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Hi all. I was just wondering if there is a script that I can add to a dialog that makes your PC or an NPC 'light up' or 'glow' as if they are 'channeling' the force, kind of like the Battle Meditation sequence on Onderon, but something I can put in a normal dialog?



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Hi all. I was just wondering if there is a script that I can add to a dialog that makes your PC or an NPC 'light up' or 'glow' as if they are 'channeling' the force, kind of like the Battle Meditation sequence on Onderon, but something I can put in a normal dialog?


You can use a simple generic script like:

void main() {
   string sTag = GetScriptStringParameter();
   object oTarget = (sTag == "" ? GetFirstPC() : GetObjectByTag(sTag));

   effect eVis = EffectVisualEffect(GetScriptParameter(1));
   ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVis, oTarget);


Set P1 parameter of the script (on the dialog node) to the row label in VisualEffects.2da of the effect you wish to use. Battle Meditation (the friendly green part) is 9002.


Set String Param of the script (also on the dialog node) to the tag of the creature to display the effect on, or leave it blank to show it on the player.

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You can use the battle meditation video effect if that is what you want:


void main()   {
              object oPC = GetFirstPC();
              //Delcare other NPCs you need with the GetObjectByTag("myNPCTag")
              //eg: object oNPC = GetObjectByTag("MyTag");

              ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(9002), oPC); // 9002 is the positive visual effect (The green one)
                                                                                         // You can use 9004 if you want to have a negative visual effect (The red one)
              //Change the oPC to the other objects you declared above
              //eg: ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(9002), oNPC); 


Attach it to a dialogue node and it should work.


Edit: Stoffe beat me :). Use hers if you want a script that could be used for other NPCs.

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