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[REL] Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection

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There is some problem with the completed shroud. For Will Saves, I get some insanely high number, something like -23045367 (that's the number of digits, not the actual number). For blaster bolt deflection I just get a 0.

Yah, I have noticed the "funky" Will penalty number it displays (it's a -5 Will save I believe).. but TSL for some reason doesn't want to display "-5".. :giveup:


The die rolls should still be appropriate, it's just the displaying of the number...


As for the other stat(s).. I'll look into it. I have the stats set to Kreia's Robes as "random".. so a "0" could very well be what was given..


However, I'm still unsure if TSL handles "random" appropriately.. if anyone can confirm that constant values are given each time.. I'll make a "static" value version (unless some modder has already changed theirs.. ;) hehehe)..

Also, the placeable thing in Korriban that gives you the shroud materials will keep regenerating with more materials if you exit the area and enter again.
Crap.. either my conditional isn't setting.. or in my haste I forgot to put it in there :fist: Let me look into that too.. gah! Sorry everyone, but at least we're uncovering all of these bugs ;) For the meantime, just don't go back and get more "materials".. hehehe It's a 'quest' item so you can't delete it and it has no uses on it's own.. so it can't be sold or dropped, be warned.. I'd advise to get your first one, then leave it be until I can check to see of my conditional is firing (or even exists)..


Thanks for the feedback everyone, and let me know if you run into any other problems :)


Also, has anyone had problems with their game crashing after the battle with Batu Rem (the load screen afterwards)? I receieved a PM about this, but I want to make sure and see if it's an isolated event...

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Also, has anyone had problems with their game crashing after the battle with Batu Rem (the load screen afterwards)? I receieved a PM about this, but I want to make sure and see if it's an isolated event...


Nope, no problem with Batu (either the real Batu Rem or the assassin Batu Rem) :marx1:

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hmmm.. odd.. The 'new' area I put in the mod isn't anywhere near that area.. it's in a completely different module.. However since Kreia is present during that scene.. I can't discount the error either :(


I'll look in the game scripts to see of there's anything that calls upon Kreia and/or any inventory switches it may try to be doing.


In your game, what is Kreia wearing during the cutscene? It might be a problem with that since I'm using her heartbeat script, it might be trying to fire (for some unknown reason) during the transition :giveup:


Anywho, let me know and I'll try to figure it out :)

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Kriea is wearing her normal robes during that and after that. It gets 95% done

loading and crashes.

But do you have anything equipped in her armor slot? Like Basic clothing, armor, etc.?


I have Kreia's default heartbeat for her to be in "normal" appearance while wearing clothing, armor, etc. and only change if she wears the listed robes (in my screenshots).. however, just trying to narrow it down to something I might have overlooked, something that maybe I hadn't taken into account ;)

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WEEEEEEEE! YEAH! WOOT! I fixed it! I feel stupid now but i paused it during the fight with Batu and took kreia's clothes off and it loaded! *dances*

sorry ChAiNz!

:thumbsup: Glad to see you got it to work... and there's no need to be sorry ;)


I'll still look into game structure and see what could've caused that problem however. I might have overlooked a .uti or something that made my scripts go all battty.. hehehe


Thanks for the insight, it gives me a good lead to track down any potential problems :)

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I haven't had any crash problems of any sort. I believe Kreia was wearing a Mining Uniform before I got to Telos, but they take your equipment away beforehand so she is not wearing anything besides normal clothing. For the will save thing, it properly applies a -5 save. It is just the number that looks wierd.


I am glad to see these problems are being looked into. You are truly a genius, Chainz ;)

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I am glad to see these problems are being looked into. You are truly a genius, Chainz ;)
Well, I wouldn't say that... more like "lucky shmuck" :xp:


and I had alot of help (the parts that actually work.. hehehe) with this mod thanks to some other very talented modders :D

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I finally got a chance to get back to the game and made it to Korriban. The plinth at the front of the acadamy where you pick up the tattered shroud shows up with the title "Test placeable" or some such. It works and everything, but I'm thinking some other designation might be better :marx1:


Back on the ship, I had the remote cobble things together and gave the stuff to Kriea (great cutscene, by the way!) and all was well in the republic. (ominous drumroll)


Equipped Kriea with the shroud and followed the instructions (both varieties) listed in the item description, but am not having any luck getting it to work.

Here's what I get when I equip the dark shroud:


That appears to be the miner's uniform. Equipping the actual <sic> miner's uniform doesn't appear to change appearance noticeably from the straight "clothing" version. The skin in question is named P_KreiaAmn.tga, and the N_TrayaA.tga and N_TrayaH.tga files are both in the override right along with it. So what am I doing wrong?

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Hello ChAiNz.2da! First of all I just wanted to THANK YOU personally for sharing with me and everyone else all your great MODs, and for the work you put in them --- they have made TSL FAR more enjoyable for me!


I have installed your Kreia's Robe MOD, and I have had a problem with my game crashing at the entrance to the Korriban secret tomb (module 711KOR). After some hunting through threads and with the help of Darkkender, I isolated the crash to the Kreia's Robes MOD. I uninstalled the MODs files from the override folder and re-tried the secret tomb, and it loaded fine. I was concerned that the game might crash in other areas similar to the 711KOR module (Kreia related cutscenes). So I re-installed the MOD and warped to Dxun (when your party splits up) and to the end battle with Kreia, and tried these similar situations with the MOD, and it seems to work fine. Only 711KOR was a problem for my game.


Also, I am aware of the "fix" for Windows98 and 2000 users. I run on Windows2000, so I installed the fix (yes, I did follow the instructions correctly!), and it did not solve my crash problem. The only 1/2 way solution I came up with was removing the MOD BEFORE starting the hidden tomb cutscene and, once the area loaded correctly, re-installing the Kreia MOD... I know it isn't the best solution, but it gets the load done!


Hopefully this is some small help to your efforts ChAiNz, I know it isn't programmer-quality feedback, but at least it may shed some light for others who may experience the same crash (if there hasn't already been others, I am sure there will be), and help to get them by while you work out the bugs.


On a personal note, you have two of my favorite MODs out there in "Kreia's Assorted Robes" and "DarkSword" --- for the Kreia MOD (all crashes aside!) my favorite part is the Medical Facility on Telos--- I have always thought there should be a story tie-in here, but you know, it is horribly incomplete as Lucas Arts left it (and most of TSL, for that matter!). This MOD improves the entire Telos area, and along with DAP make Telos ALOT better! The Dark Shroud itself is one of my favorites (even though I think it made my game crash,hehe!), it improves Kreia's game quality reducing appearance by about 200%! She now reminds me of the Queen from Alice in Wonderland! "Off with their heads.2da!"


And for any one who hates Peragus, I would recommend DarkSword over merely using one of those "skip Peragus" MODs --- I know Peragus is pretty lame, but if you use this MOD and battle the NightSister Witch, you will not be disappointed! I only wish that I could have battled a GROUP of NightSister Witches on another planet, like say maybe guarding the tomb of Ludo Kresh on Dxun, or the shyrack cave on Korriban--- oops! guess I am going off topic there, just thinking out loud --- it would be pretty cool, though!

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I finally got a chance to get back to the game and made it to Korriban. The plinth at the front of the acadamy where you pick up the tattered shroud shows up with the title "Test placeable" or some such. It works and everything, but I'm thinking some other designation might be better :marx1:
hehehe... erm, yeah.. received a PM over this as well. Seems one of my placement tests managed to "sneak" into the release :headbump thanks for the confirmation though ;)


Equipped Kriea with the shroud and followed the instructions (both varieties) listed in the item description, but am not having any luck getting it to work.

Here's what I get when I equip the dark shroud:



Hmm.. have you installed any other mod that overwrites the k_oei_* scripts that the Kreia Mod uses? It's really important these don't get overwritten... rather re-compiled, along with other mods... It looks like the script is referencing the Miner Uniform skin with the Traya Model... o.O


Did you run the installer, or did you drag and drop files to the override? Drag-n-Drop will definitely kill the mod, rest assured as proper references won't be recorded...


Also, is it only the Dark Shroud.. or do other textures not match up either? Such as, Matukai, Ossus, etc. ?




@DarthMaul v.1/2, Thank You for the very kind comments :) and definitely for the troubleshooting.. my apologies for it crashing your game though :(


I'll look into that particular scene to see what is being called on.. since it's a Win2000 problem (I'm assuming) it might take me a bit longer...


But just for re-cap's sake.. you overwrote with the "fix" files before running the installer correct? Also, you didn't have it installed before the fix did you? If so, you may need to completely uninstall the mod then re-do the install as it might be tring to "append" alternate Kreia's entries...

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Hmm.. have you installed any other mod that overwrites the k_oei_* scripts that the Kreia Mod uses? It's really important these don't get overwritten... rather re-compiled, along with other mods... It looks like the script is referencing the Miner Uniform skin with the Traya Model... o.O


Did you run the installer, or did you drag and drop files to the override? Drag-n-Drop will definitely kill the mod, rest assured as proper references won't be recorded...


Also, is it only the Dark Shroud.. or do other textures not match up either? Such as, Matukai, Ossus, etc. ?


At this point, it's difficult to recall exaclty what happened when. First of all, I have both the USM and Vash mods installed. I did install the robe mod afterwards, though, and was one of those who originally had the problems. Here's where things get dicey. I was moving files all over the place trying to isolate the problem. At this point, there was a lot of dragging and dropping going on. I don't believe I've installed any mods subsequent to the robe mod, however, and when I finally did get the robe mod to work, I did so with the upgraded installer.


The things that did work:

1: Game doesn't crash, installer doesn't crash.

2: found the extra area on Citadel Station, got all the goodies.

3: Remote influence mod works

4: Except for the miner's uniform, changing her into other robes changes the color of the hooded robe she wears.

5: found the tattered shroud on Korriban and ran through the entirety of the world crash and glitch free.

6:back on board the EH, spoke to remote. The new dialog line appeared to have it construct the thing. Got the gained items confirmation.

7: spoke to Kreia and gave her the robe. The entire dialog (seems) to work correctly. At the end, I get the lost items, influence gained message

8: Kreia's dark shroud appears in inventory, and when equipped, displays the icon in her equip screen with the working instructions in the description box. Here's where it stops working. Although the equip screen shows her wearing the shroud and the stats appear to reflect the shroud (including the wacky will number), the off hand slots still show red borders.


I can change her from robe to robe and all transitions seem to work except the miner's uniform (no change from standard clothing) and the dark shroud (displays miner's uniform). I tried both the switch from character to character in the equip screen and the travel to new area methods, but neither worked. I even went to TK's savegame editor, removed the shroud, saved changes, reloaded game, saved game, went back to the savegame editor and added the shroud back. Samesame result. The only thing I haven't tried is the cheat console and giveitem command.

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hehehe... erm, yeah.. received a PM over this as well. Seems one of my placement tests managed to "sneak" into the release :headbump thanks for the confirmation though ;)




Hmm.. have you installed any other mod that overwrites the k_oei_* scripts that the Kreia Mod uses? It's really important these don't get overwritten... rather re-compiled, along with other mods... It looks like the script is referencing the Miner Uniform skin with the Traya Model... o.O


Did you run the installer, or did you drag and drop files to the override? Drag-n-Drop will definitely kill the mod, rest assured as proper references won't be recorded...


Also, is it only the Dark Shroud.. or do other textures not match up either? Such as, Matukai, Ossus, etc. ?




@DarthMaul v.1/2, Thank You for the very kind comments :) and definitely for the troubleshooting.. my apologies for it crashing your game though :(


I'll look into that particular scene to see what is being called on.. since it's a Win2000 problem (I'm assuming) it might take me a bit longer...


But just for re-cap's sake.. you overwrote with the "fix" files before running the installer correct? Also, you didn't have it installed before the fix did you? If so, you may need to completely uninstall the mod then re-do the install as it might be tring to "append" alternate Kreia's entries...

Hey, ChAiNz, to answer your question, I DID have the Kreia MOD installed before the "fix", but I cleared my ENTIRE override folder and pain-stakingly re-installed over 40 MODs, because like shinyjedi I was trying to isolate the problem--- and although it is pretty lame to clear your override folder, it is the best and most organized way to get things going the right way again (one of the bumps in the road when you like playing with MODS, EVERYONE should expect these from time to time--- so BACKUP your savegames CONSTANTLY!).


Upon re-installation of the MODs I was using, I DID "install" the fix into the Kreia's Appearance MOD, according to your instructions. I now believe the crash was caused because I head Kreia IN the DarkShroud (off with their heads.2da!) when I entered the secret tomb and triggered the cutscene. I came to this conclusion largely due to the advice of Darkkender (no surprise there, huh? Darkkender is a true Jedi Master like yourself!). Although I have not tried ALL angles of this theory ( I got tired of troubleshooting and just wanted to get back to TSL!), I am fairly certain that all I really needed to do was take the DarkShroud off of Kreia and put her in her regular potato-sack clothing BEFORE triggering the cutscene, but I needed to reorganize my override folder anyway, so I just made it an event!


Like I mentioned before, I did test a few other modules WITH the MOD installed, and the only problem area I found was 711KOR. Now whether this is just a problem for win98 and win2000 users, I wouldn't have the slightest idea (I wish I could be more help!). But hey, like I said, I found a "bypass" for the problem, and the problem DEFINITELY does not outweigh the coolness of the Kreia's Appearance MOD! Not even a little! THANK YOU, ChAiNz!


P.S. BTW, I like your avatar.... "Why yes, damn it! It is time for my nap..."

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At this point, it's difficult to recall exaclty what happened when. First of all, I have both the USM and Vash mods installed. I did install the robe mod afterwards, though, and was one of those who originally had the problems. Here's where things get dicey. I was moving files all over the place trying to isolate the problem. At this point, there was a lot of dragging and dropping going on. I don't believe I've installed any mods subsequent to the robe mod, however, and when I finally did get the robe mod to work, I did so with the upgraded installer.


The things that did work:

1: Game doesn't crash, installer doesn't crash.

2: found the extra area on Citadel Station, got all the goodies.

3: Remote influence mod works

4: Except for the miner's uniform, changing her into other robes changes the color of the hooded robe she wears.

5: found the tattered shroud on Korriban and ran through the entirety of the world crash and glitch free.

6:back on board the EH, spoke to remote. The new dialog line appeared to have it construct the thing. Got the gained items confirmation.

7: spoke to Kreia and gave her the robe. The entire dialog (seems) to work correctly. At the end, I get the lost items, influence gained message

8: Kreia's dark shroud appears in inventory, and when equipped, displays the icon in her equip screen with the working instructions in the description box. Here's where it stops working. Although the equip screen shows her wearing the shroud and the stats appear to reflect the shroud (including the wacky will number), the off hand slots still show red borders.


I can change her from robe to robe and all transitions seem to work except the miner's uniform (no change from standard clothing) and the dark shroud (displays miner's uniform). I tried both the switch from character to character in the equip screen and the travel to new area methods, but neither worked. I even went to TK's savegame editor, removed the shroud, saved changes, reloaded game, saved game, went back to the savegame editor and added the shroud back. Samesame result. The only thing I haven't tried is the cheat console and giveitem command.

Hey there, shiny! Now this is just a suggestion, and I know it is a pain, but did you consider CLEARING your override folder of ALL MODs and re-installing them (with the "fix" for Kreia MOD if you are using win98 or win2000), and taking extra care to make certain Kreia MOD is installed properly (I would probably install it LAST, to make sure another MOD isn't overwriting part of this MOD). I recently had a problem with my game crashing due to the DarkShroud (expounded above!), and clearing the override folder helped me get things figured out. I know it's a chore, but it might help you. I wish I could be more help! Good luck, shinyjedi!

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During the whole "why ain't the intaller working" period, I did wipe the override and start over. I even went into the module folder and removed any traces of any mods. See, there were a couple of other mods that either weren't working correctly, or that I just didn't like in the event.

When I eventually did get the proper installer sorted out, I got a clean install. I had debug set to 4, so I got the whole skinny, and it was all good. All other parts of the mod seem to work flawlessly (aside from the one that I pointed out earlier, and which wasn't so much a glitch as an oversite that didn't affect function at all at all.)

In going back over the whole thing since my last post, I can't recall doing anything at all besides moving some "master vash" mod files from a subdirectory of the override directory to the module directory where they belong. Certainly nothing involving the Kreia mod has been changed. At least so far as I can remember. In any case, I've played this game past the point where the shroud would do me any good. I'm on Malachor already and at this point, the LAST thing I want is for Kreia to be more powerful than she is. I hates me them flying sabers, I does. I do have a save from after Korriban where I can access the robe and such, so I'll be happy to help get things sorted out insofar as I can. And it isn't like I'll never play the game again; This will be my third complete playthrough already, and I WILL learn to mod at some point so I can build some sort of Handmaiden romance fix, since nobody else seems to want to.....

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Hey, chainz, I'd like to start out by saying this definately looks like a great mod... however I apparently am having trouble with downloading it...


I just downlaoded this mod today (yeah, I'm a little late in getting it) and when I go to extract it from the .rar file, I get an error message saying that the file's corrupt, and that it couldn't extract the whole file. At first I ignored the message, figuring it was just my computer freaking out over nothing (like it normally does), but when I went to run the auto-instal...


• Installation started 4/11/2006 2:55:44 PM...

• Modifying file "globalcat.2da" found in Override folder...

• Saving unaltered backup copy of globalcat.2da in C:\Program Files\TSL-KreiasRobes v1.0\Kreias Assorted Robes\backup\globalcat.2da

• Updated 2DA file C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\override\globalcat.2da.

• Modifying file "appearance.2da" found in Override folder...

• Saving unaltered backup copy of appearance.2da in C:\Program Files\TSL-KreiasRobes v1.0\Kreias Assorted Robes\backup\appearance.2da

• Updated 2DA file C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\override\appearance.2da.

• Modifying and compiling scripts...

• Making backup copy of script file "k_oei_spawn.nss" found in override...

• Compiling modified script k_oei_spawn.nss...

• Making backup copy of script file "k_oei_userdef.nss" found in override...

• Compiling modified script k_oei_userdef.nss...

• Installing unmodified files...

• Copying file kds_workb_rep.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204door_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_desk_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_kolto_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_robedone_dlg.dlg to the override folder...

• Warning: Unable to copy file "remote.dlg", file does not exist!

• Copying file k_204tel_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file k_701area_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204door_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204doorchk.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204medcomm.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_compchk.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_desk_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_functions.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_kolto_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_meddoorchk.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_poison.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_robedone_dlg.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file old_204tel_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Copying file old_701area_enter.ncs to the override folder...

• Warning: Unable to copy file "tk_remote_getinf.ncs", file does not exist!

• Copying file P_Kreia1h02.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h03.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h04.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h05.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h08.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h09.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h10.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h12.mdl to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h13.mdl to the override folder...

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h14.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h15.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h17.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h18.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h19.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h21.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h27.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1hMN.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1hOF.mdl", file does not exist!

• Copying file P_Kreia1h02.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h03.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h04.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h05.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h08.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h09.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h10.mdx to the override folder...

• Copying file P_Kreia1h12.mdx to the override folder...

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h13.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h14.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h15.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h17.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h18.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h19.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h21.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h27.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1hMN.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1hOF.mdx", file does not exist!

• Copying file ia_slave_255.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file ip_pltuseitm_255.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file N_TrayaA.tga to the override folder...

• Copying file N_TrayaH.tga to the override folder...

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA02.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA03.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA04.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA05.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA08.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA09.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA10.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA12.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA13.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA14.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA15.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA17.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA18.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA19.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA21.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA27.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaAmn.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH02.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH03.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH04.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH05.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH08.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH09.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH10.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH12.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH13.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH14.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH15.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH17.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH18.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH19.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH21.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH27.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA02.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA03.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA04.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA05.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA08.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA09.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA10.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA12.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA13.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA14.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA15.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA17.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA18.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA19.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA21.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA27.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaAmn.txi", file does not exist!

• Copying file kds_drdprobe.utc to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_materials.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_mech_jrnl.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_mech_parts.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kreia_shroud.uti to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_204_medcomm.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor2.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor3.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_701plcbkor.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_desk.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_invis1.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_invis2.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_khag.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_kiosk.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_lockerlg.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_medcan.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_metalbox.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_partpile.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_pc_kolto.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_plstccrt.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_sign.utp to the override folder...

• Copying file kds_smdoor.utp to the override folder...

• Done. Changes have been applied, but 73 warnings were encountered.





...as you can see, quite a few of the files didn't quite download right onto my computer... I'm guessing these are most of the texture files which makes up the mod, which is why I'm sceptical of playing through the mod right now.



I just got done re-downloading the mod (this time off of lucasfiles, the first time I got it off of your site), and when I went to extract the files, I recieved the same error message about the file being corrupt.



I'm going to try the downloadable fix for the mod. Regardless, knowing this computer, the problem is more than likely coming from my end, and not your mod, but I just thought I'd throw this issue out in the open, just incase anyone else has this problem...



Again, this looks like a great mod, and I can't wait to play it (crosses fingers and hopes the downloadable fix works on my computer). Well, peace out :urpdude:







edit: 0o wow... I just tried the fix for the mod.. and.. well...


• Installation started 4/11/2006 3:27:20 PM...

• Loading StrRef token table...

• Install path set to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\.

• Modifying file "globalcat.2da" found in Override folder...

• Adding new row (index 1013) to 2DA file globalcat.2da...

• Saving unaltered backup copy of globalcat.2da in C:\Program Files\TSL-KreiasRobesFix_v1.0\backup\globalcat.2da

• Updated 2DA file C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\override\globalcat.2da.

• Modifying file "appearance.2da" found in Override folder...

• Adding new row (index 690) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY1 token! Storing value "690" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 691) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY2 token! Storing value "691" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 692) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY3 token! Storing value "692" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 693) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY4 token! Storing value "693" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 694) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY5 token! Storing value "694" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 695) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY6 token! Storing value "695" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 696) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY7 token! Storing value "696" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 697) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY8 token! Storing value "697" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 698) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY9 token! Storing value "698" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 699) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY10 token! Storing value "699" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 700) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY11 token! Storing value "700" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 701) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY12 token! Storing value "701" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 702) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY13 token! Storing value "702" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 703) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY14 token! Storing value "703" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 704) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY15 token! Storing value "704" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 705) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY16 token! Storing value "705" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 706) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY17 token! Storing value "706" from 2da to memory...

• Adding new row (index 707) to 2DA file appearance.2da...

• Found a 2DAMEMORY18 token! Storing value "707" from 2da to memory...

• Saving unaltered backup copy of appearance.2da in C:\Program Files\TSL-KreiasRobesFix_v1.0\backup\appearance.2da

• Updated 2DA file C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\override\appearance.2da.

• Modifying and compiling scripts...

• Replacing tokens in script k_oei_hench_inc.nss...

• Script "k_oei_hench_inc.nss" has no start function, assuming include file. Compile skipped...

• Making backup copy of script file "k_oei_spawn.nss" found in override...

• Replacing tokens in script k_oei_spawn.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_oei_spawn.nss...

• NWNNSSComp says: Compiling: k_oei_spawn.nss

• NWNNSSComp says: Total Execution time = 265 ms

• Making backup copy of script file "k_oei_userdef.nss" found in override...

• Replacing tokens in script k_oei_userdef.nss...

• Compiling modified script k_oei_userdef.nss...

• NWNNSSComp says: Compiling: k_oei_userdef.nss

• NWNNSSComp says: Total Execution time = 297 ms

• Installing unmodified files...

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_workb_rep.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_204door_dlg.dlg", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_desk_dlg.dlg", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_kolto_dlg.dlg", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_robedone_dlg.dlg", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "remote.dlg", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "k_204tel_enter.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "k_701area_enter.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_204door_dlg.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_204doorchk.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_204medcomm.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_701plcbkor.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_compchk.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_desk_dlg.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_functions.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_kolto_dlg.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_meddoorchk.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_poison.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_robedone_dlg.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "old_204tel_enter.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "old_701area_enter.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "tk_remote_getinf.ncs", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h02.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h03.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h04.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h05.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h08.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h09.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h10.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h12.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h13.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h14.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h15.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h17.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h18.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h19.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h21.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h27.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1hMN.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1hOF.mdl", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h02.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h03.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h04.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h05.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h08.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h09.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h10.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h12.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h13.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h14.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h15.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h17.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h18.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h19.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h21.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1h27.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1hMN.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_Kreia1hOF.mdx", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "ia_slave_255.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "ip_pltuseitm_255.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "N_TrayaA.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "N_TrayaH.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA02.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA03.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA04.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA05.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA08.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA09.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA10.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA12.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA13.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA14.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA15.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA17.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA18.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA19.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA21.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA27.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaAmn.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH02.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH03.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH04.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH05.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH08.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH09.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH10.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH12.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH13.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH14.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH15.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH17.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH18.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH19.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH21.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaH27.tga", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA02.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA03.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA04.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA05.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA08.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA09.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA10.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA12.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA13.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA14.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA15.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA17.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA18.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA19.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA21.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA27.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaA.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "P_KreiaAmn.txi", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_drdprobe.utc", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_materials.uti", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_mech_jrnl.uti", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_mech_parts.uti", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kreia_shroud.uti", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_204_medcomm.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_701plcbkor2.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_701plcbkor3.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_701plcbkor.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_desk.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_invis1.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_invis2.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_khag.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_kiosk.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_lockerlg.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_medcan.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_metalbox.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_partpile.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_pc_kolto.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_plstccrt.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_sign.utp", file does not exist!

• Warning: Unable to copy file "kds_smdoor.utp", file does not exist!

• Done. Changes have been applied, but 136 warnings were encountered.




I'm not really good with computers, and frankly am pretty ignorant when it comes to classifying them... I do know though that I'm using a windows XP home eition... if that helps at all :\

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I just downlaoded this mod today (yeah, I'm a little late in getting it) and when I go to extract it from the .rar file, I get an error message saying that the file's corrupt, and that it couldn't extract the whole file.


Make sure your UnRAR-program is up to date and isn't some very old version. There have apparently been some changes or improvements done to the RAR format which might give older programs problem to read the archives, depending on the level of compression selected for the files within.


Also, make sure you cleared your browser cache between downloading attempts. Web browsers sometimes have the annoying habit of caching partially downloaded files, and then use the broken local copy rather than download it again when you later attempt to get it from the remote site.

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I see you guys are still busy fixing some of the technical issues

of this mod, so I'm not gonna take mach of you time. I'd just like to

know if you're able to get those nice new robes though looting and/or

at local equipment stores rather than using the cheat codes.

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I see you guys are still busy fixing some of the technical issues

of this mod, so I'm not gonna take mach of you time. I'd just like to

know if you're able to get those nice new robes though looting and/or

at local equipment stores rather than using the cheat codes.

They're not really "new", just visual representations of what already exists in the game :) The game's natural "random loot" will be the determining factor as to if you'll actually get the robe(s) in question...


This mod just makes it so that if Kreia wears one of those styles of robes, her appearance will actually change to version wthout her always wearing that burlap sack ;)


As for the Dark Shroud.. there's only 1 way in the game to get it "legit".. otherwise you'd have to cheat it in, but where's the fun in that.. hehehe...






Hey man, do you have any type of download accelerator that might be gunking the download up? I've downloaded this thing an ungodly amount of times (from my site) to test it and they've all worked fine :giveup:


Also, stoffe's suggestion may be the correct one.. I can't remember what version I use, but it's pretty recent... you can always try 7-zip and see of that will open the file up... however if your computer is saying it's incomplete.. then it won't really matter. The file size should be around 16.25mb if it's complete.. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

By any chance has anyone completed the game yet with this mod installed?


It installed correctly, worked fine, no problems, loved the mod. Very glad to see kriea's hood colours now matching her clothes (damn diffuse colour things on models)


But now when i reach the very end of the game, i'm greeted with atris!



I was going to try uninstalling this mod and trying again from just before that module was loaded, but the mod involves so many files i'm not sure where to start removing.


I'm not saying the mod is to blame, but from the mods i've added this one seems the most likley. Infact i'm pretty sure its the only mod i've added recently and untill now i've never had this problem.


Another slight bug, was that kriea sometimes returned to her usual model during ebon hawk cut scenes and the jedi enclave segments, is there any way to at least fix the model for those scenes so that she doesnt have the yellow tinge to her robes?


All in all great mod though, and i'm keeping it regardless. Great work :) (sorry for poo-pooing on the thread a bit)

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It installed correctly, worked fine, no problems, loved the mod. Very glad to see kriea's hood colours now matching her clothes (damn diffuse colour things on models)


But now when i reach the very end of the game, i'm greeted with atris!




Check if there is a file named n_darthtraya001.utc in your override folder. If there is, remove it, and the problem should go away, provided you have a save from before entering the area.


If this is the case, the problem wasn't caused by this mod, since it doesn't include this template, but some other mod you have installed. I can think of a few I have seen that have overridden local module templates with non-unique names on the global override scope, causing this kind of problems.


In this particular case, both the Atris you fight at the Academy and Darth Traya herself at the Trayus Core are made from a template with that name (located in the 262TEL and 904MAL modules respectively). Thus, if you put it in override both will be changed.

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