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Help in Knights II


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Okay, there are two parts I'm stuck on in Knights II...


1.) On my LS female where you choose 3 party members to enter then temple and fight those 3 Sith Lords around the end of the mission. I can't kill them at all! In my party, I have Disciple, Visas, and Atton plus that little medical droid but it gets destroyed like 3 seconds when the battle starts.


2.) On my DS male where I killed Azkul. For some reason, I have to fight Master Vrook too! It must be because I betrayed both of them or something. Anyway, Vrook is extremely tough. 2 or 3 hits from him and I'm dead. Problem is, I saved in the battle against Azkul and as soon as I kill him, I have to fight Vrook.

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For both: Use shields.

For Vrook: use adhesive grenades, and stay out of melee range when the grenade goes off.

For the Tomb: Take it slowly, use stims, heal after every fight, save often, don't be afraid to use grenades, and on the tougher parts lay down some mines, turn on solo mode and get Atton to lure the guys to the mines.

I hope this helps. :)

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Those sith lords--

When the game autopauses right before the fight, go to your inventory screen (on the menu/toolbar buttons in the upper right corner, not the action menu in the lower left) and activate a good shield and then activate all your stimulants at one time. Once you have all of those activated on everyone, then start the fight.

Shields, stims, Master speed, and Master flurry, are a great combo, especially if you have 2-weapon fighting. Have everyone throw some nasty grenades in the first round. Change your form to the appropriate one for that situation. Upgrade your lightsaber(s) as much as possible. For LS, Force Wave is your friend, so is Stasis Field. Stunned enemies can't attack you. Change Visas to Jedi support and have her do Master Valor (LS), Battle Meditation or Lightning (DS)--preferably anything that affects as many enemies as possible and boosts the party as much as possible. Pause the game as you see your vitality declining, pause, go to your inventory button in the upper right corner, select the medpaks, and hit 'use item'. Attack the same guy Atton is and maneuver Atton so you get the sneak attack bonus. Pause the game as soon as your shield goes down and reactivate it. If you're playing at low resolution like I do on my laptop and can't see the shield effects well (which means you can't tell when the shield goes off, either), go to the messages tab on the toolbar in the upper right corner and then select the good effects/bad effects screen--it'll tell you if everything's current or not.

Can't tell you about Vrook cause I just haven't felt like playing a DS game yet. :)


Have fun!

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