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Adding Hardpoints???


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Does anyone know if you can add hardpoints to an existing model, that currently has none? if so how?


My current issue is thus:

The shadowclaw has no hardpoints, just a projectile entry. Problem is, you can't have more than one weapon (that I know of) with out hardpoints. Have tried getting it to accept multiple projectile entries, but it just uses the first entry and ignores the rest.


Im working on a ship group - The Corellian Consortium (figment of my imagination) to complement the pirates. Am attempting to turn the shadowclaw into a Lt. Frigate. I've got my YT-1300's working as heavy fighters. But I need more weapons. Would be nice if the YT-1300's could be outfitted with cuncussion (SP?) missles or something else but same problem, no hardpoints.


Help please.



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You can change the existing hard points on any unit that already has them. You can't add new hard points to a model that doesn't have them because it does not have the attachment bones (as Adonnay said above). The Death Star is not really a "unit" it is more along the lines of a galactic-level hero, and does not have hard points.

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Note of interest:


I dont know if anybody else has got this yet, but, did you know that as long a a unit has a hardpoint (connection bone on the model), you can put more than one weapon there?


In my test piece, I was using a nebula-b frigate. Incase you dont know it has 2 turbo lasers and 2 laser canons on it.


one of the turbo hardpoints is called :



I created a new one by copying the hardpoint info, and pasting right under the first, and called it:


making it an ion cannon. added the hardpoint to frigate.xml file, and it works just fine. Two hardpoints, one bone.


I suppose that the cannonites ( :) ) could use this to go and put the "proper" canon number of weapons on the ships.


This would also make customizing ships a lot easier. Just thought I would share.



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