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Build your own upgradable remote


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Unfortunately I dont think you can add a puppet to the main PC slot, ie yourself. So unless it was created as a full NPC and replaced another character you couldnt make a puppet.


Just checked:


From stoffe -mbk-'s thread about puppets:


You have also probably noticed that your main player character is missing from the Party Table. This character is handled separately and is not stored in the party table. This means that you cannot assign a puppet to the Exile. Only party members can have puppets.


SO yeah like I said above, unfortunately only the NPC's can have puppets and not the the exile. Sorry. But if you wanted to replace someone you could always dot hat and have it as a fully upgradable npc.

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I thought Dak Vesser had previously had things setup for the PC to have a puppet I'll have to do some searching. On the Partytable in K1 & K2 your PC does not appear however your PC does have a number that the game will recognize. That is "-1" it used in the various scripts that switch who is party leader.


*edit* After finding the original thread I was thinking of the question had never been answered there after all. However the theory of using "-1" may still work as in the following function the usage of "NPC_BAO_DUR" is a constant declaration of a number.




These constants are listed at the top of the "nwscript.nss" file for npc's they also list the PC there as "-1".

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I thought Dak Vesser had previously had things setup for the PC to have a puppet I'll have to do some searching. On the Partytable in K1 & K2 your PC does not appear however your PC does have a number that the game will recognize. That is "-1" it used in the various scripts that switch who is party leader.



As I wrote, the current main character (usually the Exile, but the first party member as well when the Exile isn't present in the party) cannot have a puppet assigned. Since the Exile is always the main character when present in the party she can never have a Puppet.


But by all means, test it yourself if my experience isn't reliable. :roleyess:


(Connect the dots and you will realize why you don't have the option to let Bao-Dur lead the expedition to the Dxun Tomb. If he is, the Remote will disappear.)

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