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Darth Traya? (spoilers)

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So when Kreia talks about "There must always be a Darth Traya, one who holds the knowledge of betrayal, who was betrayed and will betray in turn. For the galaxay needs it's betrayers, especially in the dark times to come."


That was a major "WTF moment" for me in Kotor II. That doesn't make sense to me. What the hell does that even mean? It really seems to reinforce the idea that TSL is filled with nonsensical contradictory drivel.


Yeah, you might be right about that.


As far as I interpret it, Kreia wants to kill the force itself because she was betrayed not only be the Sith but also by the Jedi, who cast her out of their order as well. Her revenge goes beyond just messing with either faction, she wants to kill the very thing that gives both their power. She blames the force itself for her repeated downfalls, so she wants to get rid of it altogether. With the Exile's "hole in the force" weirdness, he/she just might be able to do it. It really doesn't explain how that might happen in any meaningful way in the game (at least not one I ever stumbled across), but that's the most coherent interpretation I've been able to reason into it.

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Ok, Kreia said that. And because it was Kreia who said that it has to be right, right?



Kreia could as well be wrong will all her precious predictions and wise slogans.


That particular phrase of her you quoted is almost like Obi Wan's

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes", which is a paradoxon.


In my opinion, Kreia talks a lot of ****.


And I consider her motives a bit erm strange as well. Because of being betrayed by Sith and Jedi (Jedi? Did they actually betray her?) she wants to kill the force (what a lame thought) using the Exile who is a leak in the force (again, what a lame ...).


Ok i stop here, but don't take anything Kreia says as the ultimate truth.

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IMO Kreia thinks that for any belief to live for any struggle or conflict to end it is necessary if not inevitable that some betray their belief like Revan did. Betray in order to save, it is taking your teaching -here the ones of the jedi- to their limits in order to protect them in a sense (though it was never kreia's intention to protect the jedi teachings i think). It is a very remakable statement I've never seen anyone defend that point of view in the past, I got handed to the; that Kreia is a hell of a character.


Kreia did not want to kill the Exile, she wanted to break him to drive in to the heart of malachor where the force runs strong and breaking him in order to great an echo that would only amplify the wound that he is. All she wanted to do is to re-enact what happened at the end of the mandalorian wars on malachor that caused the exile to break of the force, but on a much bigger scale so that the whole galaxy would have to break of it.


Did I get it right guys???

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Kreia is far more complex and manipulative than Lumiya, who is little more than a Vader/Palpatine wanna-be. Besides, Lumiya was not betrayed by both sides - she was the one who betrayed Luke, though she is too filled with hatred to see it herself. Still, I'm glad they picked up on the character - she was wide open to be used as a villain even after the Marvel comics stopped.

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