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Could someone from Petro explain this?


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Your question would gather more honey if it was made in the Modding forum. Plus make the title "How do you change Ship Names?" :)


There was a very detailed post on how to do it. Use the SEARCH function in the mod forum and you should find it. You will have to use the .DAT editor for the Text I think.


Someone has done this already.


**so that we know how we need to set it up. **


What? can you clarify that, I do not know what you mean.

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Ok, well my bad. That is not possible ASKAIK to change the ships name by default game mechanics.


Only way is via modding. It is not that hard, but not everyone knows how to do it.


Alot of stuff it would seem was left out in order to meet the deadline for release.

Too much.

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I believe if you go into the EaW folder then game data and then data you'll see the names of ships as text files example:Star_Destroyer.txt in that file is a list of names. If you change those, you get new names that are randomly selected

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