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Showing the Stormtrooper the door


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Anybody know of a way yet to rid the game of the Stormtrooper who pops in (thanks to little R2D2's projector) and chastises me about letting the Rebels..blah, blah, blah... when a space battle begins?


I've taken to hitting my mute button when he pops up just to muzzle the lad. Anybody?

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I consider the guy an annoyance as well. Same with the Rebel dude. Firts of all they always say the same thing and their lines are absolutely useless. Second, I always though stormies are ground forces that are not in command of an ISD, and also aren't in command of any groundforces. Or for the Rebels, I always though that pilots didn't command ships in te first place and they don't command ground forces either.

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Yeah, Jedi3112 - I guess that's it - the stormtrooper says the same stuff everytime that really doesn't match the situation often and most importantly -who is this guy to give orders to the fleet anyway? I can imagine him giving his orders in Lord Vader's presence - there would probably follow a strange choking sound... :slsaber:


Anyway, I'd just like to be rid of him - I'm so pleased that some folks like the guy - I'd just as soon see him sent back to the barracks to polish his armor and practice with his issued blaster rifle.

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I wouldn't miss him if he were gone. ^_^


Unfortunately, I have no idea how to remove his bossy butt.


I wonder if dookie23 (great name ^_^) has an answer, since he successfully replaced those little films in his pirate mod.

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Please god, get rid of them.


Whenever I launch a battle, I do a quick "scan" of my ships to see their strengths and weaknesses freshly...which is not easy when stormtroopers pop up saying "Bring the Death Star in range of the planet and show this rebel scum the power of this fully operational battlestation!"


Despite the fact I just obliterate the past 5 bases on my way there...they could atleast change his dialoque once in a while...

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I think if you go into one of the xml's with the cinematic or movie or something. Yuo can change the file it uses to a imperial oficer or tarkin. Also you should be able to change the audio too. I don't know much and don't feel like doing it....good luck though!

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Think of it this way, The guys were sent ahead as scouts, they are reporting what they have thought would be best. And yes, it's the same line over and over again, but you realise what type of programing and voice acting it would take to get them to say any possible amounts of information to make it correct? I like him, but hey, everyone has the right to their own opion(sp?):p

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OK, it is only my opinion and I know that some folks like the scrappy little stormtrooper giving his orders to the Imperial Fleet but I'm all for simply removing him from his "post". Last I heard Moff Tarkin was looking for him - something about scrubbing down the garbage bins for his impudence.


It would be greatly appreciated if one of you mod maniacs could tinker with this and either replace him with someone in a snappy looking Imperial fleet uniform or just stop him from appearing at all.


I think this game is the bomb - but every time this guy pops up I cringe. :monkbomb:

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Oh, the situations I can imagine with this guy.


After Luke and Han take care of the 2 stomies.


Fleet Commander: Let's attack all Imperial outposts, because TK421 tells us so.


Or if the guy is suicidal


Stormy: BTW, nice slippers Tarkin (for Tarkins pink slippers if you didn't know)


Stormy: Oh, and while we're at it we could kill Padmé as well, it seems she's still alive. What idiot would want her anyway (in the presence of Vader)


Stormy: Force lightning who would want to use that, the power wouldn't even hurt me. Only softies use Force Lightning (in the presence of the Emperor)

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Orao- is this something you have tried or have a reasonable expectation of working? I really don't want to tinker with something untried here - or turn my ISD's into giant hot dog factories or something.


You see, I'm definitely the end-user here - encouraging real modders as I go. My efforts at modding any game usually cause blue screens of death and things of that sort. Not good stuff.




Probably C3PO right before Lord Vader force crushed him...



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