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I have a headache...

Commander 598

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After downloading since Friday I finnaly complete it. And to my surprise the installer is corrupt. Thats the second time.


This is making me very angry.


I will try 1 more time at it then I will proceed to say very bad things to the programs creator.




Official Forum Nuclear Terrorist & God of Insanity

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Are you talking about the Imperial Fighter patches and installer from the X-wing upgrade site?


If so, then: Yeah, the installer didn't do anything for me either. I haven't taken time to mess around with it since. Hmmm...

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Yeah, I downloaded and installed the XIS program and the ITP and IFP, opened the program, selected the IFP from the "Open XMOD" window, and then hit "Install" in the program, and nothing. No indication that it did anything. I opened XWA to double check, and nothing, no change to the Imp. fighters.


I tried it a couple of times, then downloaded the installer and patches again, and so far no luck.


Next thing I'm going to do is try it again after making sure EVERYTHING in the background is shut off. I usually disable the anti-virus software and such, but sometimes it's something stupid you don't expect. I had a similar problem once installing Freespace, it was conflicting with my firewall.

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Well if you were smart enough, you would check to see how big the file is...


Obviously the xmod you downloaded did not get fully downloaded, meaning get Go-Zilla




My friend had the same problem. And are you sure you have the XIS 2.2?





I'll do virtually anything to ensure that the Alliance topples the Empire.

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First check to see where you saved the files to.


Then click on the file once, and it should display how big the file is (IFP - 11,142KB -- ITP - 12,880KB).


Also if you had earlier version of the XIS before installing the newest one, completely remove it from you system and install the XIS 2.21 and re-download both patches with a program that supports resuming (DA, GoZilla, GetRight).



I'll do virtually anything to ensure that the Alliance topples the Empire.

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WTF are you talking about.


I'm talking about the recently released as freeware Battlecruiser 3000ad V2.09.



I got 2 downloading programs(CuteFTP&Download Accelerator Plus)


Cute gets about 1.70kbs.


Download accelerator gets about 2.5kbs.


I can't use Download Accelerator because it has a habit of reseting the download if the server is full(Which it quite often is)


So i'm stuck with 1.70kbs with a 134mb file.


That totals up to about 20 hours.





Official Forum Nuclear Terrorist & God of Insanity

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Normally, people actually SAY what they're talking about in the subject or the title. Imagine this scenario:


Topic: My foot hurts...

Post: After it fell off the shelf, it bit my foot. I don't know what's with it, that's like the third time it's bit my foot. I'm pissed. If it EVER fails off the shelf and bites my foot EVER AGAIN, i'm going to murder it and return it to the place I bought it.



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Actually, 598's headache is being caused by Borg nanoprobes I released into the water supply, programmed to find him and build a subspace transceiver in his occipital lobe. Soon it will go online and turn him into a cross-dressing Martha Stewart wannabe. wink.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Why, Earth's of course. I also seeded every comet and planetary biosphere my starships could reach, ensuring that for the rest of time, in this quadrant of space all of the water will be infected with self-replicating assassin nanoprobes, just waiting for an opportunity to find their intended target and begin the assimilation process.


It's in the beer, too, so no help there. wink.gif

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