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Star Wars: Warriors of the Force

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"I guess they're trying to smoke out Tari, little do they know we're already far away.." He said, waving his hand infront of his nose then sighing a little, dropping his hands to his sides. "So, what's so important in this village anyway?" He said, glancing to Tacit.

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"It's a good place for us to hide out for a while - it's small, isolated, out of the way... News of the attack on the city may be a few days away, but at least we'll be safe there."

"You don't very convinced," said Gashon darkly.

"The last time I was here, I didn't depart on good terms. We may have a hard time getting a room at the inn, but we'll manage."

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"Sure.." He said. The group had finally made their way to the village gates, which were lax on security, and the gates were practically sticks tied together. He pushed his way through, holding them open for everyone exept Gashon, who he let the gates smack in the face. He turned back around and began walking again, looking around at the streets filled with dirt, empty carts and clay buildings. A few peons were walking around, but it was nothing unusual.

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"Not anymore," said Tacit, glaring at an old woman who was staring at him darkly. "Let's-"

"What the hell are you doing back here, Geohound!?"

Tacit pulled his weapon from his belt and threw the hilt into the jaw of a man coming up behind them. He kicked the man onto his back and placed a foot on his throat. "Nice to see you again, Tarkov," he said pleasantly. "So, what's new?"

The man growled and began to stand, but Tacit put weight on the man's adam's apple. He choked and fell back to the ground. "Get out," he hissed. "You've brought us enough trouble as it is."

Tacit glared at him. "What's the matter, Tarkov? Did you not miss me?"

"Get out!" he said again. Tacit kicked off of his throat and turned on his heel. "Let's get moving," he said.

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"Tacit isn't going anywhere, and neither are you, Tari. As he said, we need to lie low. If anything happens, we'll leave in the middle of the night and let our assailants deal with any trouble that follows," he said, stumbling forward and falling as his sword sliced through the rope sheath that held it, sliding out and into the ground. He turned around to see a man grabbing it and running off with it.


"GET THE HELL BACK HERE WITH MY SWORD!!" He yelled, flipping to his feet and giving chase, skidding around corners, kicking up dust with every pat of his feet, slowly catching up to the man who was carrying it in his hands. Before long, he had caught up with him near a food stall. Ty vaulted over the stall and into the air, diving onto the man and rolling head over heels along the ground with him, slamming his head into the ground and giving him a few good slugs to the face before straddling his chest and picking his head up with his collar, the man's bandana that covered his nose and mouth sliding off, to reveal a kid.. a teenager.. He stood up, walking back over to his sword and picking it up, walking away, spitting on the kid as he headed back, the teenager lying there, unconscious, bleeding from his nose and lip.

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Tacit caught up to Ty, shaking his head. "Careful," he said darkly. "Another stunt like that, and you'll end up with a reputation as bad as mine. Now let's get to the inn, before the guards get here."


He led them through the streets to a relatively large stone building. A group of gossiping women stood outside the door. They stopped talking suddenly when they saw Tacit, and threw him dark looks. He returned them as he stepped into the cool shade of the inn.

"Hags," he muttered. He turned to Tari. "Stay close," he said. "There are some people here who wouldn't hesitate to... well, let's just say I still plan on keeping you unfertalized."

He walked to the bar, where a large man with a dirty rag was wiping glasses, staring at Tacit. As they approached, he spoke.

"Back again, Geohound? What's the matter, didn't do enough damage when you left?"

"I need information, Grev," said Tacit shortly. "And you've always been the man to come to."

Grev laughed. "Just like old times? That was years ago, kid."

"So you can't help me?"

The man looked back to the rag, and began wiping the counter with it. "Sorry," he said dryly.

Tacit sighed. "Can we at least get a room for the girl?" he asked, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder at Tari. "If I make her sleep in a tent again, we'll both regret it. Trust me."

Grev eyed her suspiciously. "Alright. But I want you out of here tommorow. Trouble seems to follow you around."

He reached under the bar and threw Tacit a set of keys. "Upstairs, third door on the right."

Tacit turned to the stairs. Gashon moved up beside him.

"What did he mean, 'years ago'? I thought you had been here recently?"

"I lied," said Tacit simply. "I haven't set foot in this village for almost three years."

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"And me?" Ty said, glancing at the bartender. "Sorry, I don't have any more rooms, you sleep outside." He blinked a few times, then sighed. "Alright, you guys go on without me. I need to do a few things anyway.." He said to Tacit and Gashon, walking towards the door, holding his buster sword in his right hand, due to the fact that his sheath had been slashed apart.

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Tacit and Gashon continues up the stairs, Tari and Katri close behind them.

"What the hell happened here, Rykive?" demanded Gashon sternly.

"Long story," said Tacit. "And not one I feel like telling at the moment."

Gashon made to argue, but he stopped him. "Forget it," he said shortly. "You'll find out soon enough - most likely an exaggerated second hand account, but you'll get the general idea."

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He looked about, heading towards the closest armory, knowing that a sheath was there that he needed. He made it to the front door of the armory within a matter of minutes, walking to the counter and putting his sword across the counter top. "I need a sheath.. " He said, looking around at the swords. The man looked over the sword, putting a hand over the blade wiping away some loose metal to reveal intricate blue Jedia symbols and markings along the length. "What a.. specimen you have here.. where'd you get it?" He said, looking to Ty.


"Some shop in the village to the north (assuming they headed south to this village, if not, the direction doesn't matter much)." Ty looked to him as the man's eyes widened. "Well.. there are legends about this blade. It was once used by a terrible Jedia with unbelievable powers, he died by the same blade. There is a rumor that this blade is cursed.. now, have you come across bad luck?" The shopkeeper said sincerely, looking at Ty once more. "As a matter of fact, yes..." Ty said, looking at the sword again. "What about the sheath?" The shopkeeper looked around then sighed. "It'll take an hour, but I can make you one." He said, looking around then under the table. "Here, your sword is nothing without this one, this sword is said to be good luck... once used by the opposing force of the Jedia that wielded your buster sword," he said, pulling out a broadsword of the same length of his buster.


"Alright.. i'll be back then.. keep the sword until then. I swear if anything happens it'll be your head.."

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Tari followed Gashon and Tacit as the men led the way upstairs.

"Where will you be sleeping, Tacit? You too, Gashon? Judging by what I've seen of this place, the room won't be big enough to fit all of us in..."

Besides, having to share a bed with either of the men sent shivers scurrying down her back. Ugh, repulsive.

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"Great" Said Jack "I have nowhere to sleep and nothing to do. And I'm certainally not leaving before I get knews of the enclave." He turned to the others "See you around Tacit,Ms.Hrent, and others. By the way,Ms.Hrent, I hope your father comes out of this alive, he's a good man."

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"I won't be sleeping," said Tacit. "There are... things... I have to take care of. Gashon, Katri, you'll be staying with Tari. Katri in the room, Gashon by the door."

He turned to Gashon. "If Ty returns before I do - and trust me, he'll be done his business long before I am - keep him in line. Lay low until you hear from me. I could be as much as a day. Possibly two."

"What?!" yelled Gashon, stopping suddenly. "You expect us to-"

"This isn't up for debate. I have something to take care of, and it's too dangerous to bring Tari - my goal is to keep her alive."

"If it's that dangerous, then I can't let you go alone," he snapped. "I'm coming with you. Ty can stay with them."

"Forget it, soldier," said Tacit sternly. "I don't trust Ty with either of them. Someone will need to keep him under control."

"Look Rykive..." But he knew he was right.

"This is the room. Keep to yourselves, and stay out of people's way. You're already... disliked... after being seen with me. Just be careful."

With that, he returned to the stair case, and descended.


He entered the bar again, and the hair on the back of his kneck began to tingle. THere was a familiar presence nearby... the stranger from the forest.

Keeping his hand on his sword, he looked around the room carefully, his eyes lingering on a few people that caught his attention - a large man in a black cloak sitting at a table of three people, deep in conversation; an odd individual in the corner, their face masked; an old woman with a green cape, carrying what looked suspicously like a bloody dagger... Whoever the stranger was, they were masking their presence well. Sitting at the bar, he ordered a tarkian whiskey - and was charged double for it. He needed to wait until nightfall to leave...

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He walked back into the shop after an hour had passed. His nostrils filled with the disgusting aroma of steamed cow skin and burned leather. He walked up to the counter just as the shopkeeper walked out with two sheaths. "I'm sorry for the color, it seems the leather wouldn't be tanned any darker.. or lighter.." He said, handing Ty a dark colored leather sheath for the Buster swod (which was really a set of belts to hold it in) and a long white-tinted sheath for the broad sword.


Ty looked over the counter as the shopkeeper pulled out the two weapons, setting them in the two sheaths. Each weapon had distinct markings and symbols on them, giving off a white and a dark purple glow. "That will be one thousand and thirty three deths," the keeper said, pushing the weapons over to Ty. He grumbled abit a felt around in his pocket, pulling out a small bag and setting it on the counter. "There's one point five in there, keep the change old man." He said, picking up the buster sheath and fitting it over his shoulders, twirling the large sword and setting it in it's sheath, walking out of the shop.


The broad sword was in it's sheath which was being carried in his right hand. It was also an over-the-shoulder sheath, as the straps were hanging almost to the ground. He pushed the inn's door open with his foot and walked inside, walking to the counter. "Where's the geohound's room?" He asked, and followed the pointed finger up the stairs. He turned a corner and nodded to Gashon as he walked inside. He walked up to a resting Tari. He looked around a pulled out a small piece of parchment from his pocket and finding a small pen sitting on the drawer nearby. He began to write on the note.


I went to the armory and found a sword that reminded me of you, so I grabbed it and got it polished and a sheath for it, so you can finally ditch that flash light you call a weapon. I'll be back a few hours, getting supplies and clothing for the journey for us all. Tell Tari and Katri that they won't have to worry for long, that i'll be back to protect them.


Kiss kiss.



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Tari sat on the bed in the room. It was quite lumpy, and there were more stains on the mattress than she cared to know about - one looking particularly like blood - but she hardly noticed. Her head rested against the wall, as she idly twirled a peice of hair, which she had pulled out of the braid so it ran in dark, straight waves over her shoulders and back, around her finger as she stared out the one grimy window in the room, her mind someplace else.

She wasn't here, looking at the grey-white sunlight penetrating the depressing and gloomy room. She wasn't here in this dirty, cheep, out-of-the way hotel. She wasn't here, alone with only a bodyguard and a soldier. No, she was far away. She was back at the Embassy, sitting on a bench in the grounds, catching up on her studies, the brilliant sun warming her face, and her father nearby. It was just another normal day, and all this was just a nightmare...simply a dream...

The entrance of Ty startled her from her reviere. The man took a peice of what looked like parchment from his pocket, and quickly began scrawling a message on it.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

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