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resize galactic map area?


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Does anyone know which file the area size for the galactic map is located in? I am attempting to creat a more complete map, but i need to make the current map area alot bigger. I know by looking at the planets.xml file that the current area is about 500 units by 500 units. I need it to be more like 10,000 x 10,000 units or so. any help would be great. thanks.

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HI Taurian!!! I don't know exacly if the space map size is in the PLANETS.XML file, but i know for sure that maps are .ted files contained in the maps.meg. I fear we'll have to wait until the offical editor is released...

try with the values in the planet.xml...maybe it will work...

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Err...I see...but all I have is this..




<Planet Name="Galaxy_Core_Art_Model">

<Text_ID />







<Name_Adjust>-10.0, 10.0, -0.1</Name_Adjust>





<Terrain />


<Galactic_Position>0.0, 0.0, 0.0</Galactic_Position>







Which is the value I should modify to make space tactical maps bigger???

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I'm not sure you can actually make the maps bigger until we can get our ands on the real deal. I was trying to do that so I could fit big planets into a map and rework the layer ships and objects appeared on so they wouldn't mix with the planet model, but there just isn't enough space :(.

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Ok, i made a mistake with the 500x500 units. its actually 1000x1000 right now, approx. i dont "see" this anyware, i am just deducting.the farthest "planet out on the galactic map is vergesso asteroids at -50x-300, since we can see quite a bit further than that out on the map, i must assume it goes to -500, so there would also be a +500 making 1000 units not 500.


as for changing the galactic position, that does nothing but move the galatic core model from center position. the actuall(SP?) galactic map that we interface with is not a map .ted, but something else defined in the game that i just cant find.

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So they're only the coordinates used to place the objects (planets etc) in the right position...

As I said at the beginning of this thread I fear the only way we have to enlarge space maps is to use the editor Petroglyph promised us. I only hope they'll release it soon.

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There may be some obvious reason that this won't work for you, but I read this and thought, WHY do you want to make the galaxy BIGGER?


Size in a video game is a very relative thing.


Do you want more "distance" between planets? Slow travel times. Very doable.


Do you want more room to place more planets? Make the current planets display smaller. Very doable.


Do you want the radius around planets within which fleets can travel to be smaller? Easily doable.


Do you want the type font on the map to be smaller? Also doable.


If you can't figure out how to make the galaxy bigger, think "outside the box" and see if there's another way to achieve your goal.

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i've tried making the plaents smaller and focusing in the camera so the "size" appears the same same. problem is, when you focus in on a planet at that point. the planet dissapears from the background because it is too small. I am trying to make a "real" map, i have an acctuall map, and the coordinates for the systems, i just need room for 200+ planets im adding.

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actually, i am not bold enough to do all that. I would want to make this as acurate(SP?) as possible. I dont have enough info on all these planets to use appropriate models for them yet, mush less maps. just doing the preliminary.

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<Planet Name="Galaxy_Core_Art_Model">

<Text_ID />







<Name_Adjust>-10.0, 10.0, -0.1</Name_Adjust>





<Terrain />


<Galactic_Position>0.0, 0.0, 0.0</Galactic_Position>







What I did was change the Scale_Factor and that make the background for the galaxy bigger or smaller. Problem is after a fight it goes back to its original size.

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"The chronologies book" --- Dont have that one. im using a map I downloaded some time ago, forgot were. but anyway, i loaded into my CAD program and am using its coorindinate function to get the exacts on each system. then having to put it into excel, and make an adjustment to the cooridantes so they fit on the map. it sucks, but its working. I have a pretty cool map if you want. Its massive. probably close to 1000 systems on it. <-- that i am referencing from.

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