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Custom Build Laptop Recomendations


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Ok, I looked at http://www.alienware.co.uk but that seemed a bit pricy, I really don't want to spend more than £1500, http://www.rockdirect.com were cheaper but I would like to find a few more sites. most of the ones I found were US only.


Any suggestions.


I doubt I will be getting the laptop till september, so I need site suggestions rather than makes and models.


What do you all recon I can get with my cash?

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I wouldn't spend that kind of money on a laptop. If you want to have a mobile gaming rig, build an itty bitty desktop instead.


You can upgrade those comps, generally get better prices for parts, and its pretty easy to tug around with you.



I good idea but my reason for getting a laptop is that I also use it for coursework, I find it very handy to be able to pick up my computer an take it downstairs, or into uni, something that you can't do with a desktop however small.


I think, after looking around a bit more, that what I want is a bit out of my price range. I'll just have to save up a bit longer.


Thanx for your help, the sites you suggested were very usefull.

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