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What do you guys think of communism?

Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

I personally like communism in a way. Since property value is basically non-existant, certain feelings of greed are eliminated (notice I did not say all). No matter how much I like communism, I still feel there is room for improvement. I don't want communism to be more like socialism (elect your own leader my @$$) because I feel communism would fail if it wasn't under a powerful leader. Look at Russia, when Stalin was ruling look at how big the Soviet Union became, I forgot who succeed Stalin, but he was overthrown by Boris Yeltsin (I know I can't spell you guys don't have to remind me) and his buddies. What are your views? Please look at it in a neutral point of view, don't let your capitalist ideals cloud your judgments.



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.


[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited June 08, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

Look How many people were murdered by Stalin, and Starved to death because of the 5 year plans. the one thing good about it was the Military was respected, people in the military deserve our respect yet their are many Americans (and people in other countries) who constantly harrass them I think these people should be set to Siberia for a year to think about what they are saying.


[This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited June 08, 2001).]

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

You're post if confusing, who are you saying should be sent to Siberia?


Note: These messages are mainly to help raise my post count.



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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A lot of the core pinciples of communism are very good. Unfortunately, it is simply unworkable, as almost all countries which have adopted it have shown. It's a nice ideal, but, in my opinion, in some ways, not radical enough. My own vision of society is without money, and without leaders, or politicians of any kind. And, I believe, perfectly possible. But that's another debate.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Communism is great - people just get in its way.



Official Forum Newbian


Your more of a newbian than me, now thats saying something!



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Guest Luke Skywalker

comunism suck mad.gif, when it come into a country the death of a lot of people is unevitable, and the people loss their freedom.



"We did it!!!"

>May the force be with you<

Luke Skywalker, 38th Kokou Sentai



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Communism by itself isn't evil. There are communistic communities here in America that have existed for years. Think about the Amish. Because thier ideals are based on a religious basis most people don't think of them in reference to communism, but as far as I can tell they live an almost textbook example of that lifestyle.

The big problem comes in the political leadership of these countries, which is almost always some form of facsist dictatorship or some kind of exclusive socialist commitee who make decisions on what is best for the state. Re-read Orwell's "Animal Farm" again. The problems for the farm started with the power stuggles. Without the all the political schemeing, it just might have succeeded. Maybe. ( wink.gif Actually I don't really believe that. Orwell HATED socialism so much that could never be a possibility)

On paper communism should work, but it doesn't in the real world, simply because on paper no one calculates for human nature, which is undoubtably capitalist. The human mind will always seek the path to self-advantage rather than personal suffering for the good of the state, which is what is usually asked of those who live under these systems.

I'm sure there are sincere and dedicated communists out there, those who truly believe in dedicating thier existance to the best interests of the group, but most of them are living that way because they are told to by the powers-that-be.

That's the real crime of the socialist states: That you are not able to choose if you want to be a part of it or not. Those in charge know most people wouldn't want take part, so the choice is never offered. And those that resist are silenced to keep from inspiring others to do the same. This is why religion, exposure to other cultures, and other "dangerous" ideals are squashed, to keep the populace from forming ideas that could lead them that would eventually implode the system from within.

Of course capitalism isn't perfect either, but it's the best we've able to come up with so far, and it's what's closest to our semi-evolved competitive nature.


But that's a rant for another day... biggrin.gif




[This message has been edited by edlib (edited June 09, 2001).]

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another problem with communism is that everyone would do what they wanted for the good of the whole. In other words people would become engineers and construction workers ect. But what about the really crappy jobs like taking care of garbage, who would want to do that if they didn't have a different choice?



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Originally posted by Grand_Admiral_Ice:

Note: These messages are mainly to help raise my post count.



This is the dumbest thing. I will brand you a Newbian if you keep it up. Post counts do not matter the time your on the forum does.





"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Wally the space dolphin says that communism was an experiment by seventh-dimensional beings who attempted to guide human development, influencing the thoughts of key thinkers in history with subliminal dream implantation of the utopian ideals of equality and the irrelevancy of wealth, which were ultimately doomed to failure in a world whose differing three-dimensional nature introduces an unfortunate human tendency to suck.

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

Then humans are what's wrong with the world, we must die!!!!! So, who shall provide the means for the destruction of the human race.


Note: My next topic will probably be something about "God". If you want a "preview" on how the topic might end up ask some RS.net members when Zoom did one of his Zen topics.



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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