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Got Pirates Working as a Playable Faction


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Well I've got alot more working. Space is somewhat functional. You can build units but not new asteroid bases. Land I have not tried to incorporate yet but you can use the starting pirate forces, which was actually enough to make a nice run on the empire early on. At this point nothing is particualrly balanced so somethings will seem fair and others easy. If anyone would like to help me, or offer ideas, PM me, and I'll get back to you ASAP.


new Version, New map based on galactic conflict. Balance fixes, Pirates now very playable, if anyone wants me to keep going with this I will, I'm starting to run low on ideas



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Excellent, I will definitely try and comment on it later. Three60 has been able to add buildable pirate space stations to his mod so you may want to ask him about it. The pirates as far as I know only have one building so you should just be able to edit it to make it buildable and then have the Black Sun infantry and vehicles available off of it.

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Alright the only problems that I saw were around the IPV, it could be instantly built and could use the boost weapon power ability endlessly. I suggest giving it a build time around that of a corellian corvette or tartan, also you should make it so you can pick to play as the pirates, empire, and rebels as it seems you've replaced the rebel option with the pirates.

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alright I'll get right on it, and unfortunatly theres nothing I can do about getting rid of the rebs. I actually got them all on a list together, but I could not scroll down to get to whoever I made third in the factions file list. Petrogylph has already said the GUI cannot handle more than 2 factions, nothing can be done about it until petro patches it. Also, I'll get right on the IPV and fix that and try to balance everything. Anybody who wants to can suggest balance things for me to fix, I have not been able to play all that much, I'm also going to try to get a new version up soon with more space units, and buildable ground units, still no buildings/stations.

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alright I'll get right on it, and unfortunatly theres nothing I can do about getting rid of the rebs. I actually got them all on a list together, but I could not scroll down to get to whoever I made third in the factions file list. Petrogylph has already said the GUI cannot handle more than 2 factions, nothing can be done about it until petro patches it. Also, I'll get right on the IPV and fix that and try to balance everything. Anybody who wants to can suggest balance things for me to fix, I have not been able to play all that much, I'm also going to try to get a new version up soon with more space units, and buildable ground units, still no buildings/stations.


Again I'm going to reference Three60's Star Commander mod as he has been able to have all three factions selectable for play on GC, you might want to ask him how it's done.

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Okay, here's what you do.


Get to the menu to choose what to do.


Open the menu, and KEEP YOUR MOUSE ON THE MENU.


Click and hold the menu. Then, using your mouse scroll wheel, scroll down to the Black Sun Pirates.


Put your mouse over the Pirates, and let go. You should have selected it. I edited some things, so I cna't get them to start, but it should work.

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I just put up a new version on the top of the list, it makes the Pirates fully playable. Victory conditions and the like are a bit iffy still. I plan on expanded the pirates to have hutt palaces and cantinas, maybe some buildable indegeneous forces, maybe a hero or 2, and most likely a new galactic conquest map for them. And please as you play keep me posted on balance issues, because thats what I am aiming for next. I still know I got the IPV thing, and pod walkers dont count towards cap yet.

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The cantinas and hutt palaces sound like a great idea, what I'd do for heroes is try to get Xizor back in with the Virago. You could also have the pirate fighters be the bombers while the V-wings are the fighters.

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Or the Pirate fighters. V-Wings don't have hyperdrives.


A better idea then, give the venerators hangers as they should have them anyways with V-wings inside them. Afterwards convert the pirate fighters to bombers as I suggested earlier.

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well if there was a guri skin and a guri model, I could do something, its relativly hard to come up with new heroes, you have to do everything from scratch, I might add tani, though shes not supposed to be a pirate

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totally additional, you can still play as both the rebs and imperials, you just have to use the instructions further up on the page to select the pirates, it takes all of an additional 2 seconds

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