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The logistics of the past

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in KOTOR II you get the option to simply decide if revan was LS, DS, Male and Male or Female. And these would have minor yet interesting effects on the game itself, ala characters refering to Revan and he or she, or seeing a Cameo of Carth or other regular admiral. This was all fine and all, but in Kotor III i've been thinking for a time, that maybe they should give us a slightly more detailed option list through-out the course of the game, and they would actually have semi-important results. For example, we get to play a small role as Jolee, in a part of the game, or Juhani appears in a cutscene.


I mean TSL wasn't really that far off, the difference between Male and Female exile games in the end has somewhat different battles and dialogue (Handmaiden or Disciple), and there are differing cutscenes for the destruction Peragus, so it wouldn't be that hard to have make sort of major changes in each game would it? Well maybe not major, but more than minor...noted changes?

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So you want the option to control NPCs temporarily? As for Juhani and Jolee, they could be dead for all we know. DS you got to kill them, LS Juhani could have died on Katarr and Jolee simply of age you know. I'm not quite sure as to what you mean so forgive me if I interpreted your words wrong.

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i mean the thing is, Jolee, and Juhani and a number of others could be dead, but they aren't definatly dead and were pretty important characters.


If you go DS they are dead, but if you go LS they are probably alive. If the Jedi Order is restored, then they could be important characters in its rebuilding.


TSL has a section where you control Mira...could not the next one have sections where you control Juhnai, Jolee or Bastila? The wouldn't need to be mandatory scenes, if they are dead then you could control someone else, or nothing at all.


I think it'll be a little pointless if Juhani and Jolee (two importnat characters) survied the first game just to die at Katarr off screen.


I figured it would add some spice, continuity, uniqueness and replayabilty to some of the game playthroughs.

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I think it would be cool to deal with the past in an autonomous proem to the game, like the tutorial with the T3-M4-like droid in TSL. For example a Jedi adept in some later age would be taking an exam in history, answering questions like, what did Revan look like (a bald oriental with small beard, a rough-looking scarface, a busty blonde with big tits etc), who accompanied the Exile (Mira-Hanharr issue) etc.

The past for KOTOR III would just be to complex to simply lump it up into a few dialogue lines at the beginning of the game, which btw was not particularly brilliant in TSL; Atton's mispronunciations (what would Freud have to say about it?) and his being unaware of the outcome of the greatest war of his time weren't too convincing.

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So you want the option to control NPCs temporarily? As for Juhani and Jolee, they could be dead for all we know. DS you got to kill them, LS Juhani could have died on Katarr and Jolee simply of age you know. I'm not quite sure as to what you mean so forgive me if I interpreted your words wrong.


Jolee: I may be old, but I'm not _that_ old, blast it! :giggle1:

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Of course. :lol:

From reading the posts, I am getting the feeling that this is a way to develop the story before the playing, like a tutorial. Someone suggested this kind of thing but for determining who Revan and/or the Exile is in terms of gender and alignment. This is feasible, at least in the mind, but what of the game engine?

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i mean the thing is, Jolee, and Juhani and a number of others could be dead, but they aren't definatly dead and were pretty important characters.


If you go DS they are dead, but if you go LS they are probably alive. If the Jedi Order is restored, then they could be important characters in its rebuilding.


But they have to accomodate both LS and DS players, in TSL we saw a few mistakes. Such as characters who could have been killed as DS.


I think that if/when the game is made, they will allow you to play as either Revan or the Exile (you may not choose, but you'll play as one or the other in my opinion). That means that, if they want, they could get rid of all the old characters. Kreia is very insistent that the Exile must go alone to the unkown regions.

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Ya but there is a lot of glitches in Kotor II, that is just poorly exected.


And frankly give anything Kreia says little weight. I think all they could do is make a slightly more sophisticated version of what we had in TSL. PErhaps not to the degree of choosing everyones facial appearance, but i'd like to see more old characters personally.

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