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Nequams TSL PCs


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For some reason i don't understand, Nequams mod isn't working properly fo me. The underwear skins are all over the place. I am using exactly the info used in his appearance.2da as well. To be specific, in modela i have pfbam, and in texa nqfba1 (or 2 for the other chick). I searched the forums and didn't notice anyone else have a problem with this. So why oh why do I always get them?

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For some reason i don't understand, Nequams mod isn't working properly fo me. The underwear skins are all over the place. I am using exactly the info used in his appearance.2da as well. To be specific, in modela i have pfbam, and in texa nqfba1 (or 2 for the other chick). I searched the forums and didn't notice anyone else have a problem with this. So why oh why do I always get them?


Are you trying to merge Nequams 2 female PC mod with an existing one? As I could swear that your texture should be nqfba01 or nqfba02.

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Oops, I forgot about a link, sorry. Here it is http://publish.uwo.ca/~achan37/kotor.html


The skins are nqfba1 or 2. The texture variant is 01. so the texb column has nqfba1, the .tga file is nqfba101. This was the first pc mod i added, and although i have added some since, they do not use conflicting files. (I edited his .2da to use others.) I have even reinstalled all the files except the .2da, which i have checked thoroughly. I have seen problems like this before, when a skin is used on the wrong model. But i am using the model he told us to in his .2da, as did everyone else who used it presumably, and i haven't heard of anyone else having any problems with it.

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I haven't personally tried this one, as frankly I'm still stinging from the dissapointment I had playing TSL so I've gone back to KOTOR 1 until I get over it. :p


However, the files are all pretty much the same, so... I DL'd the one I think you're talking about (NewFemPC_2.6) and poked around in the files a bit.


From what I can see in his appearance.2da it all looks just fine. "PFBAM" is just a stock model, specifically speaking it's the default game model for the female scout PC (pretty darn sure it's the scout anyways).


The head models are custom (but assuming they work as intended we can ignore them anyways), as are the body textures.


My first instinct would be to go and check and double check your override folder and see if any other mod you've installed uses a custom model that they left named "PFBAM". If someone edited a model and left the name as the default and you have any "PFBAM" files (specifically with .mdl and .mdx) in \override then your game will try to use those models, which probably aren't compatable with the stock texture layout and everything will be all jumbled looking.


If that's not the case, about the only other thing I can think of is to be certain you're using the right mod for the right game. He's got a female character pack for both KotOR as well as TSL on that page, and they will not work properly if you use the wrong one in the wrong game because the textures use a slightly different mapping for models of the same names.


About all I can think of with the information I have at this point.




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Ok let's go back to the heart of the question. Are you getting the fouled up underwear/skin textures while playing the game or from the character creation screen? If it is from the character creation screen ignore it. If it is from in game itself can you get us some screenshots that way we can troubleshoot easier.

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