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Well then it would no longer be Knights of the OLD Republic, because the theory is that it was Darth Plagus (Palpatine's Master) that created Anakin and the Prophecy.
I think that theory is bunk, but in any case...


The prophecy existed long before Anakin was born. The prophecy fortold of his birth, and the impression is that it is an ancient prophecy. How old we don't know. I'd venture to say it was around long before the KOTOR timeframe (4000 BBY).

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Apparently if you read the book of Esp3 then it goes into more detail about Darth Plagus and that he was Sidious' master. As for the rest, its only what i have read. But whats to say that he didn't create the prophecy? Just because it sounds old doesn't mean it is.


Edit: Just checked, even Star Wars Databank confirms that Plagus was Sidious' Master and that he could create life from the midi-chlorians. So what to stop him going one further and creating the prophecy?

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The prophecy was made long before KOTOR. Remember Yuthura Ban? How she talks about the "Sith'ari", the one person who will lead the Sith to power (or something)? She was talking about "The Chosen One", just in the Sith perspective.


And Anakin did lead the Sith to power - he just also destroyed them in the end. :)

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