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No more cheesey sith.


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Well, the usual Sith mentality demonstrated in the games is "I'll do it because I can.", which is basically amoral use of power for selfish gain. Their only code of conduct is the law of the strongest. The Sith seen in KOTOR are mostly greedy, violent, arrogant and treacherous, Like Ajunta Pall said, that proved to be their downfall, since they turned on each other and led themselves to ruin.


So you basically see:


KOTOR: Sith apprentices and instructors on Korriban who go around using their power against random people, acting all though while they're mostly nothing more than thugs. Then you see one or two manipulative students who either try to fool you into helping them so they can get all the credit, or threaten you like imbeciles. Then you have the top ranks of the academy, who basically spend their time plotting against each other. You also see the trios of Dark Jedi that pop up on several worlds, but all they do is spot the usual line and get killed. Oh, and there's Bandon, who basically acts like a kid on a power trip, murdering people randomly just for the heck of it. All that arrogance was only a pitiful attempt at hiding his inferiority.


KOTOR II: You see a lot of Sith assassins who don't say a word, just pop up and try to kill you. And then there's Sion, Traya and Nihilus. Sion is basically the usual "kill kill kill" type, obsessed with destroying the Jedi. Traya is the most intelligent of the bunch, with a whole agenda of her own, and she manages to get the other two right where she wants them. As for Nihilus, he could be interesting, but seems to be little more than a mindless devourer of worlds.

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  • 2 weeks later...
But look at Nihilus, the only thing he cairs about is consuming worlds, thats a little crazy...


he dosnt really care for it, its what he has to do to prevent himself from "really" dying, since he is already dead according to kriea. Its like us eating food. If we dont eat, we die. Same applies to him, only he *feeds* on worlds, not pizzas :p

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