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Farewell to Rosie

Admiral Odin

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Well Rosie trip to Ireland is coming closer and closer, under 15 days now. So as a proper send off I feel a 15 day party is in order.


So, since this is for Rosie, there will not be any slave girls. But in replacement more alochol will be present. Come everyone and whish Rosie a good and Safe Trip.


Now Speech Rosie.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Originally posted by Innror:

I hope you have a great trip, Ros.


Originally posted by JR2000Z:

She's comming back, right?


Yes, she's coming next fall...


<font size=1>ok who didn't get it? smile.gif</font>


Anyways, Bon voyage Rosie!

<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited June 18, 2001).]

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Guest rosencrantz

speech!? luckily i was prepared for such an occasion... biggrin.gif

*pulls out a slip of paper from her back pocket, upon which is written her speech. clears her throat, begins to read silently, and opens her mouth to speak*

*changes her mind and holds the paper up for everyone to see*

it reads: <font color="yellow"> SPEECHLESS </font color="yellow">


have a good time people, if you puke you're outta here :|

sing lots of karaoke, and don't fret much; there is always the threat that i may return

*HIHIHI* biggrin.gif

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Guest Wraith 5

Rosie you will be missed!!!


Have a great trip!!!


P.S. Do you still have that lightsaber I gave you about a year ago I lost my copy???



I don't have to blow every thing up...

I just like to.<font size=1 color=gray>


[This message has been edited by Wraith 5 (edited June 18, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

*Wonders how people will react to this song*


This is the Song that never ends

Yes it goes onm and on my friend

some people started singin it

not knowin what it was

and they'll continue singin it forever just because

this is the song that never ends...



[This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited June 18, 2001).]

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Guest Wraith 5

I think i am going to have nightmares tonight



I don't have to blow every thing up...

I just like to.

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Guest Rogue 9

you know the only way to get rid of a song thats stuck in your head is to make someone else sing it...I no am no longer humming thanxs however started biggrin.gif

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I have a song for this occasion, too...


*Fires up Karaoke machine and grabs mic (much to the horror of all attending)*


(With sincerest apologies to Mr. Fagan and Mr. Becker, but I have the feeling they'd understand)


*Played with the appropriate celebratory attitude*


Verse 1:

We're gonna break out the hats and hooters when Rosie comes home,

We're gonna rev up the motor scooters when Rosie comes home to stay, we're gonna park in the street,

Sleep on the beach and make it, throw down the jams 'till the girls say "When",

Lay down the law, then break it when Rosie comes home.


Chorus 1:

When Rosie comes home,

so good,

she's the pride of the neighborhood,

She's the raw flame, the live wire,

she preys like a roman with her eyes on fire.


(Set to the tune of Steely Dan's "Kid Charlemag..." er, no,... thier song "Josie" of course. wink.gif )


There's more, but I feel like that's enough blatant copyright infringement for one night.


Have fun Rosie! The old place jus' won't be the same without you.



[This message has been edited by edlib (edited June 18, 2001).]

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Guest rosencrantz

wraith, i regret to inform you that your saber is missing in action :o

zaarin, i actually do intend to take a side trip to belfast...

edlib, thanks for the song biggrin.gif



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Guest Wraith 5

Thank Rosie!!!


Again Have a great trip!!!!



I don't have to blow every thing up...

I just like to.

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