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Corrupted savegame with KSE?


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Hi guys,


I really need someone to tell me how this could happen in the game. I used KSE for editing some stuff in the save game but it worked fined until now, I'm at Telos jedi academy, and all I get when talking to my party is this:




The problem is that I keep a backup of te save game but in no way is near to the point of the corrupted one, which means that I should start over (the clean save is from Peragus...).


I would like to know if an experienced modder (or anyone who knows well on the globals and other stuff that affects game line of events) can help me. I'll provide the save game at issue.


I use another copy of the same save file to test my Retro-Mod related work, thus it's a blocking issue.


Further information and pointers:

T3-M4 is locked in the force field, but I can talk to it like if I was actually inside the Ebon Hawk. Party appears unselected but I'm not allowed to select any NPC, this also causes impossibility to move to the Ebon Hawk.


Cheers and many thanks in advance.

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I really need someone to tell me how this could happen in the game. I used KSE for editing some stuff in the save game but it worked fined until now, I'm at Telos jedi academy, and all I get when talking to my party is this:




I believe that is caused by a sloppy bug introduced in the v1.0b patch. If you pick the dialog option where you give up right away when confronted by the Handmaidens upon entering the Academy, you would get into this strange debug mode.


Reload a save before entering the Academy and pick one of the other dialog options the first time they ask you to hand over your weapons and surrender, and it should work.

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Hey there, Blawk. I was just strolling through the boards when I saw your thread. I have good news for you, the problem you are experiencing is NOT caused by KSE savegame editor (incidentally, the coolest utility/MOD available for TSL!). It is a flaw in the 1.0 version, as I believe someone else stated. This problem occurs when you enter the secret academy on Telos and are confronted by the Handmaiden sisters. It only happens when you "give up" right away.


Now for the good news, there are fixes for this available as downloadable MOD patches. You need to go to this site: http://www.team-gizka.org. Team-gizka is the group of modders that is leading the quest to restore the cut-content to TSL (don't know if you knew that or not). On their site, go to the menu and select "downloads" --- the fixes you require are there, available for download and free of charge! I believe the specific fixes you need are entitled: handmaiden_fix and r2f_262imprison_csfix


These fixes are there, along with several others (complete with descriptions of what they do). I would advise that you download ALL the fixes (I have), I believe there is some other important stuff it fixes and they don't interfere with other MODs you may have (I have over 40 active MODs on my current game!), so you don't have to worry about conflicts. Anyways, good luck and welcome to the Knights of the Old Republic playground!

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Please read a little more around the forums before asking a question this is answered in the Padawans Lounge forum in a stuck thread... here. :p


Also because this issue has nothing to do with KSE or mods I am moving it to the Padawans Lounge forum.

My apologies, I just didn't know if it was a game issue that some modder could have fixed or a fault of my own. After searching for it, I didn't find anything, hence the post.


Maybe Bioware/Obsidian doesn't like Light siders :p


Fixed and working again, many thanks!


BTW, Isn't it another bug that, once you get into the Ebon Hawk, you have a first Echani fight with the Handmaiden, and she does not get back her clothing until you dress up yourself and follow up the dialog again? She remains in underwear even after getting out of the ship with your party.

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BTW, Isn't it another bug that, once you get into the Ebon Hawk, you have a first Echani fight with the Handmaiden, and she does not get back her clothing until you dress up yourself and follow up the dialog again? She remains in underwear even after getting out of the ship with your party.

No, that's not a bug. It was intentional :) The only glitch is that you can get an unlimited amount of robes doing this.

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