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Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 --- get ready...


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Great Mod! The only major issue thus far is that upon playing as the Empire and attacking Mon Calamari (land battle) the game crashes each and every time at some point in the battle. I am playing medium difficulty and force configuration does not seem to matter; the only consistent thing in my forces is Veers. I get one of the infamous unknown errors. I am running on Windows XP, 2GB ram and a 2.8 GHz P4.

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@Leffe: Do not keep other GC modes (put them manually) after the installation finishes. Hope this helps ;)


@whiflash: Only bug fixes? Heheh.......stay tuned :D . We'll release more info 2 days before the release (it's our tactic ;)).




And some G-R-E-A-T news (direct copy & paste from LF personal message)......


The editor is coming! I know I say that a lot, but it's really looking like it will be soon now. The delay was caused by a few new features that we wanted to get into the editor (both for all of you and for ourselves) before we released it.

YEEEEEeeehaa! You realise what this means?? If the map edittor is released by next week (as we estimate), expect Empire at War: Total Realism v3.0 to blow your EaW experience out of the outer rim, with full remaking of all current maps, plus numerous new planets!!


Stay in our frequency to see this game as meant to be :smash: !

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I agree. Oh, and one more thing @Athanaosis. I fixed my GC problem, but my Venator cruiser no longer fires its laser cannons. All I've done to it is give it to the Empire and increase its shields, but no matter how I modify the hardpoint file, it refuses to fire... Any idea as to why?

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I agree. Oh, and one more thing @Athanaosis. I fixed my GC problem, but my Venator cruiser no longer fires its laser cannons. All I've done to it is give it to the Empire and increase its shields, but no matter how I modify the hardpoint file, it refuses to fire... Any idea as to why?

No clue....maybe you set a "no target" tag for all ships, or the hardpoint wasnt defined correctly in all relative files.


Delete all previous mods and run a fresh install of EaW:TR....works always ;)


[edit] Mod tools might be released sort later, since they might be more complicated, but i don't mind having map edittor first :D

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Wait, what do you mean by a "no target tag"? The tag that says "Fighter, Bomber, Transport, etc...?


1. Fresh install

2. Copy & paste our code lines to yours :)

3. Some cap ships hardpoints have tags that do not allow them to fire and fighters/bombers/transports.

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We do have plans for adding new models, but they are 2nd priority. Besides, we don't have the right tools and this needs more time (making a new unit is not like changing a value in xmls). We are not making new factions like other mods, since if you get 10 factions you loose track of balancing (:importing imbalances where needed), but add some key-units for Rebs and Imps.


First priority is to make maps bigger and more complex. Also, to reach a stable and bug-free version of EaW:TR . Luckily, v2.0 (including HOTFIX) was considered "bug-free", since there was no "fatal bugs" (cause game to crush) and all the reported imbalnces/issues are already solved.


Prepare for some more info about v2.1 two days before its release. We're even working on making a brand new flash site, but this will take a bit longer.

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yes,the editor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ahh i can see it now,most eaw owners sitting at their pc's creating exciting new maps!If the editor comes out next week can we assume that the mod tools are to follow?

Yeah the map editor and mod tools will be a seperate release. The space in between is unknown but it may be a while, but I have faith in petro :).


Btw, I've tried the mod out a little bit and it's pretty fun. The only thing is Byss and Coruscant are so close that it gets difficult to click on either one without selecting the other. lol.

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I know but in SW Lore there was only one route to reach the Byss and that was from Coruscant. It has been said that the Emperor had his own palace there and that the world is in the galaxy core. So when the map has been edited coordonates 0, 0 have been asigned to Byss.


We can scale it down to be much easy but then if you have a fleet in its orbit you will not see the planet any more.

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Next Friday.


ANd if the editor comes out during next week we will relase 2.1 despite that. 2.1 is all about fixing bugs and adding more Galactic Conquest Mods.



3.0 will be a huge job to do since we planned replacing all existing maps in Space and on ground.

Now you woldn't want to play with those bugs in 2.0 wouldn't you ;)

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Okey guys, first of all, a big THANK YOU for you great (indeed) feedback and support for EaW:Total Realism mod. The numbers speak themselves; over 1250 downloads in 6 days and only from our main site, since (this sounds and is more like a compaint more than something to boast of) we got absolutely 0 help from Lucasfiles, FileFront and other download sites where we did apply for the file. Only DMUK from Empire at War.net gave us credits at his news page (which we thanked for doing so), while he's still pressing LucasFiles to take more quick actions regarding the uploading of a single file.


Anyway, this extensive thread will now be locked down by the moderators, since we want a clean thread for the coming v2.1. Apart from a clean thread, we need a new area for feedback concerning v2.1 and not earlier versions. Minor feedback can still be sent to us, either with private messages or emails.


The thread concerning v2.1 will open 2 days before its release, like we did with v2.0. The release date is not specified currently, but it will be 100% one day from the coming week. We know, 4-7 days of waiting might seem extremely long time to you, but we're really working for your (and ours ofcourse!) enjoyment of this great game.


Before closing this final post, we'd like to state this; due to some messages we've got, people are wondering if playing a mod online is doable. Well, simply put, yes it is, providing that both sides have the exact same mod installed. Now, the problem is that most people online are deleting their mods before playing, because many (new players) don't even know what a "mod" is [...]. Anyway, to get straight into the point, because EaW:TR has already proved to be a widely accepted mod, we're planning, after v2.1 is out ,to organise small tourneys/games between the players that have EaW:TR mod (according to the numbers we get for v2.1)......the whole idea is still in progress, but taking in account that we're preparing a brand new site where EaW:TR will be hosted (sponsored by a serious & respectable company -not from PC games business-) rather than a plain html page, we're really looking towards this feature..............more to be revealed in the coming days.


Well, to sum up, thank you all again for your great support and (as always) stay tuned in our frequency ;) !


***The Empire at War: Total Realism mod team***

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