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Coruscant could easily be included as the first planet.



Your character (a new one) has been found to have Force potential and has arrived at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training. While there, you undergo Jedi training (getting the appropriate feats etc) and take Jedi history tests (for example, Q: 'Was Revan Male or Female?'. A: whichever you choose. 'Correct')


After you become a Padawan, you have various missions to undertake in and around Coruscant until finally, a huge enemy force appears in orbit and launches a devestating assault against the planet. With the help of some character (I'm thinking Atton, Visas etc) you barely escape the planet alive. NOTE: I'm thinking of a two-person starfighter, showing parts of a space battle overhead, but have it like you're going in and out of consciousness.


Finally you arrive at your destination (Corellia would be good) and ask your Master what happened? Who attacked Coruscant? to which they reply 'The Sith, the True Sith'.



Okay, I know it could be better, and is probably a bit too close to the start of KotOR but it does give a way in which Coruscant could be used in KotOR3.




wow. im surprised you dont work for LA


really good. i would love that

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lol, thank you, but it's not quite that good.


I did have some more thoughts about the storyline to refine it though. Instead of the whole 'do stuff around Coruscant then the Sith attack', instead I though the Council (Atton, Visas etc) could send you on a mission to find Bao-Dur, who has gone missing and is needed by the Council for some reason.


So you go to Telos, find him, and then when you go back to deliver him, thats when you find Coruscant under attack and barely escape with your lives.

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tb1 - it doesn't assume anything about the Exile. After all, you can't kill Bao-Dur or Atton, and though I've heard you can kill Visas on the Ravager, I've never done it.


Thing is though, with the whole 'Jedi History Test' thingo, you would actually specify if the Exile and Revan were male/female and LS/DS. Those choice would then determine the makeup of the Council.

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I'm thinking you start on Coruscant with a dinky little lightsaber after finishing all that Jedi training stuff, but then: The planet is attacked by the [nearly]true Sith and while trying to repel the attack you break your newly built lightsaber.


After escaping the battle on board the Ebon Hawk with T3 and HK (both of whom seem to be permanent fixtures) you learn of the location of the 'Master Lightsaber.' You head off to some random planet to find this lightsaber only to learn that you must first collect three pennants before removing the saber from it's stone.


While you fly around the galaxy collecting the pennants, and avoiding the relentless sith (all of whom are Selkath looking things with pink-ish lightsabers), you learn that the leader of this new Sith force is none other than Rexile! The abstard* offspring of either Revan or the Exile!


After finding the last of the pennants on a giant floating city closely resembling New Jersey you're confronted by Rexile! In the battle that so obviously ensues you lose both your left pinkey toe (close quarter combat - and Rexile, wears some kinky boots) and your right ear. After which you dangle helplessly at the edge of what can best be described as a docking station for pseudo-futuristic air ships. Just as you think Rexile, is about to deal the final blow he leans in close to your now quite stressed face and says "I'm your brother!"


After shouting "noooo" for a few seconds you question Rexile, regarding what exactly "brother" means. Is he using it literally or like kids use it?


Rexile shoots you a response but due to the high wind noise and lack of an ear you can't quite make out what was said and soon after fall from the dock - naturally T3 and the Ebon Hawk are there with matresses strapped to the roof. HK says something unkind.


After a breif stint in the medical bay of the Hawk (where you discovered HK's first-aid programming turned him into something of a sexy nurse wannabe) you decide to make haste back to the Mastersaber as to end this conflict.


After a nice little CG scene of the Hawk making a nice gentle landing you waltz down the ramp only to be greeted by a small elfen boy whom appears to be wearing pajamas.


This elf, named Knil, outlines in great detail the dire times the Republic is about to fall into and what the PC must do to restore peace and order. Knil, reveals that the PC is indeed the twin brother of the one named 'Rexile.' He and the PC were both born during an attack on what was supposed to be a leisurely cruise to the cave of 1,000,000 screams somewhere in the outer rim. The PC was abducted by pirates and somehow was involved in a series of slave trades that landed him on Coruscant sometime during the great adventures of Atton Rand and the Jedi hopefuls (another post, perhaps). Once finally processed in a boarding house on Coruscant he was identified by the Jedi scouting agent Visas Marr, and brought to the Jedi Temple for training.


During his youth the PC was an incredible swordsman and quite the class clown; often using his skill with the force (as well as his exceptionally dirty mind) to regularly blow gusts of wind up the female padawan's skirts.


After Knil, had finished his rather long-winded story he told the PC "complete, your training is," and faded into the force.


With new resolve you (the PC) yank the Master Lightsaber from it's stone and head off...


Back on board the Hawk, T3 alerts you to incomming Sith cruisers. After a long and fairly boring encounter with a Sith commander you make the jump to hyperspace - and to Coruscant!


You drop out of hyper-space, welcomed by an armada of cruisers and fighters and all that jazz. Unshaken you order T3 to land in the Senate district so you can confront Rexile; T3 beeps and shakes warning you of the rather imposing Sith fleet you seem to be unaware of. You simply shrug it off saying "it's not real."


As T3 begins to close in on the planet's surface the Hawk comes under heavy fire from the Sith fleet. You, unphased, simply close your eyes and put out your hands... With a feat of Force manipulation not seen since the days of Edrid-Al-Mootish-Tarrill, you plough a path through the Sith fleet, knocking cruisers into each other; watching them explode in wonderous balls of fire. Laser fire from the rest of the cruisers is simply shrugged off of the Hawk's now reinForced hull.


A moment later you're down on a landing pad directly over the future location of 500 Republica... Awaiting your party just inside the old Senate building is Rexile, complete with a Sith Elite Securty Detachment. T3 and HK engage the Sith forces while you and Rexile, duel.


Both T3 and HK finish off the last of the Sith grunts and come near the center of the room to watch the brother's battle.


The PC and Rexile, exchange witty banter regarding LS v. DS. As they both become frustrated with the stubborness of each other they both reach for their weapons.


Rexile's lightsaber ignites into a now familiar red/pinkish hue while the Master Lightsaber seems to be quite unsure of what color it wants to be; it slowly cycles through all the colors of the rainbow.


While both brothers giggle at the lightsabers their both holding HK and T3 look nervously at each other, knowing that this is the end.


In a battle that lasts over four hours both brothers display unrivaled feats of balance and precision as endless thrusts sail just wide of their targets. It looks as if this battle will rage on untill both men keel over and die of old age until the PC kicks up a cloud of dust off the floor and sneezes his final, fatal sneeze. Shortly after the quick spasm that accompanies a sneeze his lightsaber found it's way through back through the chest of the man who was wielding it. The PC slumps to the ground and dies... It looks as if all is over. Rexile is laughing maniacally, unaware of his impending doom.


Just as Rexile, turns to walk out of the Senate offices T3 shoots off a quick succession of beeps and whistles. Rexile, confused, turns to dispatch T3 with some Force Lightening. T3 jumps to the side at the last minute, catching Rexile, completely by suprise. In a feat of acrobatic prowess that hasn't, to this day, been rivaled; T3 rolled around like a garbage can in what at first appeared to be some kind of droid seisure. Then, confused, Rexile let his guard down for a second and T3 striked! With Force-like precision T3 fired the Exile's original lightsaber (the one Atris had kept with her all those years ago) directly through the heart of Rexile.


Both brothers lay on the ground, the force gone from them, for that day belonged to the droids; the droids who would rule the Republic for the next 100 years. During that 100 years the remaining Sith army was remodeled into the grand army of the Republic.


The halls of the Jedi temple once again saw Padawans roam through as blood through an artery.


The remaining Sith once again retreated to unknown space where it's said in-fighting reduced their ranks to one. One master.

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tb1 - it doesn't assume anything about the Exile. After all, you can't kill Bao-Dur or Atton, and though I've heard you can kill Visas on the Ravager, I've never done it.


Thing is though, with the whole 'Jedi History Test' thingo, you would actually specify if the Exile and Revan were male/female and LS/DS. Those choice would then determine the makeup of the Council.

If Atton, Visas, Handmaiden and Mira make up the council, your assuming that the Exile was LS and had high influence. What if you played the Exile as DS and had high influence? Those characters would be DS (mira might even be dead) and thus not Jedis. If you played the Exile as DS and had low influence, even though they would be LS, you wouldn't of been able to train them as Jedi.
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In TSL Kriea seems to push the fact that Revan was a Sith lord... The fact that I always play LS non-withstanding.


I think the production team for III can go ahead and assume that the majority of people who enjoyed TSL did play LS more often than DS. If they go this route it's also fair to assume that even if the player didn't unlock the NPC's Jedi training during TSL they could still have been trained after the game ended.


If anything, going that route would make people want to go back and play TSL again to try and make the NPCs Jedi. I know I was certainly suprized when I first unlocked Atton on Nar Shadda.


I had played through the game twice (once LS and once DS, neither time paying much attention to my persuade or influence) before I unlocked Atton. Since then I've played through it once again unlocking both Atton and Briana and I'm still going back for more. I'm trying a female PC (LS).


I think as long as long as we see the same level of innovation we saw going from KotOR I to TSL, then we should be in for quite the big and open gameplay experience from KotOR III.

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  • 4 weeks later...

KyleOfHarpenden, the xbox 360 is powerful enough.


Custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU

• Three symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each

• Two hardware threads per core; six hardware threads total

• VMX-128 vector unit per core; three total

• 128 VMX-128 registers per hardware thread

• 1 MB L2 cache


CPU Game Math Performance

• 9 billion dot product operations per second


Custom ATI Graphics Processor

• 500MHz processor

• 10 MB of embedded DRAM

• 48-way parallel floating-point dynamically scheduled shader pipelines

• Unified shader architecture


Polygon Performance

• 500 million triangles per second



Pixel Fill Rate

• 16 gigasamples per second fill rate using 4x MSAA


Shader Performance

• 48 billion shader operations per second



• 512 MB of GDDR3 RAM

• 700 MHz of DDR

• Unified memory architecture


Memory Bandwidth • 22.4 GB/s memory interface bus bandwidth

• 256 GB/s memory bandwidth to EDRAM

• 21.6 GB/s front-side bus


Overall System Floating-Point Performance

• 1 teraflop



• Detachable and upgradeable 20GB hard drive

• 12x dual-layer DVD-ROM

• Memory Unit support starting at 64 MB



• Support for up to four wireless game controllers

• Three USB 2.0 ports

• Two memory unit slots


Optimized for Online

• Instant, out-of-the-box access to Xbox Live features with broadband service, including Xbox Live Marketplace for downloadable content, gamer profile for digital identity, and voice chat to talk to friends while playing games, watching movies or listening to music

• Built-in Ethernet port

• Wi-Fi ready: 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g

• Video camera ready


Digital Media Support

• Support for DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, WMA CD, MP3 CD, JPEG Photo CD

• Ability to stream media from portable music devices, digital cameras and Windows XP-based PCs

• Ability to rip music to the Xbox 360 hard drive • Custom playlists in every game

• Built-in Media Center Extender for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005

• Interactive, full-screen 3-D visualizers


High-Definition Game Support

• All games supported at 16:9, 720p and 1080i, anti-aliasing

• Standard-definition and high-definition video output supported



• Multichannel surround sound output

• Supports 48KHz 16-bit audio

• 320 independent decompression channels

• 32-bit audio processing

• Over 256 audio channels



System Orientation

• Stands vertically or horizontally


Customizable Face Plates

• Interchangeable to personalize the console



I'm sure they'd be able to make coruscant. Just look @ Tom Clancy's Recon: Advanced Warfighter.

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