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An idea...


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This is more of a fun idea than a real idea for a mod. I was wondering if anyone could make a fun little mod where we could play as some of the neutral creatures? rankor that snow one and the pit as a deffenive turret type thing, this could be a skrimish only mod, but It would be really fun :p



Anyhelp would be great. Since I don't mod, I have to ask you if you could do it in your spare time. Thank you.

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Ya, that's why I said it could be a buildable unit on the ground, almost like the anti-infantry turret. So, does anyone know if they can make a mod like that? I know there is the rancor inside the pirate mod but it has WAY too many parts... Plus the site he's hosting the main download off of, I can't get to work for some reason...

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I have not the chance yet to play the Pirate Mod but the concept looks very interesting to play the real bad guys to both the Rebels and Empire.


I like the idea of pirate Rancor troop 'pets' as infantry units to tear up the Rebels and Empire!

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