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[Fic] The Galactic Scream

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Jakane followed Threeda as they climbed up a very steep hill. Now fully awake, he realized that the area he was in was a completely different environment then the disturbing ghost town he had been less than seventeen hours ago. In this area, long grass covered his legs and beautiful flowers stared at him majestically. He stared in disbelief.


"Don't be surprised." Said Threeda longingly. "This is how it all was... when I was little." Jakane couldn't help but grin. Threeda's cheeks turned considerably redder.

"Too many of us were fighting back." She said with no emotion. "So they poisoned the water in all the cities. Because of taxation many of us couldn't afford speeders, so they couldn't get to the streams out here in the farmlands. People were getting diseases and dying, so we covered the streams with the blackstone-marble. The conquerors found that their machine army moves across the blackstone faster, and when they took over they made us cover the whole land." She looked around and smirked, "At least the land that they know about."


When Jakane and Threeda arrived at the rebel base, they were welcomed with haste. Immediately upon arrival, they were separated. Jakane was quickly escorted into a large room with three elderly rhytius.


"Nobel Jedi," said the youngest looking one. " I understand your situation. My daughter made me aware of who you are... and more importantly, why you are here."


Jakane looked at the rhytius addressing him. " Threeda is a lovely young girl." The youngest Rhytius stared blankly at him.


"I thank you but this is neither the time or place for mindless charades of compliments."

Jakane frowned. His blunt analyzation couldn't be further from the truth.


"What he means to say," commented the obese Rhytius in the middle. " is that the urgency of this situation means that we only have time to discuss the necessary basics of our plan."


"what situation...What plan?" Jakane asked annoyed.


"The enemy has used your presence in the force to trace your location. They've found our base... and inside reports say that they've already sent the first squadron."

Jakane was shocked.

" I'm so sorry. I will defend this base with my life." He stated bravely.


"Are you joking? The only way we can ever succeed is if you make it off this planet alive. This is a battle that we just can't win alone. You need to go tell the republic about what you saw here."


"And just let you all die. I can't." Jakane said wholeheartedly."You must. We all made this choice long ago." The eldest rhytius pressed the button on his speaker. " Red alert: all women and children along with Squadron Green 229 report to the underground entrance immediately."


The obese rhytius stood up and motioned to Jakane. He stood and followed, knowing that this rebellion would be destroyed because of him.

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Thanks Jm.

Loyal readers, I present the new EDITED version of The Galactic Scream. Now including spelling corrections and dialouge line breaks. Now don't make me pull a GL and charge you all to read it again. :nutz1:


* In edited version Greedo shoots first. It dosen't matter that he's in no way involved in the story... He still shoots first.*

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Jakane and the obese rhytius quickly walked down a narrow hallway, without speaking one word to each other. They opened a small door to reveal a huge crowd of rhytius women and children. Suddenly Jakane felt something pull down on his neck as he looked down to see an anxious Threeda. His words to her were interupted by a shout from the obese Rhytius.


" SILENCE!" he screamed as the sound died down to a single wail of a baby. " We must exit this base without delay. The demons are approaching. Squadron Green 229 will accompany us, now let's move out."


What looked to be the wall suddenly swung open as the rhytius sprinted out to the shining hills. They ran forward, Threeda holding Jakane to prevent falling. After running across the beutiful hill that had become so sacred to this obscure planet, Jakane finally began to see vehicles.


When everyone had arrived, the obese rhytius divided the squadron into two seperate parts. Part A stayed with the women and children and Part B went with Jakane. Jakane went to say goodbye to Threeda but she was nowhere in sight. " You comin' Jedi?" he heard a soldier say as he reluctantly entered the armored walker.


There was no conversation inside the vehicle, only awkward stares and the ocasional codewords coming from the speaker. Jakane looked out of his sealed window and recognized the mountain he was approaching as the one that his ship had landed on just over twenty-four hours before. A harsh coughing destroyed the silence as the soldiers swiftly drew their weapons. The distinct sound was coming from a bag laying under Jakane. He quickly pulled it up, breaking it open. Inside sat Threeda, with a worried frown on her face.

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Jakane looked deeply into Threeda's eyes as they began to water. He wanted to yell at her for putting herself at risk but he didn't have the heart. Instead he lifted her onto his lap and smiled. He saw the soldiers staring and felt immature.


"Young lady," he said attempting to sound dissapointed. "What are you doing here?"

Before Threeda could respond a soldier came running out of the control room.

"Up ahead... There are four dark jedi and two destroyers." He said quickly. "They're guarding your ship!"

"Can you blast them?" asked Jakane.

"Not without hitting your ship. That's your only way off this planet, Jedi." the soldier said, obviously annoyed.

" You have to use your magic!" shouted Threeda, obviously caught up in the excitement.

"No!" Shouted a soldier.

"That demon-force is the reason we're in this situation."

"It's the only way!" Cried Threeda. Jakane was in shock. He doubted his powers were strong enough to lift the ship.

"I doubt he even can...." replied another soldier coldly.

" Wanna bet?" asked Threeda, obviously offended. "Show him." she commanded simply. Jakane frowned.

"Threeda, I'm not as strong as you may think I am." He stated, embarassed that he wasn't the hero this small rhytius thought him to be.

"I know..." she said quietly. "You are stronger.... I believe in you more than I have ever believed in anything in my life."

"Time's running out!" shouted the doubting soldier. "Can you do it?"

Jakane looked down at Threeda and saw that what she had said was true. "I damn well hope so."

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Lol, If I named every installment that one would be called character development and hype. :bounce1: Glad you still enjoyed it Jedi-Master (or shall I say most-helpful reviewer ever)


Will Jakane lift the ship?

What will become of Threeda?

Does hype annoy you?


These questions to be answered in the next installment.

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Jakane looked out of the bullet-proof window from the commander's deck. The droid destroyers had already began shooting relentlessly, and time had become very real and very much a factor. Jakane reached for the ship, closing his eyes.


He tried to lose himself, to become one with the force, but it was impossible. His mind was clogged with doubt, comparing himself to the great jedi knights and masters before him. He saw the legendary jedi-exile easily accomplishing this task. He even saw those who had fallen to the dark side, like The dark lord Revan or his queen Bastilla accomplishing this task with no thought what-so-ever. He felt weak compared to these greats.


He tried again, this time his mind in question. Was this what he was destined to do? Shouldn't he be better at this if it was his destiny. Questioning himself brought him no closer to lifting the ship. A soldier walked up to him,

"Think about what's happened to you here on this planet! Think about getting off, away from your troubles."

Jakane started following the soldiers advice, remembering what had happened on this hellish planet. Suddenly he became over-come with emotion and the ship began to lift up.

"No," he thought to himself. "Using anger as fuel for power is a path to the dark-side. This is wrong."

Suddenly the ship dropped. A few soldiers groaned. One stood up, with a look of hatred in his eyes. "We're all going to die because of you! You're no better than the conquerers! We mean nothing to you, do we? This little girl is going to be ruthlessly killed by the sith and it's because of you, you swine!"

Jakane had never heard any words so clearly. He looked down at Threeda, who was crying. He looked at the ship without even thinking and it lifted higher than he could have even imagined. A soldier ran into the control room and started firing. Within the next thirty-seconds, all the enemies had been killed.


Threeda jumped into Jakane's arms as the soldiers cheered.

"I'm sorry kid," he whispered "you can't come with me."

She sniffed and wiped her three watering eyes. " I understand. But promise me you'll come back one day."

He looked at her, his eyes starting to water as well. " Okay, but first you have to promise me that you'll keep safe."

"I promise." She said instantly.

"Then I'll see you again some time."


He boarded his ship and headed off, in a bitter-sweet moment. He had gotten off alive and was now out of danger, but the rebellion had been destroyed and he had used fear of loss to make himself more powerful. As his ship left the planet he was in a place that had become far too familiar to him; a place of doubt.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

I know it's been a long time... It was a busy year, but here we go with the beginning of Chapter 2.



Chapter 2: Framed


His fellow Rhytius stuck their hands out through the bars that imprisoned them, trying to grab him, moaning at him. He always hated this walk more than anything. The rougher ones taunted him mercilessly, shouting at him.






"Better run fast... I heard Gystow's not in the best mood!"


He couldn't take it anymore, something inside him snapped.


"Leave me alone you filthly prisoners! You just hate me because I'm smart enough to obey the law! I could have anyone of you executed at the snap of my fingers, because Gystow respects me!"


It had all just come out, after years of buildup. Thoran felt so relieved to release his anger, but his relief quickly turned to anxiety as he saw his master walk down the prison corridor with a witty smile on his face, looking directly into Thoran's eyes.


"M-Master! Lord Gystow. I-I've never seen you in this section before."


Gystow spoke so calmly. "Well, I want to make it my goal to see every part of this place. It is my palace, afterall."


Thoran laughed nervously. Gystow looked at him as if he was the most pathetic thing he'd ever come across.


"Don't be so anxious, Thoran. Afterall, you are the most respected person on this planet."


"I never said that Lord Gystow! Obviously you are the greatest and most respected being on this planet... in this galaxy."


Gystow still looked at him as if he was an annoying insect. "What is your business here, Thoran?"


Thoran felt somewhat relieved. "I've been instructed by General Kahrd to personally inform you that... well my lord, would you rather hear the good news first or the bad news?"


"Just spit it out you pathetic three-eyed Scum." Gystow had lost his cool smile as a few prisoners started laughing. However, they instantly stopped after a cold glance from the Sith dictator.


"Y-Yes my lord. Our... Your armies have found the infamous Green Hills that so many prisoners spoke about. The base has been destroyed, and a crucial rebellion leader has been captured. He's set to arrive shortly."


Gystow's smile returned, but quickly faded once again. "I'm assuming that's not the bad news Thoran..."


"Yes, you're correct in that assumption Lord Gystow. You see, the Jedi, the one you let be in order to track the base.. It seems he's escaped."


Lord Gystow looked somewhat amused. " In case your forgetting, you ignorant little creature, this planet belongs to me. There's nowhere he can go... all of our ships are immobile to anyone besides those who I let leave. And his was destroyed so..."


"That's the thing Master... they misinterpreted your orders. Instead of destroying the ship, they simply guarded it... until the rebels killed them. He's escaped Vamishua my Lord."


The anger grew in Gystow's eyes, he stared Thoran down, and the young Rhytius slave instantly recognized that look as the look his master had given to so many before he tortured them to their countless deaths.


"Do... do you realise what this means for me? DO YOU?!!"


"Master I-"


"Of course you don't YOU FOOL! That Jedi... He'll tell the Republic, about, about what goes on here. How am I supposed to stand up to the entire Army of the Republic?!"


"Master... I'll do everything I can to prevent them from-"


Gystow's face suddenly turned from anxious to cool and calm, almost evilly amused.


"You'll prevent the Republic?! YOU?! Do you think you're really that important?! You think you're the least bit important in my eyes, Thoran? DO YOU?!"


Thoran was more anxious than he'd ever been in his life. "No Lord."


"Now he's quiet...Now he's soft spoken. Let me show you, my Dearly Respected Slave, how important you are to me."


Gystow's lightsaber was out instantaneously. Thoran heard nothing but it's loud red hum. As it touched his head, he felt more pain than he ever imagined possible, and suddenly he understood the screams of all the tortured prisoners, who's bodies he once carried through this very hallway... then he felt nothing.




Gystow smiled at the shocked prisoners, some of them reduced to tears. "Come on you Orange Idiots! Laugh a little. Nobody even liked him anyway... Now for the matter at hand. Any of you want to replace him? First order is cleaning up this mess!"


A prisoner raised his hand slowly. Gystow swung the door open with the force, as the prisoner rushed out, bowing to his new master before grabbing Thoron's corpse.

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