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Game Freezes At The Begin Of Year 4!


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Just after the cutscene between the 3rd & the 4th year was shown the game freezes. You can hear Mannie walk around on the grid but you can't see him. When you switch with "Alt + Tab" between Windows and back to the game I see the background, but no mannie!! Who has got the same problem and solved it? The problem occured with and without patches!




steffen :)

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The music seems to be in a very short repeat, but listen >>> EXAMPLE-DOWNLOAD


I need to correct a little information, the background only appears when I go into the menu of Grim Fandango before I switch.


So I can see Mannie is walking around in the ship because I see different backgrounds of the room.


It's really strange, everything's working (except the music)!


mfg steffen :)

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Could you clarify where exactly you are in the game, please? That music appears to be that which plays just before the Lola cutscene; unless my memory deceives me, it should at no point play during year three or four.


I asked about the music because I once had a problem where the game would have difficulty reading the music file on my CD, and this caused the entire thing to seize up; however, I couldn't even move Manny when this happened, so I'm not sure if it's the same thing.


Have you tried running Grim Fandango off of your hard drive? I have no idea why, but using Benny's Grim Fandango Launcher (it will automatically patch and copy the files to the hard drive if you ask it to) to run it off of my hard drive fixed my problem. :~

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This problem occured right after the cutscene where Domino knocks out Manny. The Music gets into this short loop, and there is at first no background (see my post above) and I can hear Manny walk around when I move him.


Jet 2 another problem occured, which I actually see now.


1: The cutscenes don't run smooth. So they stock a little bit and the speech has an echo.


2: I started the game with the launcher, and he always say that I need to install the patch! When he download the patch and try to install it, the patch says that it doesn't need to be installed because it's already up to date.


Otherwise I try every combination of starting it, with/without compability mode, from disc, from hard drive and so on. I just wanna play year 4! I actually don't even remember the last 3 years!


Thank you for your answers!


mfg steffen :)


Ps.: Sorry for my "bad" english, I'm from Germany.

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