gif


If you live to be a hundred, i hope i live to be a hundred minus one so i never have to live without you!



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[This message has been edited by Andromeda (edited June 02, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

Gut feeling relate to prior experience that is why they often seem right, you have been through something related before and your subconcious processes this, I also believe god tells people stuff, he obviously told the Prophets quite a bit. smile.gif as far as premonitions often they come true because of actions we take because of them, you tell someone they're gonna get a speeding ticket and they feel like proving you wrong and they on't watch for cops...



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Alright Rosie I give you what I think.


I don't think every one who says that they premonitions, is telling the truth. Like K_k I think that most of it is just luck. I know I have felt that something bad is going to happen but it doesn't then sometimes it does. On the other hand I feel that some people do have, and that it is some kind of gift, or mabye the next stage in evolution who knows.


I myself have never experienced it although I do go on my gut instinct on most of things I don't know. When I do it I usaully am right but, I feel that it is more of my subconsious telling me what I already know.


The other problem to proving premonotion is that most of the time it is vague. You have a bad feeling about something but you don't know what it is. So it becomes hard to say if you actually know something bad is going to happen, or just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. If you say had a feeling that a friend was going to get a heart attack around noon and then it happened it would be more proof. I don't think having a feeling is a sign of intuition or anything like that, but more likely it is just a feeling and means nothing.


Also I feel that some people have strange connections. My mom and her cousin seem to have the strangest thing. When one thing happens to the one of them, the other feels it. One istance My mom hurt her leg and later that night my mom's cousin called and asked about it. They don't talk often as they live in different states and the phone costs would be to expensive. Do they have premonition between themselves I don't know. There is something special though.


Going back to myself I can tell what is going to happen before it does. Is that intuition....no. I use logic, and my knowledge of other information sources and then give a conclusion. Some people might do it, then get a feeling which happened to be caused by the info they got. So they then believe that they have had a sense of premonition. As Deja-vu goes I have had it, is it a premonition I don't know.


In the end I think some people have it and it might be a gift from god, but most people who claim to have it don't.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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As I am only a computer i believe in logic and knowledge i do not believe that people can know the future as there are so many variables.




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Guest rosencrantz

hey guys thanks, this has given me a lot of stuff to think about smile.gif i welcome more replies people! please! who havent we heard from yet?...


to gunner: the kind of intuition i'm talking about isn't something you control...you...ok, i dont decide what i am going to have images about next. they just come whenever...your comment about lotteries and race tracks doesn't slide with what i mean...if that makes sense...


to kinnison: your comment about having a false sense of perfection in your intuition is a good point. something i never thought of. thanks smile.gif


just an observation...in the readings and other research i've been doing lately, it seems that females tend to have a higher sense of this "intuition" or instinct or whatever you wanna call it than males do.


to rogue 9: the gut feelings comment about relating to prior experience was also something i never thought of before.


to admiral: you said it's really vague feeling and stuff...kinda like reading a horoscope i guess, hmm? they're so vague that you wait all day for the event to happen and then wonder if it did at the end of the day, or attatch a label to something that remotely resembles what the horoscope said to look for.


ok, so where does that leave a person who experiences a very specific situation? i mean, none of this vague stuff, and nothing like any experience they've had before?

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My grandma once had a very strange experience. She was listening to the radio and they announced the sports results. She wrote them down cuz my grandfather was betting on the results. She showed them to him, and he laughed at her since they games weren't played until the next day. It turned out that all the games went the way she had written them down from the radio! And we are talking about 13 soccer games here all with the correct results! How could she have heard the results on the radio before the games were played? That's some spooky grandma i have... smile.gif

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Another thought i had on Intuition...


These are the Huncches, guesses, and shots in the dark.


Our brains process millions of bits of information, one of the most complex "computers" that has ever been made. There are 2 parts. The concieous, and un-concieous. For basic logic problems we collect all the facts, reason, and then come up with a solution. YOu can see the results in Math with story problems, Writing, essays


Now sometimes we do not get all the infomation that we need to make a logical conclusion. the results are called "A-HA!"


for example... a ripe bunch of bannas are hanging just out of reach in a Monkey cage. No matter how the monkey, climbs, jumps, or curses, he cant get the bannas. He sits down, nad after about 15 minutes uses a few boxes in the corner to help him reach higher and eventuially get the bannanas.


THe momments of "eureka! A-HA! I've Got It" or lightbulbs are attributed to the unconcious working on the problem, and solving it. Maybe it is devine intervation, or the logic of a super-compuer human brain there is no way to really explain it, it just happens and it is pleasing when it does.


anotehr istace of some sort of intuition is when you stare at someone, either they get an "itch" on the back of their head, or they turn around and stare directly at you, even if you are hundreds of feet away. What can explain this? maybe humnas have some sort of extra-sensory gift that enables them to protect themselves. Since we can not find it with scientific means we ignore it, but it is still there.


Just accpet the gift, and learn to use it effectivly

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It's not exactly the same thing, but I have, and with total accuracy, predicted 6 consecutive NHL Playoffs from start to finish... each team, each round, and the number of games it took to win, and I make the prediction before the whole playoffs start. I still can't predict who'll win each game, but at the start of the Avs-Devils series, I said it would be tied after two, and the Avs would win game three.


By the way, it's gonna be Avs in six.

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After reading what everyone has to say I have to think that if their is intuition then most likely it is a defensive mechanism. Think about animals compared to humans, they have sharp claws, teeth, they are faster then us and can kill us (if we don't have weapons) Now how do we protect ourselves we get feelings like it might be a bad idea to go to a certain location. We avoid the local. and live another day.


That could explain why it exist. Women seem to have it more and studies have shown women use different parts of their brains then men do. Perhaps if we did use more of the brain then we could be certain.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb


[This message has been edited by Admiral (edited June 03, 2001).]

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Guest Thrawn

I have a lot of moments when I realise that I've had a dream or vision of the exact same thing. I don't realize that I've had the dream tho until I experience it in real life. I also wake up in the middle of the night and think I didn't do some homework that I had. But it always turns out that I dreamed it up smile.gif


Also, I can predeict when we're gonna have a fire drill at school. The morning of it, my leg always starts to twitch.


So what do I think? I think that they do exist. Just not for people on T.V. like Cleo the Jamacan physchic.



"Noobies Suck"


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Guest Rogue 9

Originally posted by Thrawn:

I have a lot of moments when I realise that I've had a dream or vision of the exact same thing. I don't realize that I've had the dream tho until I experience it in real life. I also wake up in the middle of the night and think I didn't do some homework that I had. But it always turns out that I dreamed it up smile.gif


Also, I can predeict when we're gonna have a fire drill at school. The morning of it, my leg always starts to twitch.


So what do I think? I think that they do exist. Just not for people on T.V. like Cleo the Jamacan physchic.



or is it that your leg always twitches but you only notice it when the fire alarm goes off and you think about it.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

To answer your question, Rosie, yes I have experienced premonition. In dreams, I've see the future clearly twice...although both times, it was something rather mundane. biggrin.gif No plane crashes, I'm afraid.


The summer after my freshman year in college, I stayed in town and took a work study job while my girlfriend went back home to California. About two weeks after she's gone, I had a dream that I'd run into her in the quadrangle on campus, and that she would have short hair. The very next morning, there she was, bustling to class with a new haircut, waving hello. eek.gif She's decided to take a summer course at the last minute and hadn't called me, making it a surprise that she was in town...


The next time was years later, when I dreamed that an old boss of mine was at a banquet in the hotel where I was working, wearing a purple shirt. A few days later, we had a banquet that I walked through for one reason or another--and there he was. biggrin.gif Purple shirt.


So anyway, what does Dr. Jung have to say about programming the subconscious to access the superconscious for next week's lottery numbers while I sleep? I'll give it a try. smile.gif

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Guest garyah99

Hmmm....Good question. There are plenty of instances in the Bible of God speaking to people in dreams, visions etc. I don't know if you would classify those as "premonitions". I think basic "gut feelings" are mostly based on past experience. You been in, or seen the same or a similar situation, witnessed the outcome, and fashion a reasonable conclusion regarding the outcome. If you're talking about a definite, "feeling", insight, foreboding or other deeply emotional or spiritual sensation, I would have to say God is trying to tell you something. If this feeling comes from some sort of occult divination process ie; Ouija Boards or Tarot cards (and I know you better than that BTW wink.gif), then I'd have to agree with Ike that it's not from God. If you want to talk about specifics give me a call, or E-Mail.


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Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.


My theory re: precognizance is that time (as we linear beings perceive it) is like a tree, with branches going every which way.


Each "branch" is created by a sort of "vergence point." A choice that can go either way (like in parallel universe stories). For some people, it may be possible to weigh a huge number of possible outcomes and choose the most likely, then to repeat this process with future options.


It's like a story scenario I once read regarding prophecies. When they're made, every prophecy is potentially valid. but circumstances can change. (In this particular scenario, a secret book of prophecies by Nostradamus came into the possession of a "Council of Watchers"-type group, who had to prevent certain prophecies from coming to pass.)


It's like a kind of determinism, where your path is destined, but you have the option of choosing between different destinies.


Originally posted by rosencrantz:

in the readings and other research i've been doing lately, it seems that females tend to have a higher sense of this "intuition" or instinct or whatever you wanna call it than males do.


And this is news to you? Women have been telling us this for millennia! wink.gif



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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