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Is this possible


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Here's how I would do it:


1) open KT

2) find k_pdan_zhar03 under RIMs>Modules>danm13_s.rim>Scripts, Compiled.

3) extract the file

4) open the file with a hex editor (I use XVI32 but any hex editor will work).

5) use Find to locate g_a_jedirobe01 (it should be near the top)

6) CAREFULLY change g_a_jedirobe01 to g_a_Mstrrobe11. Actually you can change it to anything you want so long as it has the exact same number of characters. Do not use Backspace or Delete. If you make a mistake just use the arrow keys to go back and make the correction over the current entry. If you do accidentally use Backspace or Delete, close the file without saving changes and start over again from step 4.

7) save the file after you've made the change.

8) put the edited file into your Override folder.


Done! The easiest way to do it would have been to just alter the source code and recompile, however the source code for that script is not included in the game and DeNCS couldn't successfully process it. Alternatively, I suppose that you could take advantage of Execute script to destroy the old robe and create the new one, however that requires writing brand new code and storing 2 scripts in your Override folder, whereas this only uses 1.


I hope that helps.

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Just a guess, from looking through the dan13_zhar.dlg file, but I would think you would have to change the robe reference in k_pdan_zhar03.ncs. That's the very last script that fires after you complete your training. Unfortunately, that isn't one of the scripts that is given to us as source, but it wouldn't be too hard to write one to give you the item, then fire the existing script.


Edit: Or you could just use Achilles' way, since it seems much easier.

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