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New Indy game could revolutionize game physics


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This story is a few days old but definately a goodie. There is much more to the article like the full text and even videos, but I don't want to get in trouble by simply copying and pasting their entire article. Here is an excerpt:


With its upcoming Indiana Jones title, LucasArts may be onto something. Utilizing a run-time animation technology called euphoria, the game is poised to push the limits of what was previously possible. The company that developed the technology, NaturalMotion, has been working for years to hone euphoria to accurately replicate real-world physics such as strength, weight, and momentum with in-game character models. Whereas before, all animations had to be pre-programmed, euphoria allows for reactions and behaviors to occur in real-time -- allowing models to react realistically to whatever situation might arise.


To be clear, euphoria is not an AI program, it's an animation technology that allows for physically accurate behaviors. The AI is programmed by the developer, in this case LucasArts, into the euphoria models to control them. What we saw at LucasArts was the marriage of euphoria physics and LucasArts A.I. scripts.

From what I have read and seen in the videos, I hope Lucasarts makes a quality Indiana Jones game but also licenses this for future games.

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